
chapter 7

61: Backlash, it can only be said to be backlash

A night of silence.

The next morning, Arthur woke up from his sleep.

He looked at the cute little girl sleeping soundly in his arms, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Last night, he sucked the little guy hard for a while before letting it go.

This little thing kept struggling to run away when he was sucking it. After Arthur finally let it go, it didn't know where to hide in a corner.

Unexpectedly, after Arthur fell asleep, it slipped back into his arms and snuggled up to Arthur until this morning.

It is worth mentioning that this little milk dog does not have the milky fragrance that is unique to pet puppies, but it exudes the fragrance of some kind of flowers and plants.

Arthur recalled it in his mind and found that the smell came from a plant called night vanilla.

This herb has a calming effect and can help people fall asleep better.

Not only that, Arthur also remembered that Old Neil said in the original book that this herb was loved by the goddess of the night, and the candles made from it symbolized the night in ritual magic.

The dog given to him by the Earth Mother smelled of the herbs that the Night Goddess liked.


Arthur, who was an artist in his previous life, could not help but conjure up millions of words of plot, plus a few G scenes.

Of course, these things must not be leaked at all.

Otherwise, the owner of the title of "blasphemer" in this world will have to be replaced on the spot.

Then the next second, Arthur will either go to the Night Town to become Zaratul's roommate, or he will be directly killed.

So to be on the safe side, he simply kneaded the things he had just thought of and stuffed them all into the emblem, pretending that nothing happened.

Arthur looked at the sleeping puppy, stretched out his hand and rubbed it gently, and then couldn't help but smile:

"This little guy forgot to retract his tongue while sleeping."

Just like the cats and dogs he saw in the video when Yun kept pets in his previous life, they would sometimes forget to retract their tongues when sleeping, leaving a little pink tip of their tongue exposed.

This makes them look doubly cute.

A smirk appeared on Arthur's face. He stretched out his thumb and index finger, and with a gesture that would make Koreans furious, pinched the exposed pink tip of the little milk dog's tongue.

Then, he gently pulled the little guy's tongue out a little, and started playing with it with his index finger.

Arthur was so focused on playing that he didn't notice that the little puppy had gradually woken up under his teasing.


The puppy barked softly and looked at Arthur with an aggrieved look.

"Uh..." Even though Arthur was quite thick-skinned, he still felt a little embarrassed when he was caught on the spot while playing with someone's tongue.

Fortunately, at this moment, there was a knock on the door of Arthur's room, which allowed him to avoid the puppy's aggrieved gaze.

"Huh? Madam, you actually knocked on the door this time. I thought...ahem."

Arthur actually wanted to say, I thought you wouldn't leave the door, but luckily he stopped the car at the last moment.

Bernadette glanced at him and did not respond to what he just said. Instead, she moved her gaze to the little white dog sitting on the bed.

"Who is this little guy?" she asked curiously.

"Uh... I picked this up on the road yesterday. I saw it was cute, so I brought it back." Naturally, Arthur would not tell the truth about this kind of thing.

"It's really cute." Bernadette stretched out her fingers to tease the little white dog, and then asked:

"Does it have a name?"

"I haven't had time to get it yet." Arthur scratched his face and found that he was so obsessed with sucking dogs that he forgot about this important matter.

"Then...get one now?" Bernadette held the little puppy in her arms and stroked it gently.

Seeing this scene, Arthur couldn't help but recall what Bishop Laman said yesterday that this little guy has the ability to "affiliate all things".

Sure enough, cuteness is justice... He sighed inwardly, and then said:

"How about calling me Xiaobai? It's simple, clear and vivid."

He himself is a bad namer, and he doesn't know much about Western naming methods, so he just chose such a name.

Arthur thought the name was pretty good, easy to pronounce and easy to remember.

But what he didn't expect was that after hearing this name, the little puppy in Bernadette's arms suddenly started to growl dissatisfied.

"It doesn't seem to like this name very much." Bernadette said with a chuckle.

She stretched out her hand to comfort the little guy, thought for a moment, and then said:

"Otherwise... let's call you Alsace. I hope you can grow up to be as outstanding as that prince."


What do you mean by shooting yourself in the foot? This is a typical example.

He had deceived Bernadette before, boasting that Alsace was unparalleled in the sky and on earth, wise and martial, capable of fighting, benevolent and courageous, diligent in government and caring for the people.

It was as if all the qualities of an excellent emperor in his previous life were placed in Alsace.

In Bernadette's mind, she probably regarded Alsace as a perfect character template to some extent.

Therefore, when she was thinking about naming the puppy, her first thought was to name it "Alsace".

Backlash can only be said to be backlash.

"Madam, there is a saying in my hometown that a bad name makes a living. This little guy is just an ordinary little dog. I'm afraid it won't be able to bear such a glorious name." Arthur persuaded hard, trying to make a living. Huang Beibei changed his name.

But Huang Beibei didn't know for what purpose, but he just recognized this name.

"It doesn't matter, this is just my best wishes for it. As for ordinary..."

Bernadette raised her head, looked at Arthur and said:

"I don't think it will be just an ordinary puppy if even my prying eyes can't see through its origins."

Upon hearing these words, Arthur immediately looked at his nose, his nose and his heart, and immediately started to pretend to be dumbfounded.

Bernadette didn't get to the bottom of this issue because she knew where Arthur went yesterday.

Arthur went to the territory controlled by the Earth Mother Church and brought back a puppy when he came back.

As a voyeur, Bernadette is accustomed to using her peeping eyes to observe things around her.

Under her influence, Cattleya also developed the same habit.

But what surprised her was that after she used her voyeuristic eyes to look at the little puppy, she couldn't see any information.

If it was just an ordinary puppy, then Bernadette could at least see its origin.

So she knew that this could never be an ordinary dog.

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62 Ah, my son

Last night, Bernadette actually came over once, wanting to ask Arthur some questions and confirm some things.

Unexpectedly, I happened to see the embarrassing scene of Arthur sucking the dog.

With no other choice, Bernadette had no choice but to leave and come back this morning.

In order to avoid encountering the situation last night, she specially knocked on the door this time to give Arthur time to sort out his image.

"Its name is Alsace, what do you think?" Bernadette ignored Arthur's pretense of stupidity.

"彳亍...ba." Arthur had no choice but to accept the reality.

Well, the first name is Alsace, and the nickname is Xiaobai... He murmured silently in his heart.

"Well, when the prince's father named him, it shouldn't be such a dull scene, right?"

Bernadette chuckled, then handed the puppy back to Arthur and said:

"Life needs a sense of ritual, right?"

"Is this... now?" Arthur reached out and took Xiao Bai, a little confused about Huang Beibei's intention.

"Let's do it now. It's early morning, which means new life." Bernadette looked out the window and said in a calm voice.

Arthur looked down at the little puppy in his arms and found that it was also looking at him with expectant eyes, seeming to be very interested in the naming ceremony.

But there is a ghost naming ceremony in Alsace!

Even if there were, Arthur didn't know how to do it.

However, after all, he had seen a lot in his previous life and was relatively familiar with various famous scenes.

So, Arthur simply made one up on the spot.

I saw him walking to the window, just like the newborn Simba was lifted up in the Lion King animation, he lifted the puppy up and made it face the window.

The golden sun outside the window seemed to rise from the sea, casting warm sunlight into the room.

Xiaobai's snow-white hair seemed to be covered with a layer of golden gauze under the early morning sun, looking extremely sacred.

Arthur cleared his throat, making his voice deep and magnetic.

He chanted slowly and solemnly:

"My child, when you were born, Lo...the depths of the spirit world whispered your name...Arthas."

"My child, I am proud to watch you grow up day by day and become the embodiment of justice. You must remember that we have always ruled this country with wisdom and strength, and I also believe that you will use your powerful power cautiously."

"But, my son, true victory is the hope that inspires people, and I tell you this because kingship has no eternity, my son."

"One day, my life will reach its end, and you will be crowned king."

While Arthur was solemnly chanting, Alsace, who was holding up his hand, moved his ears slightly and took these words seriously into his heart.

Bernadette behind him stared at Arthur standing by the window, his body seemed to be sprinkled with golden light, and a faint longing could not help but flow out of his eyes.

Arthur hugged Alsace and turned around, and Bernadette quickly sorted out her emotions and regained her composure.

"Is this the best wish Alsace's father has for him?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"so good..."

Bernadette's eyes were lowered, unable to see clearly.

Then, she said in a soft voice:

"The Future is approaching Loen, but as a pirate general's vehicle, it cannot send you directly to Pulitzer Harbor, so you will have to disembark soon."

"Yes, I understand," Arthur replied.

He had known for a long time that the Future would not be able to sail all the way into Pulitzer Harbor. After all, Roen's navy was not dead.

So Arthur must have disembarked on the way and then took the passenger ship back to Loen.

"Then, I have a question to ask you." Bernadette's voice was a little low.

"Ma'am, please ask."

"Do you remember your origins clearly enough?" She raised her head, with a hint of hope in her eyes.

What's the problem? Arthur was stunned for a moment.

But when he saw Bernadette's eyes at this moment, he immediately understood what she meant.

Huang Beibei doesn't think of me as the resurrected Russell... Arthur didn't expect her to have such a big idea.

He coughed slightly and then said:

"Madam, I cannot belong to Emperor Russell. He is a generalist, and I am a hunter."

"I know."

There was a certain stubbornness in Bernadette's voice:

"But for him, maybe non-adjacent paths are not absolutely irreversible. Maybe he has thought of some way, maybe..."

"Madam." Arthur sighed softly and said:

"Due to some reasons in his later years, the Great Emperor had forcibly jumped to become the Black Emperor."

"The Black Emperor..." Bernadette murmured softly.

"Yes, if you experience this kind of thing even once, you are in danger of being half crazy. It is impossible to do it a second time." Arthur said seriously.

He did not let Huang Beibei hold on to unrealistic fantasies, but directly told her the reality.

"Furthermore, my memory of my origin is extremely clear. Madam, I am just a fellow countryman of Emperor Russell."

Arthur has no interest in pretending to be Russell to benefit himself, because this kind of thing is really bottomless.

And this kind of thing is actually easy to expose. If Arthur does this, Bernadette will definitely become his enemy after being discovered.

Turning a strong person who is friendly to him into his enemy would only be done by Arthur unless his brain was eaten away by a zombie.

"Thank you for telling me this. I'm sorry, I was a little emotional just now." Bernadette's voice was a little low.

"It's okay. It's my fault that I didn't explain it clearly before, which caused you to misunderstand." Arthur didn't think it was anything.

He really didn't expect that Huang Beibei would actually think of him as the resurrected Russell.

And at this time, he didn't say any nonsense like "I can understand your mood" to Huang Beibei.

Arthur has always believed that the emotions a person experiences are just the emotions generated in his or her heart, and there is no true empathy between people.

Therefore, when he was studying in his previous life, the course he hated most was Chinese.

I especially hate doing questions like reading comprehension.

The funniest thing is that there are standard answers to this question.

It would be fine if the author wrote the standard answer himself, but how could a question maker have the confidence to think that what he thinks is the standard answer?

Even a few years before he traveled through time, there was an article that was selected as the original author of the topic. After reading the standard answers, he said that I had never thought of it that way.

As a result, the person who asked the question said something funny like "The author is a stinker who writes books and knows nothing about reading comprehension."

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63: Choose one of the two

In his previous life, Arthur was not very fond of highly subjective subjects. On the contrary, he was very interested in mathematics.

In different worlds, languages ​​may not be able to communicate, and physical rules may change, but mathematics will not.

Because if you can't do math, you just can't.

Even after traveling to a mysterious world, this subject still gave Arthur a lot of help.

For example, Arthur's previous study of building spell models benefited from his proficiency in mathematics, which made his learning speed very impressive.

There is a saying that mathematics governs the universe.

The foundation of the mathematical edifice is "1+1=2".

Therefore, unless there is a world where one plus one does not equal two, the mathematical laws will inevitably hold true no matter which world we travel to.

Therefore, for time travellers, the only subject that is common in most worlds is mathematics.

Bernadette left.

When she came, she walked through the door.

When leaving, he also walked through the door.

And before she left, she also informed Arthur of the summoning spell of her messenger.

Although Arthur already knew the summoning spell of Huang Beibei Messenger from the original work, this kind of thing is actually like an honorary name, which only has practical effect if the other party recognizes it.

Bernadette walked slowly in the corridor, her figure gradually dissipated, and she came to a space isolated from the outside world.

She sat on a bench woven from pea vines and looked ahead in a daze.

After a long time, she whispered softly:

"He's really not you...then where are you..."

Bernadette had previously guessed Arthur's origin and believed that there were two possibilities.

But after this period of observation, in her mind, the possibility that Arthur was her father, Emperor Russell, became less and less likely.

Because even if you lose your memory after resurrection, a person's personality and style will not actually change much.

If her father Russell is really resurrected but has lost his memory, there is a high chance that his character will return to his youth.

Of course, Bernadette had not heard of her father's love affairs when he was young.

Therefore, she began to think that the biggest reason why Arthur was unlikely to be Emperor Russell was that he was not romantic enough.

Therefore, Bernadette came to figure this out when Arthur was about to disembark.

Otherwise, she might still hold on to this unrealistic fantasy and refuse to recognize the reality.

And Arthur's straightforward answer also confirmed that he was a fellow countryman of Emperor Roselle, not the resurrected Emperor Roselle.



"嘤~" Upon hearing this title, the little puppy immediately started to howl in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, Alsace, okay?" Arthur had no choice but to compromise.

He couldn't resist the cuteness of this little thing, so he finally decided to name it Alsace.

Hearing the name, Alsace suddenly became happy and stretched out his pink tongue to lick Arthur's hand.

"What a sin..." Arthur felt a touch of sadness while teasing the little guy with his hands.

But he didn't feel sad for too long. After all, at this stage, there were only a few travelers in the entire world.

The Golden Retriever Father and Goddess would definitely not be so boring and insist on telling the true story of Alsace.

Russell's whereabouts are unknown. He may not know where he died. He will definitely not be able to come out for a while.

As for Klein, after Arthur has given his pet such a name, he probably won't meddle in trying to expose Arthur.

The worst thing is, Arthur can just let him know later.

So when the heroes of Sefirah Castle were not put down by Klein, the story of Arthas was naturally told by Arthur.

He said that Alsace was a glorious and flawless man, so this originally filial son was now a flawless man.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the name.

What Arthur has to consider now is the choice of this little thing's extraordinary path.

There are actually several extraordinary pets in the original work, such as Susie, the fat pharmacist's owl, and the demon dog that appeared in Backlund.

It can be seen from here that the audience channel is really a popular choice for the extraordinary pet channel.

In addition, in a fan book that Arthur read before traveling through time, he fed his pet cat an assassin potion to turn it into a witch to warm the bed.

This is actually a very attractive option, especially for LSPs.

When Arthur chose Alsace's extraordinary path, he mainly considered the following points.

The first is whether the ability is helpful to oneself, the second is whether the path itself is dangerous, and the third is whether the magic potion formula is easy to obtain.

And most importantly, whether this extraordinary path is suitable for Alsace to play.

To give a typical example, among the twenty-two extraordinary paths, the auxiliary ability of the Order family is actually one of the best.

However, the performance of these two pathways essentially requires the support of a mature social order.

Because whether it is maintaining order or exploiting loopholes in order, there must first be a set of social order.

As a dog, Alsace is not suitable for acting as a lawyer or an arbiter.

Therefore, even though the Order family's auxiliary capabilities were very strong, Arthur still eliminated them.

To be on the safe side, Arthur would never let his extraordinary pet companion take the same or adjacent path as himself.

Especially when this little thing was named Alsace, it was even more impossible for him to let it take the path of a hunter or assassin.

Otherwise, one day this little thing might take Frostmourne and stab Arthur in the chest with a sword.

Then another sentence:

"Father, I have come to inherit your extraordinary characteristics."

Therefore, Witch, an attractive option for LSP, would not be considered by Arthur.

And he still remembered that there was a place called the Garden of Joy in the Dark Temple in his trial fantasy.

Where is that place, Garden of Joy? There were all fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged blood elves.

This place is the paradise of LSP, and no LSP can resist this test.

Therefore, the choice of cultivating his extraordinary pet into a witch to warm the bed is really boring for Arthur.

After some elimination, out of the twenty-two extraordinary paths, only the two paths of "reader" and "apprentice" remained.

They all have very good auxiliary abilities, and they can also achieve "omnipotence" to a certain extent.

Moreover, Arthur also had a way to obtain the potion formulas for these two routes, so he was caught in a dilemma.

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64 "Shepherd" is called the little "Recorder"

Time flies to mid-August.

Blackthorn Security Company, 36 Zoetland Street, Tingen.

In the early morning, Leonard, who had just completed his duty of guarding Chanis Gate, walked out of the corridor and prepared to go home and rest.

At this time, he suddenly saw a blond young man with a gentle appearance and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses walking towards him in front of him.

I don't know why, but looking at this young man's gentle appearance, Leonard had a faint urge in his heart to punch this man in the face and destroy his gentle temperament.

Why have I become a little irritable recently? Is it because I didn't sleep well? But I am a sleepless person, so I shouldn't... Leonard couldn't help but reach out and pinch his brows to calm down his emotions.

The blond young man approached, a friendly smile on his face.

He stretched out his right hand and said kindly:

"Hello, Mr. Leonard, my name is Anduin."

Leonard frowned slightly, because when the young man smiled, his previous idea of ​​​​punching him became stronger.

It seems that I can no longer stay up late recently... The poet classmate looked at Anduin, listened slightly, and then extended his right hand to shake hands with him.

When holding the other person's hand, the poet's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he calmly withdrew his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Anduin, what do you want to see me for?"

Arthur did not answer the question directly. Instead, he looked up at the sky and said a Loen-style opening statement:

"Mr. Leonard, the weather is really bad today."

Leonard looked up at the clear, cloudless sky above his head, smiled and said:

"Yeah, the weather is pretty bad today."

Arthur sighed and said sadly:

"Hey, I originally wanted to come to Tingen to recuperate, but I didn't expect that the weather here has been very bad these days, and everything is shrouded in gloomy fog. This is very detrimental to my health."

As he spoke, he put his right hand into a fist and put it on his lips, then coughed twice.

Leonard looked at the blond young man in front of him quietly, and then asked after a while:

"Then, Mr. Anduin, in that case, why don't you go find a good place to recuperate? I heard that the climate over Disi Bay is pleasant and it should be a good place to recuperate."

"It's too far. I'm afraid I can't go that far. I have to find a place here."

The blond young man coughed twice more. His face was pale and he looked quite sickly.

"This is such a pity. So have you found the place you like? Do you need my help?" Leonard sighed lightly and then asked with concern.

"Thank you, Mr. Leonard, for your kindness. However, I have already found a place, and I am quite comfortable there."

"Oh? Is it a nice place? I'll go check it out when I have time."

"That place is called St. Selina Church."

Leonard watched the blond young man go away with a serious expression until he was no longer visible.

His green eyes dimmed, he turned around and quickly returned to the Blackthorn Security Company.

When the brown-haired girl Roshan saw Leonard coming back, she asked strangely:

"Mr. Leonard, why are you back again?"

Leonard passed her quickly and only said one sentence:

"I forgot something, come back and get it."

Luo Shan frowned and whispered:

"What's so anxious about it, are you starting to become as forgetful as the captain?"

Leonard came to the underground intersection, hesitated for a moment, but did not go to the captain first, but turned left to St. Selina Church.

Arriving at the confessional in the church, Leonard said hello to the bishop and indicated that he wanted to borrow the confessional temporarily.

After the bishop left, Leonard erected a spiritual wall in the confessional.

After doing this, he opened his right hand that he had been holding tightly. What was placed in his hand was a small piece of paper filled with words.

Leonard quickly read the content on the note, his face gloomy as if he was about to drip water.

He pursed his lips slightly and said nothing for a long time before he asked softly:

"Could it be true?"

An old voice came into his ears:

"Don't you already have the answer in your mind?"

On the other side, the blond young man Arthur returned to a house he rented on Zotland Street.

It was a single-family house that he rented for a month.

The owner of the house originally only accepted long-term rentals because it would give him a more stable rental income.

But after Arthur promised to pay an extra pound a week in rent, the owner happily rented the house to him.

As soon as he entered the door, Arthur saw a white shadow rushing towards him.

Then, there was a childish voice that pretended to be fierce:

"Ouch! I'm going to get tired of eating it~"

Seeing this scene, Arthur was already prepared and took the white shadow into his arms.

Then, he said fiercely:

"You little bastard, do you want to rebel?"

The white shadow did not struggle after being scooped into his arms, but muttered:

"Oh, I'm not a little brat."

"Then what are you?"

"Of course I'm a little brat."

In Arthur's arms, Alsace said with an expression like "Why can't you tell the difference between a dog and a rabbit?"


Just over ten days ago, this little thing was a cute little pet who couldn't even speak and only knew how to moan.

As a result, this guy is now able to argue with him.

Previously on the Future, when Arthur chose the extraordinary path for Alsace, he was torn between "reader" and "apprentice".

At the sixth stage of the sequence, "Readers" can use their analytical abilities to learn extraordinary abilities in other ways.

The same goes for apprentices. The Recorder of Sequence Six can also record the extraordinary abilities released by others.

Moreover, the recorder was called the Great Shepherd, and the shepherds were called the Little Recorder.

This is especially true for extraordinary people with strong py abilities or powerful support.

Arthur was originally hesitant between these two extraordinary paths, but then Bernadette's words made him suddenly understand.

"I think for people like you, the ability to escape should be as strong as possible." Huang Beibei said.

And Arthur... couldn't refute it at all.

Indeed, for someone like him who likes to seek death, how can he be supported by extraordinary people who have no way to do it?

Grams always had Miss Salted Fish, and Arthur also had Alsace.

Therefore, when Arthur attended a Tarot session later, he made a request to Miss Justice to help collect the apprentice's potion formula.

Because she had asked about the apprenticeship path at the Tarot Club before, there was no problem with this commission.

Of course, with Miss Justice Zhuyu in front, other members could easily guess that Arthur wanted to keep an extraordinary pet.

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65 Actors

In fact, the original owner of Arthur's body was familiar with Forsi.

After all, one is a writer and the other is a painter, both are literary and artistic workers, and the two of them had some contacts in the past few years.

Therefore, Arthur can also go to Fors himself to buy the apprentice formula.

However, because he helped Miss Justice answer a question before, he was promised a reward of 600 pounds.

In order to save trouble, Arthur entrusted Miss Justice to help him collect the potion formula, and the cost was deducted from the six hundred pounds that had not yet been delivered.

Interestingly, after Audrey bought the apprentice formula from Fors out of curiosity, she discovered that her own warehouse actually contained the two main materials needed for the formula.

While Arthur lamented that Miss Justice had a mine at home, he simply exchanged the 600 pounds from her for the apprentice formula and the two corresponding main materials.

However, because Origin Castle Logistics is not yet online, Audrey hid the formula and materials somewhere at Arthur's request.

It is worth mentioning that while on board the Future, Arthur also bought some deep-sea marlin blood from Huang Jiajia.

This is one of the main materials needed for Alsace to be promoted to Sequence Eight Magic Master.

As for the soul eater's stomach bag, naturally we have to wait until Little Sun joins the Tarot Society before we can find a way to get it from him.

After Arthur returned to Backlund, he first went to the Harvest Church and visited Bishop Utravsky, a colleague of God's Favorite.

Then, he asked Alsace to get the apprentice formula and main ingredients that Audrey had hidden somewhere.

After all, this little guy can travel through the spirit world, appears and disappears, and is very secretive.

As for the auxiliary materials, Arthur has already collected them.

After Alsace was successfully promoted, Arthur came to Tingen alone and summoned Alsace.

The first thing he did when he came to Tingen was to go to St. Selina Church to pray, which was like paying homage to the leader here.

After all, we are going to cause trouble on someone else's territory, so how can we not say hello?

After saying hello, Arthur spent a few more days and carefully conducted some tests.

As expected, it did not elicit any reaction from Ince Zangwill.

Because he learned something from Huang Beibei when he was on the Future.

That is, she could not get any information from any observations and divination she made about Arthur.

It was as if there was some kind of power that covered up all the information on Arthur.

And this is exactly what Arthur relies on to dare to come to Tingen to cause trouble.

What he didn't know was that his previous behavior of wandering in front of Klein in order to test Ince Zangwill scared him to death.

Klein never expected that he would see a fellow traveler who should have been at sea in Tingen City.

The moment he saw Arthur, he thought he had exposed himself in the Tarot Club, but a fellow villager found him along the network cable.

Fortunately, after several subsequent contacts, Klein confirmed that this was just a chance encounter, and he felt relieved.

By the way, due to the huge pressure caused by knowing the existence of the mastermind in advance, Klein had completely digested the potion several days ago due to his hard work.

So, he quickly submitted an application to Captain Dunn, and passed the inspection of His Excellency "Sword of the Goddess" Crested Sesima, who came here from the headquarters two days ago, and was successfully promoted to Sequence Eight. "clown".

The information on his body is concealed by some kind of power, which is one of Arthur's advantages.

However, when he is doing trouble, he will inevitably leave traces.

However, considering that the twenty-five-year-old quill had the characteristics of hindering the owner, Arthur was not actually worried that he would be exposed.

The main problem he is worried about now is actually the problem of Alsace.

Originally, Alsace was still a cute and cute little dog before he was promoted to apprentice.

Every day when Arthur was bored, he would pick it up and suck it, and the little guy would struggle and run away.

But after a while, it would wander back again, run back to Arthur and cuddle with him.

After being promoted to apprentice a few days ago, Arthur began to teach it to help it perform.

However, a problem arose at this time.

That is, this little thing became much more lazy. As soon as Arthur started teaching, it began to yawn absently.

Otherwise, it would start parkouring around the house, and it would be impossible for it to stay in one place and listen to lectures.

"Little Ancestor, can you listen to the class honestly for once?"

Arthur came to the study, put Alsace on the desk, put his hands on his hips and said helplessly.

"Ah~ I'm dead..."

After hearing his words, Alsace suddenly collapsed on the desk, his limbs drooping limply, and his tongue flowed out of his mouth, looking like a dead puppy burning paper.

"Hey..." Arthur couldn't help but reach out and cover his forehead, feeling his head hurt.

This little thing is not only naughty, but also a drama queen.

When it was first promoted, Arthur enthusiastically taught the little thing a lesson in advanced mathematics, and even wrote a textbook specifically for this purpose to help it understand the knowledge.

As a result, the textbook disappeared just after he gave a lecture.

Ask this little thing, and the answer is naturally that he doesn't know.

Although Arthur knew in his heart that he was being hidden by it, he had no choice but to do anything about it.

Even if you beat me, you can't bear it; if you scold me, you can't bear it either.

It can only be said that one thing defeats another, and it is completely controlled.

"Are you planning to stay in Sequence Nine for the rest of your life?" He asked helplessly.

no response.

"Forget it, I can't control you anymore. What do you want to eat for lunch?"

"Barbecue!!!" Alsace came to life instantly and sat up.

Arthur reached out and nodded its head, and said angrily:

"Eat, eat, eat. You know how to eat. You can't do anything. Eating comes first, right?"

"Oh, if you don't eat well, how can you have the energy to study?" Alsace rubbed Arthur's hand, looking obedient.

"But I haven't seen you studying even after I'm full. I'm going to buy ingredients. You just stay here and don't jump around at home.

"This is a rented house. When I was in Backlund, I had to pay for damage to the furniture."

Arthur said fiercely:

"If you can't afford the compensation then, I'll give you to someone else."

"I know, I know~"

Arthur went out.

After he left, Alsace's expression slowly calmed down.

It opened its mouth, and a notebook filled with words instantly appeared on the desk.

Arthas turned the notebook to a certain page, and then began to read it attentively.

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66 Leonard: Look at my eyes and act

36 Zotland Street, Blackthorn Security Company.

Leonard walked slowly in the dark and secluded underground passage.

He frowned and looked serious.

The confident smile that often appeared on his face in the past has disappeared now.

Arriving at the underground intersection, Leonard leaned against the wall, staring blankly at Chanis Gate not far away.

After a while, he rubbed his face to let his expression return to normal, and then walked into the guard room in front of Chanis Gate as if nothing had happened.

After walking in, Leonard saw Klein and captain Dunn there.

The captain was reading the newspaper, and Klein was in a daze.

Leonard sat down, showed a smile and asked:

"Klein, why are you in a daze?"

Of course, Klein would not say that he was thinking about the rules for playing the "Joker", so he hid it:

"I didn't sleep well yesterday, and I'm a little bit not awake now."

Leonard asked with some concern:

"Did you lose sleep over the incident where the punisher went out of control yesterday that you and Old Neil dealt with?"

Klein couldn't find a good excuse at first, but after hearing what he said, he naturally confirmed this statement.

"Hey, things seem to have suddenly changed a lot recently, and everyone is very tired." Leonard sighed softly.

Hearing these words, Klein's heart suddenly moved. He knew that Leonard had a secret.

Could it be said that the poet classmate also discovered something?

Klein observed Leonard calmly, trying to get some clues.

At this time, Leonard's green eyes happened to look at him, and then he winked at him.

Who can understand the look you are giving me? I'm not an audience... Klein cursed.

Leonard was a little helpless at the lack of tacit understanding between Klein and him, so he had no choice but to suggest:

"Captain, everyone is very tired during this period. Why don't we go to Old Neil's house to get together and relax after get off work."

Dunn put down the newspaper in his hand, his gray eyes quietly observing Leonard's expression without saying a word.

At this time, Klein also echoed:

"Yes, Captain, it's good to relax a bit. Combining work and rest is the most efficient way to work."

He actually didn't understand what Leonard meant at all, but he knew that the poet classmate would have no reason to do this.

Moreover, Leonard just winked at him, so Klein went on.

Dunn looked at Leonard quietly, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Leonard had something in his mind and asked with a somewhat evasive look:

"Captain, why are you looking at me like this?"

Dunn stood up suddenly, picked up his coat, and said in a deep voice:

"Go to Old Neil's house now."

"But Captain, what about Chanismen?"

Leonard didn't expect the captain to be so decisive and asked hurriedly.

"I'll ask Luo Yao to come over and help guard it for a while."

Dunn looked at Leonard seriously and emphasized again:

"Going right now!"

He quickly led Klein and Leonard to the front desk of the company.

Luo Shan, who was on duty at the front desk, saw the three of them coming out together and asked with some confusion:

"Captain, what happened?"

Dunn said in a soft voice:

"It's okay. You go and notify Luo Yao first and ask her to guard Chanis Gate now. Let's go visit Old Neil."

Luo Shan looked at the serious expressions of the three people and suddenly became nervous:

"Is there something wrong with Old Neil? Although he is stingy and stingy, he is actually a good person. He, he shouldn't..."

"Don't worry, Roxanne. As of now, there shouldn't be any big problems with Old Neil." Leonard said softly.

Dunn glanced sideways at Leonard, then took the two of them into the Nighthawk carriage and prepared to go to Old Neil's house.

There was silence in the carriage, and none of the three people spoke.

Klein also guessed at this time that Old Neil might be in trouble, and Leonard didn't know where he got this information.

But he couldn't believe it, because yesterday he and Old Neil just solved a case where the punisher lost control.

It just happened overnight, so why did something go wrong?

At this time, Klein could only pray to the goddess in his heart, hoping that nothing would happen to Old Neil.

After a while, Leonard lowered his head and asked in a low voice:

"Captain, how did you figure it out?"

"Your acting skills are too poor." Dunn said in a calm voice.

"You are on vacation today after guarding Chanis Gate. With your usual lazy temperament, I don't know how long you have been home now, but you came back. This is the first suspicion."

Leonard couldn't help but said harshly:

"Captain, couldn't it be that I forgot something and came back to get it?"

"Have you become as forgetful as me?" Dunn asked, looking sideways at him.

Hearing this, Klein almost laughed out loud.

And Leonard couldn't refute this statement at all.

"After you entered the door, you started not to leave Old Neil's side. This is the second suspicious point." Dunn's plain voice continued.

"Captain, I..." Leonard was interrupted just as he finished speaking.

"Don't say that you care about your teammates. You do care about your teammates, but you will only bury this feeling in your heart and never talk about it." Dunn said in a soft voice.

Good guy, even his underwear has been seen through... Klein watched the show happily from the side.

"Last point, I'm just a little forgetful, not blind. You two are flirting in front of me, are you pretending I can't see you?"

"Captain, weren't you reading the newspaper at the time?" Leonard couldn't help but ask.

Dunn turned his head and looked at him quietly with his gray eyes, saying nothing.

Leonard looked at the captain's caring and retarded eyes, and listened to the old ridicule coming from his body, and he suddenly became more depressed.

Yes, the captain is a strong man in Sequence Seven. How could a small newspaper hinder him... The poet classmate had deep doubts about his IQ.

Dunn turned his head and looked forward, and said softly:

"You two actually have your own secrets, I know that.

"But I don't care about these, nor the source of your intelligence. I only care about the safety of the team members."

Captain, you are so handsome right now... Klein looked at Dunn's profile and praised him sincerely in his heart.

And an idea came to his mind.

Klein's original plan was to wait until he found the location of the red chimney house and then report it to the three major churches.

But after what happened today, he felt that he should be able to tell the captain the information by then, and then the captain would contact the other two churches.

In this way, he will not be suspected, and it is normal for a person of the captain's level to have his own sources of intelligence.

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67 Where are your glasses?

The Nighthawk carriage was traveling on a fairly smooth road.

In the carriage, Klein suddenly remembered a question.

He didn't hesitate and asked directly:

"Captain, does Old Neil have a wife?"

Dunn recalled it for a moment, and then said:

"When he was young, Old Neil had a lover who was about to get engaged, but she suddenly fell seriously ill and was difficult to treat.

"At that time, Old Neil risked leaking the secrets of the extraordinary and tried to use ritual magic to save her, but failed. At that time, Old Neil was just getting started in the field of mysticism.

"According to data records, the Nighthawks at that time were all wary that Old Neil would lose control because of this. Fortunately, he finally regained his sense and showed no abnormality."

Klein recalled:

"On the day I first became an Extraordinary, I would see a pair of illusory and strange eyes behind Old Neil watching everything.

"He also told me at that time that this was a sign of the remaining ritual magic."

Dunn said in a deep voice:

"It seems that Old Neil must have been abnormal for a long time."

"Captain, just now I..." After struggling repeatedly, Leonard was about to tell the captain about his encounter with a strange extraordinary person before, when the carriage arrived.

Dunn patted the poet classmate on the shoulder and said:

"Let's talk slowly after the matter is resolved."

"Okay." Leonard calmed down and got out of the carriage with the captain and Klein one after another.

The three of them passed through the garden planted with roses and golden mint, and came to the front of Old Neil's single-family house.

Dunn took out the pistol from his arms without knocking on the door first.

"Captain, that's not the case." Klein said in surprise.

Dunn didn't answer, he just pressed the demon-hunting bullets he carried into the magazine one by one, and Leonard next to him also followed suit.

After Dunn loaded the bullet, he hid the gun in his clothes where it was easily accessible, looked at the door in front of him, and said softly:

"Just be prepared and ring the doorbell."

Klein had no choice but to step forward and pull the rope connected to the bell in the house.


The clear and melodious ringtone echoed in the room, breaking the stillness.

Ding-ding-ding-ding! Ding-ding-ding-ding! Klein pulled it a few times, politely backed away, and didn't try again.

The three night watchers waited patiently for a few minutes, but never heard the footsteps of anyone coming to open the door.

Just as the hearts of the three Kleins were gradually sinking, and they were preparing to make the worst plan and forcefully break in, the door opened.

Old Neil, who looked normal, stood behind the door, looking at the three people at the door, looking a little confused.

"Captain, Leonard, Klein, why are you here?"

Klein tapped his teeth and turned on his spiritual vision to take a look, but found nothing. He turned to look at Dunn.

Dunn said softly:

"Old Neil, we plan to go to church to pray today, and I'll call you to join us."

Leonard said next to him:

"Yes, things have suddenly changed a lot recently, so we plan to pray together to let ourselves relax and take a rest."

"Then...okay." Old Neil agreed with some hesitation.

He locked the door and headed to Santa Selina Church with the three of them.


Zoetland Street, Blackthorn Security.

Klein, Leonard, and Luo Yao, who was temporarily on duty at Chanis Gate, were waiting anxiously in the room.

After a while, they saw Captain Dunn open the door and come in.

"Captain, how is Old Neil?" When the three of them saw the captain coming back, they immediately stepped forward and asked nervously.

"Fortunately, Old Neil himself is quite restrained. Although he discovered it too early, it can still be saved as long as he doesn't continue to receive that knowledge.

"However, the recent situation is strange. To be on the safe side, let him stay in the church for the time being. This is safer."

There was obvious fear in Dunn's tone. He was just a little bit away from experiencing the pain of losing his teammates again.

"That's good." Klein and the other three immediately relaxed a little.

Dunn sighed and said:

"But Old Neil can no longer be exposed to occult knowledge during this period, so your occult courses can only be suspended."

"It's okay, Captain. Old Neil has taught me everything I can touch now. What I need now is more practice." Klein shook his head slightly and said.

"What happened this time was thanks to that strange Beyonder. If it hadn't been for him, Old Neil would have probably..." Luo Yao said happily.

"Yes, that extraordinary person showed us kindness, and we have to find a way to repay him."

Dunn thought for a while and asked:

"Leonard, besides telling you about Old Neil, did the Extraordinary say anything else?"

Leonard replied:

"He gave me a note and suggested that I go to church to read it, so just to be cautious, I burned it after reading it."

Klein's heart moved and he asked hurriedly:

"What does that extraordinary person look like?"

"He is a very elegant young man with blond hair and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses."

He looked at Klein and asked in surprise: "What, do you know him?"

It turned out to be Mr. "Chariot". Did he stay here because he noticed something unusual... Klein thought to himself.

He thought for a while and said:

"Leonard, you do what you want without telling us anything."

Klein turned to Dunn again and said:

"Captain, trust me."

Dunn thought for a while, nodded, and agreed with Klein's opinion.

He said to Leonard:

"Next, you don't need to be on duty anymore. Finish your affairs first and then return to the team."

Leonard looked at the three of them and solemnly accepted the task given to him by Dunn.


In the evening of that day, Leonard left the city of Tingen in the Nighthawk carriage temporarily reserved for him.

Shortly after leaving the city, he got off the carriage and asked Cizer, who was driving the carriage, to wait where he was.

Leonard figured out the direction for a while, then moved forward quickly. After traveling for a few minutes, he arrived at the Hoy River.

He looked around and found a tall, blond young man standing by the river not far away.

The young man faced the river with his hands behind his back, looking like a master.

Leonard walked forward, stood side by side with him, and said:

"Thank you for the information, otherwise I would have lost a teammate. I owe you a favor."

He turned around, looked at Arthur and said:

"If you need my help with anything, just ask. As long as it doesn't violate my principles, I'll be fine."

Arthur also turned around with a smile on his face and said:

"There is indeed one thing."

"Tell me, by the way, why are you not wearing glasses this time? Can you see clearly?"

As he spoke, Leonard waved his hand in front of Arthur.

"You asked about glasses..."

Arthur kept a smile on his face. He reached into his pocket and took out a monocle, then put it on his right eye.

"The glasses are here."

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68: The Iron-Skeleton Pales

In the quiet night, by the Hoi River.

Leonard stood there in a daze, not understanding what happened just now.

Just now, the blond young man in front of him took out a monocle from his pocket and was about to put it on his face.

Leonard felt a sudden surge of panic in his body.

And this has never happened before.

Before this, no matter what happened, this soul of unknown origin had never had such strong emotions.

In other words, the emotions generated by this person never spilled over to the point where Leonard would feel it.

And the most important thing is when the soul in his body is so frightened that he is about to do something.

On the back of the hand of the blond young man in front of him, a holy symbol of life suddenly lit up.

This caused the action about to take place in Leonard's body to be stuck there.

And this person's original panic mood was transformed into confusion, shame, anger and other emotions.

Then, these emotions gradually dissipated and could no longer be felt by Leonard.

In front of him, Arthur immediately put down his monocle the moment he felt the feeling of the potion being digested in his body.

It is impossible for Dai to really put it on, he can only pretend to pretend to be a gun to maintain his life like this.

This wave, this wave is called "Cun Zhi".

After all, unlike Xiao Ke in the original work, in order to achieve the best effect, he used his right eye this time.

If you really put this on, you might be visited by some naughty kid soon.

In fact, the essence of Arthur's provocative behavior is not only the action of taking out a monocle and putting it on his face.

What's more, when he was about to put the glasses on his right eye, he showed the true holy emblem on the back of his hand that represented the identity of the God's Favorite.

The purpose of this behavior is to scare the old man first, and then express the meaning of "Hey, I'm teasing you" in the clearest way.

And this creates a strong emotional gap between before and after, so as to maximize the effect of provocation.

Just like in the original work, Klein put on a monocle in front of Medici, but it was for his left eye.

On the one hand, it's because he's afraid that wearing it on his right eye will really attract naughty children.

On the other hand, if he wears it on his left eye, Medici can be frightened for a while, and then he will soon find out that he has been tricked.

Simply wearing a monocle can only make people fearful, and only with subsequent actions can it make people angry.

Of course, the most important thing is actually the naughty operation that the naughty kid played in front of Medici after he learned about Klein's methods.

First take out the monocle, take a breath, and put it on your left eye.

Then when Medici gave a sarcastic smile and felt that he would not be deceived again, he said "Sorry, I put it on wrongly" and then changed the glasses to his right eye.

Arthur felt that this operation was simply too sexy.

Of course, learning cannot be learned, at least not at the current stage.

Because now he can't play with that three-eyed boy.

And Arthur's provocative behavior this time also achieved great success.

At the two moments of taking out the monocle and putting it on his face, and showing the true holy emblem, the potion in Arthur's body was obviously digested.

He really figured out the truth about eating two fish.

In addition, she had an affair with Bernadette when she first met her, and Ling Ling's provocative behavior during this period.

So, more than a month after being promoted to a provocateur, the provocateur potion in Arthur's body was completely digested.

After achieving his goal, the most important thing he has to do is to deal with the aftermath of his previous provocation.

After all, Arthur is looking for help this time. It is not okay to just kill him or bury him. That would damage the relationship with the boss too much.

"Old sir, why don't you show up now?" Arthur threw up and caught the monocle in his hand like a steel hoop.

"Boy, you've gone too far." Pales' calm old voice came from Leonard's body.

Otherwise, the boss is the boss, and the ability to control emotions is strong.

If Arthur hadn't felt that the potion in his body had been digested, and he heard Pales' calm voice now, he might have thought that the old man had not been affected at all before.

"Hehe, old gentleman, I am a provocateur, and there is nothing I can do about it." Arthur said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm afraid you have something else to ask me for help this time, right?" Pales asked.

"As expected, sir..." Arthur was about to have a free rainbow fart, but he was interrupted immediately.

"No help."

Not only that, Pales also added:

"Hey, old man, I was frightened just now, and I'm not in a good mood now, so I won't help."

Although he said that he wouldn't care too much about this junior because of what happened just now, after all, he has the status of being favored by God.

But if this young man wanted Him to help, that would naturally be impossible.

"Seriously?" Arthur asked, having already expected this, with a smile on his face.



"What? Do you still want to threaten me, old man?" Pales said with a sneer.

"That's not true. It's just that, old sir, don't you want to get out of your current predicament?" Arthur showed a smile that sounded like a door-to-door sales pitch.

"Oh? How are you going to help me get out of this predicament?" Pales said with a low chuckle.

Although the blond boy in front of him is a favored one by God, Palles knows very well that there are differences between those favored by gods.

So he actually didn't quite believe that this low-sequence kid could help him in his current predicament.

"I see, old sir, that you are not in a very good mood right now. So do you think that the information about a demigod who is in a very bad state and commits a heinous crime without mercy can make you feel a little better?" Arthur was very busy. asked with a smile.

Pales was silent.

After a while, he asked hesitantly:

"You mean...a demigod of the Thief Path?"

"That's right."

"And the condition is not very good?"

"The condition is quite bad. It can only be parasitized on mice."

"Isn't it a pity to die for such a heinous crime?"

"indeed so."

"Well...actually, I have always been very willing to support an outstanding young junior like you, old man."

Mr. Pales, who originally showed a non-negotiable attitude, suddenly became more negotiable after hearing the reward given by Arthur.

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68: The Iron-Skeleton Pales

In the quiet night, by the Hoi River.

Leonard stood there in a daze, not understanding what happened just now.

Just now, the blond young man in front of him took out a monocle from his pocket and was about to put it on his face.

Leonard felt a sudden surge of panic in his body.

And this has never happened before.

Before this, no matter what happened, this soul of unknown origin had never had such strong emotions.

In other words, the emotions generated by this person never spilled over to the point where Leonard would feel it.

And the most important thing is when the soul in his body is so frightened that he is about to do something.

On the back of the hand of the blond young man in front of him, a holy symbol of life suddenly lit up.

This caused the action about to take place in Leonard's body to be stuck there.

And this person's original panic mood was transformed into confusion, shame, anger and other emotions.

Then, these emotions gradually dissipated and could no longer be felt by Leonard.

In front of him, Arthur immediately put down his monocle the moment he felt the feeling of the potion being digested in his body.

It is impossible for Dai to really put it on, he can only pretend to pretend to be a gun to maintain his life like this.

This wave, this wave is called "Cun Zhi".

After all, unlike Xiao Ke in the original work, in order to achieve the best effect, he used his right eye this time.

If you really put this on, you might be visited by some naughty kid soon.

In fact, the essence of Arthur's provocative behavior is not only the action of taking out a monocle and putting it on his face.

What's more, when he was about to put the glasses on his right eye, he showed the true holy emblem on the back of his hand that represented the identity of the God's Favorite.

The purpose of this behavior is to scare the old man first, and then express the meaning of "Hey, I'm teasing you" in the clearest way.

And this creates a strong emotional gap between before and after, so as to maximize the effect of provocation.

Just like in the original work, Klein put on a monocle in front of Medici, but it was for his left eye.

On the one hand, it's because he's afraid that wearing it on his right eye will really attract naughty children.

On the other hand, if he wears it on his left eye, Medici can be frightened for a while, and then he will soon find out that he has been tricked.

Simply wearing a monocle can only make people fearful, and only with subsequent actions can it make people angry.

Of course, the most important thing is actually the naughty operation that the naughty kid played in front of Medici after he learned about Klein's methods.

First take out the monocle, take a breath, and put it on your left eye.

Then when Medici gave a sarcastic smile and felt that he would not be deceived again, he said "Sorry, I put it on wrongly" and then changed the glasses to his right eye.

Arthur felt that this operation was simply too sexy.

Of course, learning cannot be learned, at least not at the current stage.

Because now he can't play with that three-eyed boy.

And Arthur's provocative behavior this time also achieved great success.

At the two moments of taking out the monocle and putting it on his face, and showing the true holy emblem, the potion in Arthur's body was obviously digested.

He really figured out the truth about eating two fish.

In addition, she had an affair with Bernadette when she first met her, and Ling Ling's provocative behavior during this period.

So, more than a month after being promoted to a provocateur, the provocateur potion in Arthur's body was completely digested.

After achieving his goal, the most important thing he has to do is to deal with the aftermath of his previous provocation.

After all, Arthur is looking for help this time. It is not okay to just kill him or bury him. That would damage the relationship with the boss too much.

"Old sir, why don't you show up now?" Arthur threw up and caught the monocle in his hand like a steel hoop.

"Boy, you've gone too far." Pales' calm old voice came from Leonard's body.

Otherwise, the boss is the boss, and the ability to control emotions is strong.

If Arthur hadn't felt that the potion in his body had been digested, and he heard Pales' calm voice now, he might have thought that the old man had not been affected at all before.

"Hehe, old gentleman, I am a provocateur, and there is nothing I can do about it." Arthur said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm afraid you have something else to ask me for help this time, right?" Pales asked.

"As expected, sir..." Arthur was about to have a free rainbow fart, but he was interrupted immediately.

"No help."

Not only that, Pales also added:

"Hey, old man, I was frightened just now, and I'm not in a good mood now, so I won't help."

Although he said that he wouldn't care too much about this junior because of what happened just now, after all, he has the status of being favored by God.

But if this young man wanted Him to help, that would naturally be impossible.

"Seriously?" Arthur asked, having already expected this, with a smile on his face.



"What? Do you still want to threaten me, old man?" Pales said with a sneer.

"That's not true. It's just that, old sir, don't you want to get out of your current predicament?" Arthur showed a smile that sounded like a door-to-door sales pitch.

"Oh? How are you going to help me get out of this predicament?" Pales said with a low chuckle.

Although the blond boy in front of him is a favored one by God, Palles knows very well that there are differences between those favored by gods.

So he actually didn't quite believe that this low-sequence kid could help him in his current predicament.

"I see, old sir, that you are not in a very good mood right now. So do you think that the information about a demigod who is in a very bad state and commits a heinous crime without mercy can make you feel a little better?" Arthur was very busy. asked with a smile.

Pales was silent.

After a while, he asked hesitantly:

"You mean...a demigod of the Thief Path?"

"That's right."

"And the condition is not very good?"

"The condition is quite bad. It can only be parasitized on mice."

"Isn't it a pity to die for such a heinous crime?"

"indeed so."

"Well...actually, I have always been very willing to support an outstanding young junior like you, old man."

Mr. Pales, who originally showed a non-negotiable attitude, suddenly became more negotiable after hearing the reward given by Arthur.

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69 The deal is concluded

When Anduin started communicating with Palles, Leonard was unable to get a word in.

And he didn't try to intervene forcefully.

Because he discovered that Anduin seemed to know the origin of the soul in his body.

So Leonard remained silent, quietly listening to the communication between Anduin and his soul, trying to get some useful information from it.

And listening to their exchange, Leonard felt that he was gradually figuring out the details of this old man.

"So, old man, you are actually a demigod of the Thief Path?" Leonard asked tentatively.

"Well... you can think so." Pales replied vaguely.

"But why can another demigod of the same path who is in a bad state be able to improve your current state?" Leonard asked curiously.

"Haha, with your wisdom, it shouldn't be difficult to answer this question." Pales chuckled in an old voice.

"Hiss~" Leonard's role as a nighthawk for so many years was not in vain. He quickly thought of a possibility and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

He calmed down and asked Arthur with a serious expression:

"I want to know why you said that the thief demigod was so evil that he deserved to die?"

Arthur smiled and said:

"It's simple, because this demigod seduced an innocent girl and made her embark on the path of a thief, without telling her the dangers of the extraordinary world."

"Is there something wrong with the Thief's Channel?" Leonard didn't understand.

"Hehe, a demigod of the Thief Path has trained an Extraordinary of the Thief Path, how can she have any good intentions?" Pales sneered.

"Old man, I don't quite understand." Leonard said doubtfully.

"Old sir, do you mind if I explain it to him?" Arthur asked.

"It doesn't matter." Pales replied calmly.

Then He added another sentence:

"Speaking of which, boy, could you please stop playing with that damn monocle?"

"Sorry, I forgot."

Arthur smiled sheepishly and put the monocle back into his pocket.

Then he cleared his throat and began to explain to Leonard:

"The four in the sequence of the Thief Path are 'parasites'. They can parasitize other Extraordinary people, and the parasitized Extraordinary people will gradually become their nutrients, thus extending their lives.

"And Extraordinaries who are also on the Thief path can bring them greater benefits, for example, allowing them to get a brand new body."

As Leonard listened, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He said with some fright and anger:

"Old man, it turns out you are a 'parasite'!"

Pales said calmly: "You can say that."

"Then what exactly do you want to do? Parasitize my body and absorb my life? Or wait for me to become stronger and directly swallow my extraordinary characteristics, just like cultivating a humanoid potion?" Leonard said angrily .

Pales' slightly old voice said with a smile:

"Don't you always think that I am your adventure? You think that you are unique and the protagonist of this era.

"Actually, you are not as arrogant as you usually show, but you are always wary of me.

"After I taught you the "acting method", you didn't try to explore it carefully. You just tried it very simply and superficially. It took a long time to digest it.

"And you also deliberately concealed your digestion progress and did not actively pursue the 'Nightmare' potion."

"Yes, I am indeed wary of you, but how can I completely trust a soul of unknown origin?" Leonard retorted confidently.

"Yes, you should stay vigilant in the extraordinary world.

"But Leonard, if I really have harmful intentions for you, then why would I let this kid tell you this information and not stop him?" Palles asked.

Leonard was suddenly speechless. He looked at the smiling young man in front of him, and his somewhat rapid breathing slowly calmed down due to the anger and fear in his heart.

Pales continued:

"As for you saying that I sucked your life, do you feel that you are older than your real age?

"No, I still have a long lifespan, and I am not in a hurry to steal your lifespan.

"As for your extraordinary characteristics, I am not interested because we are not in a similar path that can be replaced.

"Night", "Giant", and "Death" are adjacent pathways, and the Thief Path I am on targets "Apprentice" and "Soothsayer". "

"If I were to devour your extraordinary characteristics, half-madness would be the best outcome."

After calming down, Leonard thought for a while and asked, "Then what is your purpose?"

Pales said with some regret:

"Oh, I met a terrible enemy and was severely traumatized. I need a host to recover slowly.

"And you are a night watcher of the Church of the Night Goddess, so you are a good choice for parasitism."

Leonard said somewhat suddenly:

"Is the monocle the characteristic of your enemy? No wonder you were so frightened just now."

Pales was speechless because this was a fact that he could not argue with.

"That means that the demigod Anduin mentioned cultivated that girl just to devour her in the future?" Leonard asked, remembering the topic just now.

"Of course, a demigod wouldn't have starting formulas for other sequences in his hand? Why would he let that girl take the path of a thief?" Pales said disdainfully.

"Then I have no problem, this guy is pretty damned." Leonard said with a frown.

Arthur smiled at this time and said:

"Old sir, has the misunderstanding been resolved? This is an apology for the offense just now. What do you think?"

"Hey, you are really thoughtful," Pales said with a low chuckle.

If he said something like this himself, Leonard would still have doubts no matter what.

Therefore, there must be someone whom Leonard trusts enough to speak, so that Leonard's suspicion of Him can be resolved.

As a favored one of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, Arthur has a clean identity and saved Leonard's teammates.

There is no doubt that Leonard already has a considerable degree of trust in Arthur.

Therefore, Arthur is indeed the best character to resolve the misunderstanding between him and Leonard.

"So, old sir, let's make a deal?" Arthur said with a smile on his face.

"make a deal."


On the way back, Leonard asked in his mind:

"Old man, why do you think he asked us to do this favor?"

"I seem to have guessed a little bit." Pales thought for a while and replied.

"What is it?" Leonard asked curiously.

"You don't trust me, why should I tell you?" Pales said in a leisurely tone.

Leonard: ...

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