

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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search for an tutor

After gathering enough intel about magic and his new world, LUCK realised that the only thing, he lacks in this world is power. So he decided to get trained from someone experienced, but noone in his family was free enough to give him some training on magic. He asked everyone in the mansion from his father to his uncle, but noone is free enough to spare some of their time for his training, as their family is preparing for the security of the upcoming conference of the kings. So as he was searching for a trainer, ALEXANDER told him about an veteran knight, whom he met during his training at inferno valley named ZORD. He gave LUCK some info about him living in a village at the western front of capital, which made him remember about the old man, he met at FLORIA.

As the journey was a bit long, so he started his journey as soon as possible. So he took a carriage, stopped by the shops in capital and loaded it with necessary supplies and started his journey to find a trainer.

After 2 days, he finally reached his destination that is FLORIA village. As soon he reached village, he payed his respect to village head and elder and asked them about ZORD's whereabouts in the village. They told him that he lives near waterfall that is situated at the northern side of the village. So he immediately went there, their he saw ZORD fishing with his own 2 hands without any tool, this confused LUCK, so he asked why he was fishing without fishing rode after giving him salutation. ZORD passionately answered him that he can do it with fishing rode but it doesn't give a thrill of fishing hence fishing by hands are more fun than fishing with rode.

During this conversation, LUCK confirmed that he is the person ALEXANDER was talking about. So LUCK requested ZORD to train him,but ZORD refused. He told him he doesn't take anyone as his  apprentice, this shocked LUCK so he asked ZORD what should he(LUCK) do that, he (ZORD) can acknowledge him as his apprentice. As soon as these words left LUCK's mouth. ZORD gave him a mirthless smile and still refused. LUCK was on edge as he has already decided that if someone gonna train him(LUCK), it is gonna be him(ZORD) or noone.