

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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20 Chs

Decisive battle

As battle between the demon and Zord continues, demon gets even stronger And Zord was continuously fighting an overpowered enemy alone. After some evasion, misfortunately demon caught Zord with his 2 hands and thrown him against the wall. The impact was so heavy, which immobilised Zord. As the demon was approaching near him, Zord started losing hope and thinks 'so this is it' and eventually lost consciousness .

As demon was going to crush Zord's head , Luck crashed into scene by piercing through the wall and attacked on demon's arm. After the attack, demon left Zord and cried in pain and swiftly, Luck carried Zord and took him away from the battlefield to a safe and elevated place. After placing Zord at safe place, Luck used his magic to power up sword hence flames started emitting from all over Arson and Luck's body. And started an offensive attack, the flames were too hot that as Sword hits demon its blood got evaporated from its heat. So their fierce battle started, Luck hit him with his sword which penetrated through its steel like skin eventually but as the demon was much stronger than before and was continuously gaining strength,. So Luck decided to cut its power supply, as Luck was quite knowledgeable he knew that the secret behind the demon's strength were the dark magical stones. So he smashed an impact of fire on the ground which destroyed almost half of the stones in that particular area.

After Cutting his continuous power supply, he started hitting him randomly and caused huge cuts on demon's body which caused a great backlash in strength of the demon as half of its power was used in healing itself. Demon got frustrated and start throwing random things on to Luck but as Luck has also became stronger than before, he easily dodged its attack and countered them. As the battle between Luck and demon got intense, Zord wakes up and saw those two fighting like crazy maniacs. As Luck was injuring it, but there doesn't seem any end in totally killing it as if it was like an immortal.

After that Zord shouted 'cut off its head',those words immediately caught Luck's ears so he just pulled himself back from demon and got in offensive attack stance,and started collecting a his power to induce in single attack to perfectly kill it. But it was difficult as demon was continuously attacking Luck, then Zord started his attacks above from the elevated place he was on and showered rain of arrows which gave Luck some time to completely charge his attack. Now the time for the finishing move have come, so Luck dashed towards demon as fast as he can and slashed Arson through its neck and separated its neck from it. After defeating the demon, Luck immediately headed towards Zord and started healing his wounds upto his level and patched up several of his minor injuries. After completely examining the demon, Zord concluded that it wasn't the real demon it was an mutant, a bio weapon made out of magic. After that Zord made the full report of the situation, and finally they headed towards the Capital to meet up with The Council....