

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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The Council

After defeating mutant , Zord and Luck left for the capital. After that, a group of cloaked men were seen on the battlefield, gathering the remains of that mutant.

After 3-4 days, they both reached capital and their first and foremost task is to give the report to their high officials about the completion of the mission. So they headed towards the townhall where The Council's Headquarters were situated. Townhall was one of magnificently built, huge skyscraper which was located at the northern Sector of the capital.

So they immediately reached there and Zord went inside and reported the whole incident occurred there to his commanding officer i. e commander slade, who were one of the most respected official in Argus kingdom. After hearing the whole report, Zord called in Luck for some interrogation on the incident as he had an active role in it. After asking few questions about, what happened and how he got his hands on sword. Luck answered all his question but doesn't told him the whole truth that was actually about him from another world.

After hearing the report from both Zord and Luck, Commander Slade invited Luck to join intelligent unit as an partner of Zord but Luck refused, he was more of the adventurer type than soldier type. After that Slade ordered both of them to get rest until The council itself called them out on this matter as Arson was a big deal. So they both went out and Zord invited Luck for a drink so they spend whole night drinking in bar and returned to their homes next morning.

Next morning, after reaching Xavier's mansion Luck immediately reported the whole incident to Alexander as he was the present head of the Xavier family. But Alexander already knew about whole incident as he was one of the members of The council as representative of Xavier. Alexander congratulated Luck on getting the legendary sword, Arson and whole family call out the feast as it was quite the achievement for Xavier's. After few days Luck was called out by The council so he immediately suited up headed towards the townhall. As soon as he entered the Great dorm in townhall, there were sitting the mightiest wizards of the Argus kingdom i. e Elemental Grandmasters and masters, and Zord was also present at the scene so the interrogation begins. Luck explained all events happened during the mission and his encounter with Flame/Fire spirit. After all the interrogation, Grandmasters ordered Luck to show the demonstration of The Arson. Luck shown them quite the show, after that The council put an request for Luck. The request was to became one of member of the security committee, which was made to maintain security on the upcoming peace event treaty that was gonna be signed by the seven Kings of the region in short they wanted him to become bodyguard of high officials,which Luck refused as he wasn't strong enough to protect anyone at his level of combat strength. So they offered him to give him an master ranked trainer who will teach him all about combat and battle, the offer was too good that he couldn't refuse it because he was already finding a tutor who would train him to his limits and improve his overall strength. The trainer was Commander Slade, who has great skills at using swords. After that agreement, Zord warned Luck about Slade, being an harsh trainer as Zord was one of his former pupils, hence the training to become an elite class as Zord, has started....