

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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The day for the peace treaty event have come, one by one all Kings were arriving the cathedral. Security seems to be soo tight even a bee can't find a way to pass through wall of cathedral. Luck was given the duty to keep an eye on all the officials present in the hall. Luck was feeling something strange,as if something is lurking before his eyes and he can't see it.

After all the kings arrived,they gathered around the round table and hence the ceremony started. They were present there to discuss things on peace and prosperity among kingdoms. As the discussion was taking Fleet bit by bit. From the outskirts, the army of the enhanced mutants were approaching, everyone in the hall were given the news. Hall was filled with chaos, and every guard who were appointed to watch over high official were called out for the battle with mutants which include Zord and Luck. Something seems to be bit off in hall, so before departuring Luck signalled Alexander and guardians of King of Argus in their secret gesture to be on guard. And left the hall, as soon Zord and Luck reached the outpost, they were astonished to see hundreds of mutants approaching them. Slade ordered to launch attack with everything they got, so thousand of soldiers leaped towards the battlefield. And a skirmish started, every soldier piercing their weapons through mutants and took many so easily. Luck grasped something wrong about these mutants as the mutant he fought was hundred time stronger than these. Zord got the same feeling so they discussed the situation with each other while fighting. As the opponent were weak, many soldiers just Overpowered mutants and killed as many as they can and used up all their magic on them, after few moments a man floating in air was seen. And he declared himself as satanist,and opened an portal through which real enhanced mutants were released. Satanist declared that, 'these mutants were failures whom you killed and you enjoy so much overpowering them now the real battle have started' . Battlefield was filled with despair, most of the soldiers who were out of magic panicked and got killed by mutants like ants. Half of the soldiers were dead, as for Luck he was battling as efficiently as possible and went out on battlefield to find the leader of the mutants as army of mutants were just unbelievably accurately coordinated. After sometime, he found an mutant double the size of an ordinary enhanced mutants and recognised him as their leader. So Luck leaped towards mega mutant with his Arson and fierce battle started. Megamutant was strong but he lacks the speed due to his gigantic body. So Luck damaged the Megamutant quite easily but his healing abilities was insane. Luck repeatedly attacking him at various different spots but doesn't found any weak point. As the battle continues, Luck got hit by Megamutant and it wasn't the joke,. The hit was too strong that his injuries from last battle refreshed and an enormous pain travelled through his body and he cried in pain, hearing the cry, Zord headed towards Luck but even though Luck was in pain but he never stopped fighting. After few moments, Zord reached the place where Luck was fighting. Seeing Luck covered in blood horrified Zord but doesn't stop him from assisting Luck. So he suddenly jumped into battle with Megamutant as Luck's backup.

Hence 2 on 1 fight started, Zord showering rain of arrows and Luck showering his rage of fire on mega mutant. After fierce battle, they were able to kill that gigantic monster. Exhaustion hit both but the battle wasn't over, as the army of mutants was not dispersed. This confused Luck, so he take a quick look at each and every thing on battlefield. And concluded the floating satanist as the general. Luck charged his Arson with magic and jumped towards satanist in air but he was able to dodge his attack. Satanist shouted, 'so you finally found me'. Luck replied in rage, 'die you bastard' and leaped towards satanist.....