

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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Its been a week since LUCK has been chasing ZORD to take him(luck) as his(zord) apprentice. After whole this time LUCK have became an headache for ZORD, so ZORD challenged him with the test in order to acknowledge whether he is qualified to be his apprentice or not. So he ordered him to bring him, Arson, The hellfire sword hidden within the cave in the hades forest which is located at the southern side of the Floria village.

After telling him all about test, Zord gave Luck a word of caution about fire demon lured by Arson sword in cave who devoured many unworthy candidates. He tried to frighten Luck, but Luck's resolve is much more stronger than it looks. He accepted test without any hesitation, by seeing such resolve, Zord promised him to teach the handling of Arson sword.

The promise,put an spice in his challenge, so he immediately left for the hades forest. After few hours of travelling, he finally found the cave where Arson sword was residing. The scene outside the cave was quite bizzare, it was filled with human bones. As he was observing the scene, a roar full of agony came from inside the cave. He immediately pulled his sword and cautiously entered the cave. As he moves his steps further deep in cave, it became dead silence. He can even hear his heart beat, as he moves further the more tensed situation became as the location of that demon was unknown. The cave was pitch dark from inside where as it was night time only some of the moon's light made some parts visible but still most of the place is stuffed with rocks and skeletons of many humans and animals.

As he moves forward, he suddenly heard sound callin for help even though it was faint, his senses moves at the speed of the light and finally found an injured adventurer who was at the edge of death, requested him to save the remaining members of his party who was with him on quest of hunting the demon but was completely overpowered. As he was telling him about being ambushed by demon, he hit stroke of death and collapsed at the scene. After all that , he started moving as soon as possible to find the survivors and heard the scream so he headed at the scene and shocked after seeing 7 foot tall demon with an survivor's head in his hand about to be crushed. That survivor cried in despair, but it was too late he was already dead as demon has already crushed the arteries in his neck, what left was piece of dead flesh. After throwing that survivor away, demon sensed Luck and attacked him . Now the time for battle has come....