

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · Urban
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20 Chs

An important lesson

Luck fell unconscious, and he found himself in dark room where at its corner, their was a child weeping so he went towards him. And that child exactly looks like him when he was child. Totally surprised, after seeing each other that child stopped weeping but was still murmuring. And then Luck asked child why he was weeping, so child replied that his best friend betrayed him and he was angry with him but still miss him. Those words shaken Luck, child asked him ' does it ever happened to you', Luck replied in' yes'. Then child asked him what would he have done, Luck replied him with smile,' I would absolutely forgive him and be his friend again as he saved me many times, so it doesn't matter if he betrayed me as I know he would be dying everyday from guilt '. Then child left with smile and disappeared. After that Luck his consciousness back and he found himself being carried by Slade towards the camp where survivors were taken care. So Slade asked Luck,so what did he learn from this incident .Luck remain silent for few moments , he said"protecting other is a huge responsibility and people with power must protect those who doesn't have it and besides guilt of not done something within time really kills person ". Slade replied,'quite a noble answer from someone who was used to be called a coward '. Luck replied ,'i doesn't care what people say about me '.

after few minutes they reached the camp and scene wasn't too good ,as it was the most horrific incident that could ever happen to a child that they would never forget it in their whole life.some of the children were too frightened and was in trauma , mages who were with them trying too comfort them but that doesn't seem to work . After reaching , the doctors present their came to patch up Luck as he was injured from his fight and hit the exhaustion due to which his body can't heal itself with magic and broke few of his bones and ribs .So they gave him quite painkiller and medicinal herbs in order to reduce his pain and help him gain his stamina . After sometime a child came to meet Luck ,on first glance Luck asked him is he okay now . Boy replied in yes. Luck asked him 'do you remember the words i said to you before falling into waterfall ',boy shakes his head. So luck asked him to repeat the words ,boy replied , 'loser ' then boy asked ,'why did you call me loser '. Luck replied in serious tune ,'people who give up without doing anything are loser', boy replied' but he was too strong ,i cannot fight that ogre ' Luck replied 'so you must take responsibility and become stronger ,so that noone else has to see something like this again,many of children will forget about this incident and move on in their life ,and its your choice to just move on or do something so that this tragedy never happen again' after few moments boy asked Luck 'why did you save me',Luck replied,'it is the duty of people with power to protect those who doesn't have it'. After few moments ,doctor came to examine Luck's condition and boy left . As all the survivors were from same village ,so they left the camp and that boy was never seen again by Luck,after that Luck was advised to get some rest as the peace treaty between*seven kings of the region.So he went back to his home .

The event was postponed by month ,as The council has got the news from their spies about Satanists activities.In meantime Council ordered all the members of military and intelligence unit to train and improve their strength as the event was a big deal.As per order everybody started their training in the meantime and month passed .So the day of the event finally came........