

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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20 Chs

Undercover wizard

Seeing Zord saving him, Luck was shocked and bit of confused, what he was doing here. After sending him here on pretext of test. After Zord hit demon with an wind magic arrow, Zord immediately carried Luck and went deep inside the cave. So that the demon couldn't find them easily. After deceiving demon, they ran deep inside the cave and found an save place for rest for the time being. Luck totally confused, so Zord started talking, he told him that he never left the royal army at the first place but was transferred to the intelligence unit which was controlled by Council of wizards (Xavier's family members were also part of the council). Continuing Zord told Luck that spies working under council have given them intel about the satanists plan of taming this demon and conquering the Arson . So council gave him an undercover mission of killing the demon and conquering the Arson. After sometime while Zord was healing Luck, he mocked him about 'How an old man who have one foot in grave, works in intelligence unit..', 'have you hit your head somewhere oldman, while doing something stupid'. Zord hit him in his head and said, 'Have you dropped your brain somewhere while fighting that demon, you are more stupid than you look'. Luck replied 'oh man that actually hurts', then Zord said him that this is his disguise for this mission. He immediately undone disguise spell, after the spell was undone there was standing, an 32 year old middle aged beared man with blonde haired.After seeing a fully fledged wizard in place of old geezer, there were no words to say. So Luck took his time to understand the situation while sitting near bonfire, Zord lit up for some warmth.So he asked 'why you have sent me here to get Arson'. So he summarised him the history of Arson that it can only be beared by man who can conquer his rage and approved by fire spirit can use Arson, but those who fail will be burned into ashes.Then He mentioned the incident about when he fought mercerneries at Floria village that his mana emits an rage aura, which were one of the condition for Arson bearer. As one of Zord's objective was to conquer Arson so he tried to use him(Luck) to get his hands on sword.This made Luck somehow angry, so he just punched him and said 'this is for using me... Ayou rotten geezer'. Zord replied 'stop calling me geezer.....you foolish brat'. So after their little skirmish, seriousness filled the surroundings and Luck asked' why haven't you already disposed this freak '. Zord replied while looking distressed' I have tried many times, but it looks like demon can only be hurt by fire as other elemental magic just got absorbed inside it'. Luck replied that he is an fire user and still his mana was absorbed. Zord replied 'something is holding you back that you can't got the grip on pure form of fire mana' . After thinking for a while he just remained silent and a cry full of agony was approaching them which was demon. So Luck asked Zord that' have you found Arson', Zord replied 'yes'

Luck looking distresses said, 'it looks like we don't have any choice, let's get Arson and send this bastard back to hell'. So they headed towards Arson.......