
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

"Good morning, students."

"WAIT, WHAT!!!!!!"

The entire group's uproar echoed through the hall like a swarm of bats screeching in a deep cave.

"Hold up. Wait a minute…" Shaheem said.

"You're kidding me," Grace said.

As the realization hit the group, Horraine walked onto the stage, his once serious expression now one of amusement. He cleared his throat to make an announcement.

"Ahem, ahem. I know many of you are confused, especially those who know me. So, here are some fun facts. Fun fact number one: this is my second year here. Fun fact number two: I became the Student Council Vice President at the end of my first year. You can ask your seniors when you eventually meet them."

The audience's shock turned into a moment of silence. Confusion spread among the group like an aura.

"So, he's been the vice-president this entire time?" Daniel asked.

"Yes, it would seem so," Kevaughn said, just as confused as everyone else.

"Damn," the group muttered.

They looked back up at the stage. While the other students were still gossiping, the announcer finally decided to speak again. However, the other students were ignoring him. He sighed and looked at the vice-principal. She nodded, giving him the go-ahead. He nodded in return and turned his attention back to the students. Horraine's rapier, which was on his hip, suddenly appeared in his hand. He lifted it just off the floor and slammed it down, creating a large amount of pressure that silenced the entire room. Most students fell to their knees under the weight of his presence, but as quickly as it came, the pressure dissipated. A few students remained standing, including the group, as Horraine began to speak.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. Now that I have your attention, I have some information to share with you. Firstly, this is a school, so there will be classes as usual. However, some subjects have changed, while others remain the same. The subjects that remain the same are: Maths, English, History, Geography, Modern Languages, and Physical Education. The new subjects include: Manipulation Control, Manipulation Theory, Weaponry Knowledge and Use, Weapon Crafting, etc. Additionally, at the government's request, you will have access to missions that contribute to your final grade and overall standing, which updates every six months. Your grade/tier and the number of missions completed will be publicly visible worldwide, similar to other schools and their students. There will be collaborative projects with other schools, sometimes involving missions with schools locally and across the globe. Now, for those unfamiliar with the grading system, let me explain. There are twelve tiers, from 12 to 1; Tier 1 is the highest, while Tier 12 is the lowest. The passing grade is 11 or higher. It used to be 7 or higher at one point, but we've changed it. The grading system now categorizes tiers as follows: Tiers 7 to 11 are average, 6 to 4 are above average, 3 to 2 are excellent, and 1 is perfect. This applies to strength assessment; for normal academics, it remains the same as you are accustomed to. Now then, any questions?"

Multiple students raised their hands. Horraine scanned the students and randomly chose one to speak.

"Why are the kinetic and academic grades separate?" the student asked.

"The separate grades serve to distinguish strength and intellect, enhancing the school's public image by showcasing its overall strength. Unfortunately, that's the reality. Any other questions?" Horraine asked with a sigh.

"Okay then… um, sir, I heard there are tournaments. Is that true?" another student asked.

"Hmm… yes. I should explain them, shouldn't I? There are three main tournaments you should know about: local tournaments, school tournaments, and international tournaments."

Another student raised their hand.

"Can you describe the three tournaments?"

"Sure. Local tournaments are community-based events, similar to local sports matches but without specific prizes. School tournaments are divided into local and international categories, allowing schools within the same country to compete locally, and internationally, schools from around the world participate. Lastly, international tournaments are open to anyone, from students to adults, offering substantial prizes for the victors. Do you understand now?"

The students nodded in understanding, and another student raised their hand.

"How often do these tournaments occur?"

Horraine pondered for a moment, placing his hand under his chin.

"Local tournaments occur annually alongside school tournaments. International school tournaments happen twice every five years, and international tournaments are held every five years as well. Oh, and before I forget, an international school tournament is coming up soon, so don't forget about that."

"Okay, sir."

"Good. As we conclude this assembly, a friendly reminder to collect your school's specialized tablets, which serve as your ID, timetable, and more. Your teachers will guide you through this process. Now then, with that said, assembly dismissed," Horraine concluded.

As he finished his speech, the students began to file out of the auditorium in a relatively orderly manner. Outside, everyone left except for the group, who stood waiting for him. Horraine was the first to speak.

"You four, with me now," Horraine's words left no room for argument.

"Oh, okay…"

"I know you guys are confused. Just follow," Horraine said as he started walking out of the auditorium.

They nodded and followed him to a large building, the Student Council headquarters, with two large dark oak double doors. Horraine walked up to the doors, pushed them open, and entered. The group looked bewildered for a moment but quickly snapped out of it and followed him. They passed through several rooms until they stopped at the second-to-last room in the building. Horraine opened the door and walked in, the group following him.

The room was spacious, about thirty square feet, with bookshelves lining the walls. There were two black couches on either side of the room, a brown coffee table between them, and in the center, a dark oak table with a black command center chair behind it. Horraine walked around the table and sat in the chair.

"Take a seat," he gestured to the couches.

"Horraine, why did you bring us here?" Daniel asked.

"To inform you of something I didn't mention in the auditorium."

"What could that be?" Grace asked.

"Let me explain. I lied about there being three types of tournaments," Horraine said.

"So, you lied about there being three. So what?" Kevaughn questioned.

"Let me finish. There are not three, but four. The fourth one is called an underground tournament, also adorably nicknamed the Lazarus Pit."

"Judging by the name, nothing good comes from it," Grace remarked.

"You would be correct. To keep it short and sweet, it's a death pit," Horraine said seriously.

"Why tell us about it?" Kevaughn asked.

"I was getting to that. Simply put, I know you guys won't go looking for one."

"Why would we go looking for one?" Grace asked, confused.

"Exactly my point. But this is mostly for criminals. The prize is what draws people in."

"And what is that prize?"

"Well, money for one, but also a way to get stronger."

"By stealing the loser's kinetic ability?"

"What? That's…"


"Yeah, it was until three years ago. We don't know if it's a person or an item, but they found a way to steal kinetic abilities."

"Shouldn't we stop them, then?"

"There's no need. There aren't any in the country at the moment. The last one was destroyed a few months ago."

"Oh… oh."

"Yeah, anyway, here are your tablets," Horraine said as he retrieved four tablets from a drawer in the table.

He handed one to each of them.

"Take one, register, and head to class."

They nodded, took the tablets, and left.

"Maybe I should have told them that I was the one who destroyed them. Oh well."

Chapter 7: End