

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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Devour ability unlocked

It was quite a long time ever after that event that he has battled for real. He was pretty hyped up as he has quietly improved in magic control and became quite adapt to Arson and now was his time to test his improvement.

After leaving the lady at secure place, he head towards camp. He sneaked around in shadows, verifying his opponents. It was total of 25 men, in which all were warriors and their leader was combat mage. Through the shadows, Luck took down the man who were stood on guard. After he sneakily killed other 2 men who were just strolling around, and one by one he took down 20 men. Now, Luck was devising his plan, suddenly a cloaked man appeared on scene holding a weird magic tool. Luck who was preparing for an ambush, took his steps back and decided to wait and watch. As Luck was hiding some distance afar, he just got some glimpses on their conversation about the parchment that the bandit leader has stolen from the ruins. But bandit leader denied him and ordered his other 4 men to attack him. Seeing them preparing, cloaked man just give them a smile and an huge beast come out from his shadow. The beast which came out of the shadow was just like the megamutant, Luck has fought but this time it was of humanoid shape holding 2 axes. Just after few moments of appearance, he just dashed to wards the bandits and started attacking them. As the 4 bandits were experienced warriors, they underestimated the megamutant. And without any caution just attacked it, just as these bandit encircled the megamutant. Megamutant released a roar and Battle continued, as bandits were attacking the megamutant he started adapting to the situation, just like any human would do. Seeing the beast adapting the situation surprised Luck, as the beast was adapting to the battle. Its attacks became more presize and after some time, he defeated and killed the bandits and now only the bandit leader was left. Cloaked man giving bandit leader last choice of surviving and made a deal, that if he just handover the parchment he (cloaked man) will let him go. The bandit leader who got no other choice but to surrender took out the parhment from his pocket. As bandit leader took the parhment out, Arson started reacting to it and Luck heared a voice in his mind. Voice told him to take the parhment, Luck was confused but came back to his senses immediately and questioned the voice why. Voice told him that parhment contains a skill which can be equipped by Arson, Luck immediately questioned, "who are you and why are you telling me this". In response voice introduced himself as the spirit residing inside the Arson i.e the soul of Arson. Luck was shocked but voice hurriedly asked him to snatch the parhment. As bandit leader was about to handover the parhment, Luck jumped out of shadows and launched a wide area fire attack which separated cloaked men and bandit leader. Luck immediately attacked the bandit leader and cut off his hand, snatching the parhment. As soon as Luck snatched the parhment, runes on Arson started glowing and some runes within the parhment came outside and merged with the runes of the Arson and whole scene was filled with blinding light. Just as the runes merged, soul spoke out to Luck about the new ability and went back to silence. Soul explained him that Arson can inherit any ancient skill which can be compatible with it and power of its master and new skill he obtained is named as "Hellfire devour"........