

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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20 Chs

Rage of fire

After moving for sometime, they finally reached the place, where Arson was held. It was heavenly scene, a buried sword , emitting a dazzling crimson aura from it. As they both reached the site, Zord hesitatingly asked 'Are you sure' as the risk was too high. Luck replied 'there is no turning back now'. And requested Zord to hold the demon back for the time being as it may take time to get hold on sword, and with a pause he said Zord, to escape and seal the cave if he wouldn't be able to hold that demon back any longer and not to return for him. Zord understood his intention but still asked him again 'are you sure, you wanna do this'. Luck replied 'yes, it is power i wanted, that's why I came to you in a first place and you showed the way as expected '. Zord left by saying 'don't die on me, kid'.

So as soon Zord left the site, Luck prepared to get hands on Arson. He was both nervous and excited. As soon as he held the hilt of the sword, his consciousness was sent into another space, dark and empty. There was nothingness which can devour anything, suddenly a crimson flame floating appeared before Luck and voice came from it. 'so you are the next candidate, I never expected you to come this early', those words confused Luck, so he asked the flame 'have we met somewhere'. Flame replied 'no, we haven't'. Coming to point Luck asked flame to let him use Arson as time was running out. Flame replied it can't, as Arson chose his own master. After few moments Arson appeared before Luck, and gone rogue started attacking him. Conversation with flame was still going, he asked flame why it started attacking him. So flame explained the rules of this battle, flame told Luck to hold Arson with his rage of fire. Luck replied 'but how'. Flame said in leisurely tune 'it wouldn't be a test, if I told you all the answers find yourself'. Luck shouted at flame, ' I don't have time for your game'. But flame dissappeared and denied further conversation.

Frustrated Luck trying to hold the sword as many times but it always got away at last moment. For a moment, he got glimpse of Zord's tackling with demon,which calmed him down. So he started concentrating his mana, as dense as possible. Each time as he try, It feels to him that he was going to reach somewhere. So he keep on trying and after many tries, he finally reached at level where he has started to make crimson flames, out of mana. Now the time has come to finally grab Arson, he boosted his flames from all over his body and dashed towards the sword , and got his grip on sword. As sword was also emitting its aura, it looked like firebird phoenix was flying in the dark alley. Luck reached his limit, but sword was still stubborn as hell. It made Luck so much angry that his flames became double as his anger was taking over him and slowly losing the sense of reasoning. As he was just drowning in his anger,he got a glimpse of his past life that after his death, how his friend that betrayed him was regretting for his action and was so guilty , which woke him up from drowning further. After that Arson stood still in air, flame spirit appeared again. After appearing again, flame asked question from Luck that 'would you forgive him'.So Luck replied with glimpse of smile on his face 'yes '....