
Prologue: The Creation of Maeic

"Knowledge isn't power, but knowledge is required to have power."

*What's with that old man* Morgan thought to himself as he was walking passed a weird old who seemed to be talking to himself on the street. Though puzzled, Morgan didn't dwell on the thought long. He'd seen a lot of weird things as of late. He had recently moved to the weird part of town as he was demoted from his position at work and could no longer afford the place he lived in without extra help from his father. Morgan didn't let this demotion faze him. He had been working on a project and he had recently made a breakthrough. If his test subjects were alive, he would have succeeded in accomplishing his goal.

He entered his home and immediately darted toward his lab. The mice he was using as test subjects had lived through more than a year of tests. Now all that was left was to test the mice's abilities. He had been working on a "virus" that would give the contractor special abilities. He placed the mice in a large glass box with a cracker covered in peanut butter and a thick brick wall between the mice and the cracker. The mice quickly caught a whiff of the peanut butter smell. They ran toward the wall very quickly. They hit the wall with an extreme amount of force, but failed to break through. Morgan, disappointed, began to walk toward the box to get the mice out. He was shocked as the two mice fired a wave of blue light at the wall. Then, there was a crash followed by debris filling the box. The two mice were now about a foot away from the now destroyed wall. The air in the box seemed to have turned a shade of blue. The mice ran both ran toward the cracker and began to fight over it. The mice's eyes had turned a light blue color as they both opened their mouths to full extent. Morgan watched in awe as the mice created a wind storm in side of the glass box. He lost the ability to see the mice as the air in the box turned a deeper shade of blue. After a few minutes, a spark appeared and the box filled with flames. After a few minutes the flames cleared and Morgan could see that one mice was still standing.

After the he'd calmed down from the shock of what happened, Morgan decided that it would be best to leave the remaining mouse in the box for safety reasons. Now sure that his virus worked, Morgan prepared a syringe filled with the virus. After seven years of experimenting, Morgan would become the first human with real special abilities. He injected himself with the syringe and felt a rush of pain as the virus began to work its way through his body and change his genetic coding. He knew this would happen, as he'd witnessed the mice fainting from the pain time and time again, through various tests. He just didn't expect the pain to be so immense.

"Aagh!" Morgan screamed as he fainted.

While he was unconscious, a mosquito flew in through a open window and bit the unsuspecting Morgan. The mosquito, now a carrier of the virus, turned blue after some hours, and grew four times larger than its original size. Once the mosquito laid her eggs, the larvae would also be carriers of the virus. The virus would begin to spread through mosquito bites.

"Aaaahhhhhhh!" The scream of a nearby woman caused Morgan to come to consciousness. He looked out his open window to see a woman being attacked by a huge mosquito. *Why is that mosquito blue?* Was the first thought that went through Morgan's mind. He then noticed an itch on his arm. *Uh Oh* Morgan thought as he realized what was going on. He'd been bitten by a mosquito and it was now a carrier of the virus. That very mosquito is the one that he saw attacking that woman, who now lay unconscious on the ground. The mosquito was now going to spread the virus. People with "powers" would be popping up all over the city. How would people use those powers? How would these "powers" change society? Morgan's head raced with thoughts about what would happen in the future. He looked at the glass box to see the remaining mouse staring back at him. He took the mouse out of the box and it climbed upon his shoulder and squeaked in a concerning way, as if it could understand what Morgan was thinking. He looked at the mouse.

"Let's just see how this unfolds and hope it's not bad in the long run."

There may be several questions one may have about this story. Be sure that every thing will fall into play and be revealed...

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TeddyTheXerocreators' thoughts