
Lost In gormott

As me and pyra and azerda were walking up a hill we notice a knocked down tree . Rex says hay pyra do you think you can burn this tree? Yah.. i can.. fire is my speciality! I call upon the power of fire... just then the tree burst into flames and disappears. rex says alright lets go. Alright rex as both of them run up the hill pyra stops. Hay rex I felt a ripple in the ether it seems like another driver is using a blade in battle. Rex alright lets go see what it is! Okay. Alright pyra lets go. When they get to the to of the hill and see, Nia and Dromarch say my lady just leave me. I'm not just going to abandon you,Dromarch! A burst of fire hits the giant front in the side of the head, what?! We're here to help Nia! Rex?! What're you doing here? Dromarch says my lady, now's our chance! Let's attack! All yell all right, then! Rex hits the frog across the face and it collapses to the ground and dies. nia then says so why are you guys even.... well, I guess that's a stupid question. Dromarch then says indeed. Rex tells nia seriously, its good to see you, and you're all right. Nia says right back at you. Hey, by the way what happened to the big guy who saved us? The titan? Nia then looks at the tiniest titan starring over rex's head to see azerda says are you talking about me? Wait, what? How? Rex says to nia that's sort of long story. Lets get somewhere we can rest. ill tell you about it then. Dromarch says that seems prudent. My lady? says sure. Lead the way. Says Nia meanwhile after they had made camp and are sitting around a fire pyra lit. Nia says i see. So you two are headed to elysium. Listen, I never thanked you properly for saving us I mean. Dromarch said that you... carried us all the way here. We owe you our lives, titan says Dromarch to azerda. azerda says no need to thank me. After all you were the ones who saved rex. Nia says don't mention it. Nia says so you titans can regenerate. Pretty handy. Azerda says this isn't something just any old titan ca- rex interrupting him. you can retire that line now. Azerda then says Excuse me?! I'd like less of that attitude! If you had listened to me and decided that reckless job to begin with, we wouldn't be in this mess! "Take a nap" you said like i was some kind of doddery old man... rex says okay, okay, I get it! Im a terrible disappointment. Look how sorry i am! Azerda then says can you not muster even a shred of sincere remorse? Rex says sorry but I can't! Azerda say what?! Rex says if I hadn't taken the job, they'd have got their hands on pyra. Pyra then says rex. Rex says I couldn't let that happen. No way they can never take her. Azerda says hmmm.... later that night azerda finds pyra still wake nia Dromarch rex are asleep and azerda goes up to pyra and say hello there. Still awake i see. Pyra says I can't seem to sleep. She then says its good to see you again azerda. Azerda then says likewise. Though you've changed a lot sense last we met, pyra. Pyra says I suppose I have. A lot's happened. Azerda then says yes it has. I wanted to thank you for saving my dear rex. And I need to know - what you told him, is that what you really intend? Elysium? Pyra says yes it is my true desire. Azerda then says. i see well, that's good enough. I have no reason to doubt you, pyra. Pyra then says that said... i do have one other goal now. Azerda then says jin and malos. Pyra says I cannot allow them to continue with their current course. Azerda then says the fate of an aegis never changes... pyra says right... azerda then says and you're going to get mixed up in this? Azerda then says i'm not blaming you. No matter how hard you tried, that boy would find some way to get involved. Azerda then says i see half your core is missing. seems you've taken on quite a burden. Pyra then say Azerda... i... azerda then says promise me you'll take care of rex. Pyra then says I will. Azerda flys back to the fire the next morning everyone awakes. Rex yawns and says right then. We should probably try and find a town or something. Does anyone have any idea were we are? Nia says this is gormott a province of the ardainian empire. You must have seen the gormott titan before? Rex then says yeah, only from a distance, though. Nia then says we're somewhere around its belly. Rex says so this is gormott, huh? Hang on a second- you're ears are you Gormotti? Nia then says well done, genius. Took you long enough! Dromarch then says gormott is the land of my lady's birth. Nia says then. Keep heading up and we will hit the plains soon. The town's that way. Rex says. brilliant. Let's get going! When the heros hit the plains they look out towards the town. pyra says. Oh my goodness. What a wonderful view! Azerda then says. Spectacular indeed. Rex says. Yeah, this is great! Especially after slumming it on gramps's back for so long! Azerda then says. Hmph. It served you well enough! Nia then says. Over there thats torigoth. Biggest city in gormott. Nia then says I'll accompany you as far as the city. After that i'm afraid your on your own. Rex says. Oh... on our own? Nia then says. Of coarse. I would have thought even you'd know why I can't be seen with you. Rex then says. Because you're supposed to be one of them? Nia then says. I haven't known them very long, but you know they're still my crew. Rex said. your crew? Even if they tried to kill you? Nia then said that's as may be, but they're the closest thing I have to family. Rex says. Nia?... nia then says right! Lets go. The arrive at torigoth arch, rex says. So this is torigoth... nia says it hasn't changed a bit. Pyra then says. Nia? Nia then answers saying. it's nothing. Nia then says. Okay then I'll show you to an inn. Then I'm out of here. They enter the city and nia walks by a billboard and sees her on a wanted poster. Discussed by the illustration she says. What the bloody hell is this? Don't tell me this is meant to be ME?! Dromarch then says. A remarkable likeness to say the least... nia then got mad at him saying. Oi!, did you say something

Dromarch then says ah,er,no.i fear they may have conflated our countenances my lady. How very awful. Nia then says grrrr! Hisss! Riping the poster up with her claws and flinging it up in the air like confetti so after that they rex asks hmm... whats the deal over there? Nia then says. driver recruitment. Rex asks driver recruitment? Nia says.Recently, they have been recruiting drivers from all over. Dromarch says. The pool of potentials is ever shrinking. They must have run out of candidates in the military. Rex says what do you mean by "potentials" im not sure I follow. Just see for yourself. Nia says. As rex looks he sees a gormotti man with his siblings one of the brothers say. Don't do it bro, its to dangerous! What will we do if something happens to you? Who'll look after us? He shoves his little brother out of the way when his little sister says P-please... the older brother tells his siblings I-i know it's dangerous. But if i can B-become a driver... then another gormotti guy says to the oldest brother and shoving his little sister down say outta the way, pipsqueak! The guy says all right, c'mon blade boyo! Show me whatcha got! Hrooagh! The guy then grabs the core crystal on the table to resonate with it he then yells A-a-a-aaaah! He starts to shake jumping up and down. nia then says. Yah he's done for! Azerda then says indeed. The guy then yells wahhh! In pain his eyes go crosseyed and he then collapses on the ground the mor ardain solders then say oho,all bark and no bite what a shame! And drag him to the side. Rex says. Eurgh, what just happened? All that blood... nia just says. Couldn't handle the core crystal's power. Dromarch then says. That's what happens when someone unqualified touches a core crystal. Truly lamentable. Rex then says. Wait you need qualification to be a driver? Azerda then says. Perhaps "aptitude" would be a better word. Rex says aptitude? The solder then shouted now, is there nobody else here... ready to test their strength for the glory of the empire?! Oh how about you? What say you? Step forwards, sir, with bold heart! Talking to the oldest brother. His sister says. Nooo. The brother comforts her saying don't... don't worry. Your big bro's going to be a driver and then we'll be set for life. The siblings yell. don't do it!!! The brother reaches out and touching the core starts screaming ah-aah-ah-aaaaah! Then he puts a smile on his face and nia then says. There's your aptitude. Just then a mega lance shows up in front of him he grabs the weapon and he looks behind him to notice a male blade behind him he then yells. I... i did it! The siblings hug him and all yell I don't believe it! Oh wow! Rex says the core crystal turned into... a weapon? Azerda then says. That's how blades are born, rex. He then says what? But when i touched pyra's... nia jumps in and says she's a special case. Pyra is the aegis remember? All that business with sharing her life force... it's not exactly normal. Rex then says. Wait, what does "the aegis" even mean? Rex says jin and malos they call her that, too. Nia then says. Dunno. All I know is that it's some kinda legendary blade. Nia then says. why don't you just as her yourself? No point of slacking around her let take this road rex and pyra and nia go down the road until they stop and rex asks this whole thing with core crystals, touching them to create blades... it's pretty amazing when you think about it. Pyra then says we blades start out formless, anchored to the world only by our core crystal. Only the touch of a potential can imbue us with a form of being. And it is by those forms we come to be known. Azerda then says. So you see my boy, in some ways it's only the fated touch of a driver that allows a blade to exist at all. Rex says. Wow....why does it happen that way, though? Azerda answers. Now that is something no one knows. Its just how it's always been. Dromarch then says. Blades come in all shapes and sizes some human-shaped, some not. Nia then says. Some people say the shape depends on the kind of person the driver is. Pyra then says the resonance between blades and driver is a mysterious thing. Rex though to himself *(pyra... she was crying when i met her. Was she brought to life by someone once, just like a normal blade...? What is the aegis really?)* then they hear some military solders yell halt! Nobody move! Azerda then say. oh dear... looks like imperial troops. Nia says. Great! Rex says hay what's going on?! That fugitive in your company is an enemy of the state! A member of Torna! Rex says. Nia, a member of Torna? The troop scout says. Its her all right. Gormotti driver, white beast-form blade. She looks exactly like the wanted poster! Rex says. what wanted poster? Scout says. See for yourself! Rex then says. Wow it really does- nia interrupts saying. Oi, watch it! Rex then says ah, uh I mean, no way! This doesn't look anything like.... wait we got no time for this!! Who cares if it looks just like her? Nia leanings over to rex and *hissssss* hissing at him. Then the scout says. and now as for you....you look like a driver too. Registration number? Rex answers saying. 5....3....9....? Scout says knock it off, you fool. All new drivers must register with indol! No number you must be an illegal unregistered driver! Rex says. no, you don't get it! You're coming with me! We'll see what the counsel has to say about this! Rex,Dromarch and i are going to make our move. Get ready say nia to rex.

Rex says we're not leaving without you! Nia says this is our problem, not yours. Rex says im pretty sure he wants to arrest me to all of us. So its my problem, too! Nia says. sheesh you're a stubborn one, ain't you? Rex says. Gramps says the same thing. Ok, we go on three. We'll go left you go right. Rex says okay just give me the word! Nia says ok, let's do this! The scouts jerk back and the captain says Y-you're going to resist? Seriously? Nia. One...two...scout yells A-all right men! We've got them outnumbered move in and take them down! THREE! as they fight nia kills her three scouts and rex hears the scouts say they're...so strong! Such strength from a ,

Measly two fighters... they're drivers, all right! As rex starts running a wall of flames appeared before him wha-?! A wall of fire?! Then they here a unfamiliar voice say. Such a commotion. Look back to see a blade with two swords she then says. Just when I thought I could enjoy a little peace and quiet. The scouts say L-lady brighid! Rex asks bridghid? Is she a blade wh-where's her driver? Then they hear her say my driver is otherwise engaged at present. I am here alone. Rex no... driver? Then they hear the captain laugh. Ba ha ha! Lady brighid is the "jewel of mor ardain"! The strongest blade in the Empire! Even alone she's more than a match for you! Lady bridghid, these merchants are terrorists working for Torna. Please lend me your power to bring them to justice! Bridghid then says Torna? As she stared out at the hero she says that emerald core crystal.... could it really be true? Well well! Captain padraig , you are not to kill them take these ones in alive rex and pyra fight bridghid and padraig they both send blasts of energy at each other blocking alot rex says wha-! She repelled our attack! Pyra says. she's so... strong. Azerda says and this is without her driver.... nia yells jumps in the air and says stop yammering! Just get her! As the fall to the ground the scouts soot ether nets at them and padraig says .this is a ether net! Ba ha ha! Lets see you use your precious arts. When you can't draw ether from the atmosphere! Bridghid says. Even blades have weaknesses. This is one such weakness. Without the flow of ether, blades are quite useless. Rex yells nia, Dromarch nia yells. get outta here rex save yourself! Rex says im not going to do that! I can't just leave you here! Nia says you got your own mission! Just move it! Rex says. yah-but?! Nia says. no buts! Go! Azerda says. Rex we must withdraw for now it's our only chance. Brighid says you won't escape puting up the flame wall out of nowhere a r.p.g missile hits a pipe and bridghid being weak to water just looses her power. And rex runs off and find a little nopon behind a door says friend come into home tora help you escape come on no time to explain and the hero's stayed at tora's home for that day....