

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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Training with pro

As ordered by the council,Slade became new teacher of Luck. Slade was infamous for his harsh Training Method and many of his pupil left without completing training. So after everything was settled, after few hours Slade called Luck to give him some precautions about his training

As soon as Luck arrived to meet Slade, they settled down in his office, a crazy seriousness filled the room. they both sat in silence for a while after continuously glaring at each other for sometime. Conversation started, Slade asked Luck,'are you serious about training', Luck replied in yes. Then he asked Luck 'would you follow anywhere in this world for training', after thinking for a while Luck replied yes. After that giving him a smile, Slade ordered Luck to pack bags as they were going to some special place to so training.

Without asking any further question, Luck prepared himself for the training, Next day Slade and Luck went on their journey to the special region. On the way, Luck asked Slade about, 'what is this special place'. Replying Luck, Slade told him about some zones in kingdom where the concentration of mana was too dense but it is too difficult to handle that much of mana, a average mage would become nauseac and for some region can't recover for some time,and best place to do hardcore training. After 2 days of travelling they finally reached Fire Mana Zone, a zone was busting with lot of mana and magnificent scenery as if was located near an volcano, hence training with pro started.

First of all Slade taught him about concentration of mana i.e to meditate in order to increase his mana capacity everyday for 2 hours until his training was over. And in all other time was scheduled as sparring with swords with Luck, body building training, endurance training and sword training. Anyone would say training regiment to be simple but day by day it gets hard and due to high mana concentration and workout, body feels backlash at some breakpoint point during training.

So Luck's hardcore training, every morning he deligentently does meditation and during night he practices with sword. Many times during training, Luck forget his purpose of the training and wanted to run away from the harsh Training, any weak willed person would do the same but then he realise it would be a waste if he left training at the very moment and gather back his motivation and goes back to training. During Luck's sparring, Slade used to terribly dominate Luck, even that beat up motivated him and slowly slowly, he became used to it. Also he became quite efficient to chanel his rage into his blows with Arson and his blows became quite hard and fast that after sometime he could easily evade almost all of Slade attack, after training for few weeks., he build up quite muscles and improved his combat skills to extreme.

Finally Luck reached his breakpoint, where he couldn't feel any growth in his power, so he consulted with Slade, after hearing about his breakpoint. Slade told him that his time for seeing the results of the training and if he will be able to achieve this task, he will keep on growing and get an important lesson on power. So Luck asked Slade about task, Slade watching at him grimfully replied that he has to defeat an volcanic ogre living inside an cave in the volcano. Shocked after hearing ogre, Luck asked Slade about ogre being a myth as it was an S+ danger level creature which are extinct now. Proving Luck wrong, Slade showed him proof about An ogre roaming and attacking people who travel through this area. After thinking for a while, Luck asked him that if he Is going to use him to get rid of this ogre,in denying expression Slade replied maybe. The task created made him feel exhilarating and replied Slade to bring it on and complemented ogre as quite an worthy opponent. So Luck gathered all the info about his pattern of attacks and his dimension, about his dark arts and abilities. And this task would be test for Luck to prove to the Council whether he will take responsibility for the safety of the high officials or not. After all info gathering, Luck reached the place and started searching for the ogre but........