
Our first battle

Rex is alive i can sense him I'm stuck in my case I'm still asleep but it won't be a good idea for me to wake up ill wait for rex plus malos is carrying my casket

Just then i hear malos tell nia nia end them. Talking about all the salvagers

Nia asks malos end? Like, what? Malos then says the price for there lives has already been paid in full. Now that we have finally obtained the aegis... the fewer living souls know about it, the better. Nia the says I-i cant do that! These people haven't done anything wrong! Malos then says i don't understand you.

Malos then says now, now. Have you forgotten why you came here to begin with, nia? Nia then says N-no, but malos then says Oh, for the love of... fine. I'll handle it myself meanwhile rex says its time.... just then nia sees the side of the casket catch fire malos then saying ugh.. what the... throwing the casket to the ground as the casket sets a blaze a big pillar of fire erupted from the casket pyra shooting out of it like a lightning bolt to the boats roof followed by a big explosion pyra then became visible to malos and nia to her surprise she woke up with a x shape missing from her core crystal meaning she had accomplished her task rex was now her driver the hull of the boat starts to melt with a glow of rex flies out of the vessel hull into the air yelling Aaaaiyah!!! With a great big thudding sound red lands on the boat. Nia says with astonishment... Rex?!

Rex inhales air and exhausting malos says you! And that sword. Can't be! Rex stands up and points the sword at malos and jin and says " it kinda low to stab a man in the back... you bloody psychopath! Shaking the sword at them rex yells pyra pyra yells here from above rex says cover me! She then says got it.... jumping down beside him jin reaches for his sword and malos says jin. Leave 'em to me!... rex running towards malos yells Aaaaiyah!!! And swings his sword at him malos grabs his blades weapon and blocks the attack. Rex says gah! Malos then says sorry kid i can't let the likes of you just claim her power for yourself!!. This is as far as it goes. Giving a evil sneer pyra then runs and malos blade selver swings at pyra nah! He yells swinging outwards selver then says aegis over here rex says just leave it out! Swinging the sword at malos two times nia then says give it a rest, malos! Can't you just see he's just a child?!

Malos says to nia A CHILD DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH! This kid... has made himself the AEGIS'S DRIVER!! Nia then says the aegis's driver?..... rex is...? Her eyes widen and rex swinging at malos yah says rex swinging at him blocks it and kicks him back three feet throws his weapon in the air and selver catching it says you're done! Sending a energy blast toward them pyra jumps in front of it and blocks it with a force field followed by a big explosion that shook the boat rex then says thanks,pyra! Pyra then says your welcome now, don't let up! Rex then says yah both charging malos selver send more blasts towards them trying to slow them down pyra just jumps in front of them and blocks them and keeps running towards them rex then jumps in front of pyra yelling Aaaaiyah!!! Swinging two times knocking the backwards yells towards everyone on the boat and says everybody,go now! Quick! Everyone running to the malstorm boat of salvaging malos then says I don't think so! Charging a energy blast to strike the runway people rex then says hey, you bully! Over here sending a blast towards malos malos looks towards rex and says nug! Yelling rex an pyra then join together in the air and yell burning sword!!! Tumbling down to malos a big explosion hits malos and to there surprise he had caught the sword in his hand and was starring straight into rex's eyes and says you brat. How can a nobody like you...?! Ah but with those eyes.... I guess I should've been more wary from the start.... rex then asks what'd you mean?! Malos using a magic from his hand like i'd tell you! Mashing them backwards swinging swords clashed for three turns when rex swinging his sword at malos hits him malos gets knocked back and shaking his head he said your good, kid. Its no simple feat to control the aegis like that... rex runs towards malos and jumping in the air swinging downwards at malos, malos grabs the sword with his hand and says however!! Punching rex in the chest he yelled ahhh! Malos swinging rex by his arm smashed rex against the ground and the sword flies out of Rex's hand yelling ahhh skidding across the boats hull pyra yells rex malos yells DONT GET COCKY YOU LITTLE SHIT!! nia yells for her blade he says understood nia unleashed a blast at malos , malos dodging it he says what?! Nia have you gone mad!!? Nia then says you're the one who's of your nut, waling on a child! Nia I don't think you quite comprehend your position. I get it but... pyra grabs the sword from the ground and rushing malos yells hya! Malos again blocks this but pyra bends backwards and jumps of malos sword in the air malos swings at pyra pyra blocks both and swings back pyra then jumps back malo then rushing her swings and spins at her pyra doing three backflips avoids the attack malos says agh!! Pyra jumping back again jumps in the air and swings two times and sends fire blasts at malos malos chopping the blasts out of the air pyra rushing malos swing and malos blocks it the both starring at each other malo says your pretty sharp for someone who's only just woken up. Rex yells pyra! Malos then says takes me back to 500 years ago... talking about the aegis war with mythra, and his crushing defeat whats the deal with that appearance? You don't look like mythra?! Im guessing your goal is elysium.... pyra then says that is our dream! Malos then saying then i have no choice but to stop you! Malos then releasing block swings at pyra. Malos charges pyra and she jumps up in the air and dose a backflip and lands on the ground just then the monoceros a tornan battle ship edging itself to the starboard side and having canons pop out the top aim at pyra rex yells pyra!!! Watch out!!! Py turns around as the shells go flying at her she blocks most of them with her ether defense but it failed she whent flying back tumbling to the ground huh? Ahhhhh!!... rex yells pyra!! Running towards her ahh she tumbled back and lay on the ground rex grabs pyra by the shoulder and shaking her say are you alright!? She turns towards him and says Mm, more or less yes nia jumps in front of them stop this cannons fire again and nia gets knocked out get launched off the boat rex yells nia!!! running to save her jumps off grabs her arm and using his grappling arm attachment grabs the side of the boat an sits hanging there meanwhile malos says you're a tough one kid but there's only one way this can end! Just then the canon ready aim on rex and rex says Oh sh- just the gramps rex's titan comes out of nowhere and blows up the cannons malos says what's that?!! Rex looks up and says gramps!! As he flys past the boat the dragon like titan then turns around and flies over the boats stern, and says jin still you persist... and is that MALOS?!! In his eyes flamed rage he raised rex and these guys who were supposed to be dead have now lay before the titan jin then says azerda!!' Then azerda spirit fireballs at them jin slashing them out of the air with no problems at all then. flying to rex azerda says rex, get on!

Pyra jumps on nia's blades back and grabs rex and jumping onto azerdas back the fly away but the cannons shooting azerda fatefully wounded they fell with a a big crack in gormott titan