
Xeaov li Enversia(Xeaov Avateria)

If there is a way to get into each and every single universe of the endless seas of your favorite anime, manga, movies, novels etc. would you go for it? If you can just get any kind of world and universe you want , be it Marvel Cinematic Universe or the endless world of anime and manga, and if you can be whatever and whoever you want , would you go for it? Well, I am sure that I will and I choose my character to be Xeaov li Enversia, The Prince of The British Empire , of our very own world except a few changes. An existence who has unlocked this very ability except that all those infinite worlds and universes are real and just in alternate universes and dimensions. When you are an omnipotent being , what would you do? Well, Xeaov chose his answer very clearly that he shall be ....................The DARK Prince Of The DARK Empire, The Most Powerful, and richest person in our world as the Ruler Of The DARK Empire.

DeWorstPersonEver5 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

At an Alternate Universe(Bonus Chapter)

The Crown Prince, Lelouch vi Britannia.


The name of the species was Britanians, they were a unique species possessing powers of both angels and demons which made them more powerful than even Gods and Demon Lords. The name of the MC is Lelouch vi Britannia, The Crown Prince Of The Britannian Kingdom, Son of the Britannian King Charles zi Britannia who has the blood of The Most Powerful Demon Lord Diablos running through him as well as the blood of the strongest fallen angel and Son of the Britannian Second Queen Narriane li Britannia who has the blood of the strongest God Decius and the blood of the legendary Angel Qaria . By their bloodlines, Lelouch has become a combination of the bloods of the most strongest of races of this universe.

Britannians were a species who were utterly hated by the Gods , Goddesses, Angels, Demon Lords , Demon Kings and the whole Demon race . As they were a mixture of their blood . They were considered an impure race for which they were shunned wherever they were born . Their own parents being devil or angel or fallen angel left them to death in a faraway place called Ahzian. But Charles , Lelouch's father united them all and created a powerful kingdom which just had to be recognised by the Gods, Angels and Demons because of the immense power they wielded. Even after recognising them as a powerful species like the Dragons , Vampires etc. They still utterly hated us because we were considered impure, possessing both Demon and Angel blood in our veins . Charles zi Britannia tried to fix this by building friendly bonds with all other races like vampires , dragons , angels , demons etc . He gave them various advantages without anything in return only for recognition,but in the end they all betrayed him and left him to die. The treaties that were signed between Britannians and them were nullified by them . Even though, Charles has died , he knew his son Lelouch vi Britannia would take the revenge and become the Britannians' hope .

Later on , for their betrayal , the whole Britannian species were nearly wiped out but many survived due to Lelouch's invention The Avatron, a energy powered spaceship like vehicle where Lelouch took many of his people and ran away from Ahzian to the Detrios Space .He didn't go to any other species or kingdom but went to a place where no one can stay for more than 10 seconds otherwise they will get destroyed automatically as they go into nothingness. Lelouch vi Britannia was a natural born genius with technology, magic and all sorts of activities be it strategy, plan making, decision making ,war or negotiations. When he ran to Detrios Space many of his people were mourning for the dead who sacrificed their own lives so that they can run away but Lelouch immediately started preparing for the expansion of his kingdom. He chose the best of the best among devils , angels , fallen angels , humans and many other species and made them have a voluntary slave contract with him to become a honorary Britannian . As Lelouch was recruiting from various realms , he soon turned the Britannian Kingdom into The Britannian Empire and turned the Detrious Space into the New Britannian Realm by adjusting his very own rules and systems into DS's systems . Now he was the one and only Absolute Ruler of The Dimensional Gap which was previously considered a space where nothing can be done according to one's will and a place where everything and everyone turns into nothingness within 10 seconds .Even the Gods never dared to go into that space . But now Lelouch was holding that unpredictable and dangerous space by the palm of his hands . All these feats of Lelouch were finished within 3 years . Lelouch was 10 when he left the previous Britannian kingdom along with many of his people and now he is 13 years old. Now at this age , Lelouch gained boundless power by awakening the bloodlines of The Strongest Demon Lord, God Decius, Angel Qaria and the Strongest fallen angel. He mastered all these power within 13 years of his life. Later on ,he went to the Dragon Realm and fought with their most strongest fighters and utterly defeated them all . They were surprised that the Britannians survived.Nevertheless they heavily underestimated Lelouch's power and thought he was just joking when he said he came for revenge and for conquering the entire Dragon Realm as it's Absolute Ruler and Owner under the name of The Britannian Realm's Crown Prince and The Fallen Emperor. He singlehandedly defeated all of them and made them have a slave contract with him in return for their very lives. The Entire Dragon Realm came under the Britannian Realm's Ruler Lelouch vi Britannia in a single night. Lelouch didn't even summoned his Britannian Military for this purpose. The Britannian Military would be able to accomplish the same feat unscathed because they were given power ups by Lelouch himself. Thus Lelouch took over the Realm which was considered by all to be the most impossible Realm which cannot be conquered because Dragons were always the most proud species. It happened to all other 7 Realms as well. Lelouch singlehandedly took over all 8 Realms in less than a week . He was most brutal regarding the Gods and Goddesses Realm and the Demon Realm as they were the ones who nearly wiped out the Britannians. He humiliated the Gods and Demon Lords, Demon Kings , Angels who were involved in wiping out Britannia. The tables turned on in them by a single person , no, a mere kid . After conquering the Entire Multiverse and All other Eight Realms , Lelouch made them all acknowledge Britannia as The Ninth Realm and The Most Strongest and Richest One as well as The Most Superior One . He mainly focused on changing the views, of the Entire population . Thus the once considered impure species is now considered by each and every single person in the Entire Multiverse as The Most Superior Species and now everyone wants to become a honorary Britannian or dream to be one because honorary Britannians live more luxuriously and are more powerful in comparison to the previously Ruling Species Gods . Moreover even if the honorary Britannians are far more powerful and rich than the Gods( The Once Richest and Most Powerful Beings in The Entire Universe ) , they were humble , kind and great geniuses, all 17 millions of them and their children as well. (Now just imagine how everyone sees pure Britannians and their Nobility, Their Royalty and last not least Their One and Only Absolute Ruler Lelouch vi Britannia.At this point, the Gods lost all respect and power they once had because now there was a species whose least powerful member could wipe out 2 Gods unscathed and moreover the most powerful one is out of the question and there were nearly 17 millions of this species which is The Honorary Britannians.)Lelouch was just 13 years old when he took over The Entire Universe and All Of it's Nine Realms. In DS , the system of time is fundamentally different from all Other Realms as when a year has passed in DS , over 1000 years have passed in the other Realms. The DS was now called The Britannian Realm and Lelouch vi Britannia was now called the Absolute Ruler Of The Entire Universe, in short, he was named The Universal Ruler and his Realm received the title of The Imperial Realm for his influence. The then population of the Britannian Realm was over 17 millions but mostly they were honorary Britannians and the population of the Pure Britannians was only 826 in number including the Royal Family and its nobles . Members of the Royal Family was only 16 including Lelouch himself and the number of nobles was 157. The rest were all normal Britannians. Lelouch rules The Entire Universe for only 3 years and then quit it saying to all that it was a favor to all the other eight Realms . Then he came back to The Britannian Empire Castle Averas and there gave an announcement to all of The Britannian Realm saying that he was handing over the Ruler status to his sister Euphemia li Britannia as The Acting Crown whereas he, The Crown Prince, will be taking a little vacation. And then he vanished without a trace for long three years . Many already reached a conclusion for him being missing that he may have died during exploring as he was always a very curious person. His mother , The Second Queen , now , The Second Empress send out a search party after the 1st year of missing . His half sister Euphemia send out The Royal Knights for his search soon after The Second Empress. They all searched for more than 1 and a half year throughout the Entire Universe And didn't found him. The Britannian Realm was confused regarding the missing of The Crown and Only Prince Of The Britannian Empire. Even many of the Earls, Barons , Duchesses , Royal Knights , even 3 of the Princesses were searching for him but found nothing. This was literally the Most Massive Search ever done throughout the Entire Universe. The reason no one was wanting to believe that he was dead, was because he was literally The Most Powerful Being ever. The situation in The Britannian Realm was controlled by its present Acting Crown , The Second Princess Euphemia . The Royal Family consisted of 1 Prince , no Emperor( Well Lelouch would be The Emperor when he was 15 year old but he refused that Status by saying he likes the title of The Crown Prince more than the Emperor so he will keep that title and also said that his father Charles is still gonna be the Fallen Emperor and he will pay tribute to his father by keeping the Throne of The Britannian Emperor empty and that was the story behind why Lelouch wasn't given the Britannian Throne and why it will always be empty but Lelouch was already The Absolute Ruler Of The Britannian Realm without a doubt because whenever the Emperor will be gone, his whole authority goes to The Crown Prince.),3 Empresses, 4 Princesses and all others were just only declared a part of Royal Family by The Acting Crown from The Duchesses's Houses. Now no one really knows if The All Powerful Crown Prince Lelouch vi Britannia is alive or not. His family and closed ones believe and only hope that he is alive . When three years passed after him being missing, everyone felt sure that he was really dead .

Is this truly the end of The Crown Prince Of The Britannian Empire Of The Britannian Realm, The Once One And Only Absolute Ruler Of The Entire Universe and All Of it's Nine Realms, One who was considered Eternally Young and Immortal just like the other Britannians or is it just a phase ? His life line was only 15 years in total and within that time he took the Entire Universe by the palm of his hands. The Once Absolute Universal Ruler , Lelouch vi Britannia, is now nowhere to be found and considered dead. The Whole Universe was shaken by this news . All Britannians and honorary Britannians mourned at his death. But only The Royalty and The Nobility didn't mourn or even gave funeral for him. With their Absolute authority over all of The Britannian Realm, they banned anything related to the funeral of The Crown Prince Lelouch vi Britannia .

A CHART OF THE UNIVERSE AUTHORITY:( Meaning who is the most powerful including all sectors power, magic, technologies, authority, followers etc.)

This declaration is done every Earth's 1000 years interval involving all The Nine Realms to find the Truly Powerful person and races. It is done to know about the power levels of All Nine Realms and their inhabitants to bring about balance and peace among the Realms. And for three thousand earth years, Lelouch vi Britannia , The Crown Prince Of The Britannian Empire, The Once Absolute Universal Ruler, The Omnipotent Ruler Of The Britannian Realm along with his entire Britannian Realm was considered the Number One meaning he along with his followers were undoubtedly the Strongest Of The Entire Universe among all other Realms. But now that he has been missing for three Brit ( Brit means Britannian Calendar, it is significantly different from Earth Calendar which followed by all other Eight Realms. For 1000 Earth years , it is only equal to 1 Brit year as everyone including honorary Britannians in Britannian Realm is immortal plus time passes there very very slowly.) years, everyone is convinced that he is finally finished and for that reason, the Entire Power Balance will shift towards Number Two

who previously never had a chance to go up but now Lelouch is gone and given his authority to The Second Princess Euphemia li Britannia who is too kind and clumsy, they stand a chance of a lifetime. The Chart Of Strongest (COS) is given below:

1) Lelouch vi Britannia ( Now missing, presumed dead) Euphemia li Britannia( The Acting Crown) and His ( I have His to indicate it was Lelouch's , it is not a mistake and you will understand why later) Britannian Realm( Still top due to his notable achievements)

2) Devioa le Cardios ( The Demon Lord )and his Demon Realm.

3) Flamia de Draqia( The Dragon Ruler ) and her Dragon Realm.

Rest are ....later

Now many are pressuring Euphemia to take the position of Lelouch as The Crown Princess as she was selected by Lelouch himself when he was leaving for his so called little vacation and gave his authority temporarily to Euphemia as The Acting Crown. But she refuses, as a result, The Entire Britannian Realm is in chaos because of Lelouch's missing , many are crying for him, many saying for a search party, many praying for his Return , many protesting for The Second Empress.

It seemed to everyone in the Nine Realms that The Britannian Realm has fallen from Glory and will soon go down towards destruction. Only for one reason it wasn't happening yet because of The Acting Crown Euphemia. She kept the Britannians united during this entire time. But things were just hanging from a thread which is ready to give out any moment. Many evil persons were gathering in The Britannian Realm to control The Acting Crown and if possible, a Coup de tat. But a Coup is impossible as no Britannian will ever take part on it as they are bound by The Citizen Contract. So the only way to take over Britannia is a head on War. In the midst of this turmoil, there was held a party where many Gods , Goddesses , Dragon Emperors, Dragon Empresses, Imperial Angels , Demon Lords , Demon Lady, Demon Kings , Demon Queens and Rulers of All Other Realms were invited into the Britannian Realm though the lower world .

( Britannian Realm consists of Five World:Crown, Royalty, Nobility, Higher , Middle and Lower world all in sequence from The Greatest to The least. The lower world mostly consisted of honorary Britannians and no Pure Britannian was there. To the people of Middle and Lower world , every single Pure Britannian are worshipped better than even Gods, especially The Crown Prince , Lelouch vi Britannia. To them, if Lelouch ever came down from The Crown world to the Lower World, it would be like The Most Greatest God from the Heavens , just descended to Earth to meet mere humans. They all will be overjoyed to meet the Greatest of Their Lords. )

Pure Britannians never went to the Middle or Lower World but now as the guest were invited by Euphemia to the Lower World , they must attend it there. This party was to celebrate the long three thousand Earth years of collaboration between the Nine Realms.(Fun fact: No person from any of the other Eight Realms have ever entered The Britannian Realm. People were allowed to enter only after they become honorary Britannians and to become that , they needed to achieve amazing feats worthy of becoming honorary Britannians. As we know every single honorary Britannian live far more luxuriously than even The Gods. They have large Mansions which covers nearly a Earth's largest country and even surpasses it. They have numerous luxurious vehicles , robotic servants, high tech gear, highly powerful magical tools etc. And these are all given to each honorary Britannian by the Citizen Contract. Now do you understand why literally every single person in the Entire Multiverse ,even The Gods want to become a honorary Britannian . The benefits are endless. They can move upto The Britannian Middle world given the qualifications. )

Let's go back to the story party:

As I told before, the party was a celebration of a three thousand Earth years collaboration between The Nine Realms and this party was normally hosted every one thousand years in Gods Realms or The Underworld. This time around, Euphemia chose to host this party in The Britannian Realm where her brother Lelouch definitely didn't want anyone without a honorary Britannian Contract to enter the Britannian Realm. But Euphemia being too kind and foolish allowed the other Realms' Ruler Class people to enter but she was only able to let them stay at Lower World for maximum 20 hours as she didn't have control over DS's system , only Lelouch had and he didn't gave Euphemia the Control Power. The people of the other Realms still accepted this condition because they eagerly wanted to see the Greatest Realm ever , The Britannian Realms whose Foundation lies under Detrois Space. They were Absolutely stunned and amazed at the Brilliance Of The Lower World . Among these 100 other Realms' people, there were some with evil intentions. The One who will stop them and bring the Britannian Realm towards the ultimate freedom , happiness and peace has returned from his Three Brit years' vacation from which he studied the Human species as they were the true embodiment of freedom and happiness and peacefulness. His highly powerful eyes are back to watching The Britannian Realm.


The Scene after he conquered The Entire Multiverse and burned down the Gods responsible for The Massacre Of The Britannians.

Now these scenes are up-to your own imagination.

How will The people react at the Return of Their Absolute Ruler Lelouch vi Britannia? From next time , I shall show POVs of Lelouch, Euphemia, Evil Gods and others.

Now I know this story is not good at all and contains a lot of mistakes .So I ask you who read this story even a little to point out my mistakes . I shall be grateful as this is my second story after all.