

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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A man full of sorrow and agony just keep falling to the depths of the despair where exist no light but the memories of the betrayal by the so called friend. Hatred emerges in mind but still called friend righteous, even forgives him for the betrayal and sorrow he caused to him..... While thinking all about his lifeevents he suddenly saw a light at the last of his eternal slumber.... Maybe fate has given him a chance to live

Man named, LUCK XAVIER falling from a cliff as to escape from the mercenaries sent to kill him. Here LUCK XAVIER is 23 year old guy who is a whimp, who doesn't want to take responsibility of his prestigious noble family XAVIER, which is one of the most respected family in ARGUS kingdom, as the next Head. So as the fate plays its game LUCK fell into the river and his head hit with the rock at the bottom of the river.. Then our unamed hero's got his soul into that LUCK's body hence a new entity is born... Oh i forget to mention that our unnamed hero is seriously into the fantasy stuff like magic... As the story continues LUCK found himself lying on bed in some village still shocked how he is still alive after being betrayed by a friend... Remember guy's this is our hero not that coward ok, so lets not make any mistake in further story..... Here LUCK found himself wrapped in the bandages shocked so he looked outside of the house, saw some children doing some magical training which further shocks him, at first he thought he was hallucinating or gone crazy then slowly slowly he grasped his surroundings and found himself in another world... Hey guyz our hero is smart and he has the memories of the coward LUCK may he RIP ....  As the story proceeds, a young lady named EBINA enters the room, asking LUCK  if he is feeling ok.... and started asking him questions... About what is his name... Where he is from and lot of other stuff. LUCK in majestic way answered all her queries,and asked about the place he is currently in.... So its a village named FLORIA at the western side of the capital.... all the village members wholeheartedly welcomed him and treated him as village guest. As the conversation continues the night falls. All alone LUCK started thinking about the situation he is in and about his past, after giving a lot of thinking he decided to forget about his last life and start new life in this world.

  Next day, he went to meet the village head and elder and show them his utmost gratitude for saving his life. As the conversation continues he found that a veteran wizard lives in the village so he went out to meet him, as he was on his way to meet the old wizard he heard thundering sound, suddenly a giant boar and old man riding it appeared... After seing that a thought emergers in LUCK's mind what an insane old man.... Fierce fight occurs then that oldman slashed boar into two with one slash of his wind magic... Oldman looks like he was an insane bodybuilder when he was young then oldman glares at LUCK which frightened him. And slowly moves towards LUCK and suddenly fell down as his back cramped and said LUCK in funny painful tone 'will you help an oldman get to his house'... First reaction after seeing the whole scene from LUCK 'WHAT...'. While returning Oldman started telling LUCK about his glorious days of youth and other crap.... As they both approaches the village, they saw some men pointing their swords at villagers and asking about LUCK's whereabouts... Now guyz action is going to begin.... During this whole period LUCK and oldman were watching from shadows and LUCK just couldn't decide what to do meanwhile one of the men hold EBINA pointing sword at neck. This pissed LUCK so he just somehow used his magical ability and punched him in the face and then ran off from the scene, then all men started chasing him. While chased by men LUCK found that they were the mercenaries who came to kill him.. After a long run LUCK was in same position again at the end of the cliff but this time he decided on do or die. He activated his magical ability that is fire element and made an mana covering over his hands. Then the fight begins, as LUCK was from An noble family he was taught how to fight and defend,mercenaries were armed but LUCK fearlessly beat the crap out of them and then tied them