
X-men: Wolf

A new Feral arrives in the X-men's lives.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


" Hm, what do you think of the boy Logan?"

Charles asked as he and the man prepared for the day ahead.

" I don't know Charles, he's a bit weird. Though, if he is a wolf, and he was in that cell his whole life. That would explain why he doesn't talk. The only thing he's probably ever know is how to be a wolf. If that's the case we should keep him away from any she-wolves, if you get what I'm saying."

Logan explained to the man his reasoning behind the boy's behavior

" You are referring to Rahne. She is an adult now Logan and is free to seek relations with whomever. Though I do share your concerns. But what confuses me most is his not speaking. He seems to understand perfectly well what we're saying. And he's even used to taking orders if we're to believe those dog tags are his. Then that would mean he is or at least was being trained to be a soldier. If that is the case, then he would have had ample time outside of his cell. So, why choose not to say a word?"

Charles asked in confusion as he went over what he knew about the boy.

" Like I said charles. It could just be he's more in tune with his animalistic side. I was like that too for a while and Laura still is. Just give it time Chuck. Let him adjust to the new surroundings."

Logan explained to the man.

" I see, you're right Logan. Speaking of Laura, how is she adjusting to the school, Logan?"

Charles asked.

" Eh, she's still sticking to herself. Though she's not as moody as before. That's about it. Not much else has changed."

Logan explained.

" Well, we expected as much. I think it's time we prepare Mr. Alexanders tests. Shall we Logan?"

Charles asked as he rolled himself to the door to his office.

" Yeah, come on Chuck."

Logan said as he opened the door to the office and walked out of it with Charles close behind.

" Sniff! Sniff! Hm."

Captain growled as he smelled the coming men. Two familiars and one unknown. Captain sat up and readied himself.

Knock Knock Knock!

Logan knocked on the captain's door.

" Open it up. It's time for training kid."

Logan said through the door as he continued hammering on it.

" Logan, must you be so loud early in the morning?"

Beast asked.

" What? Just making sure he's up."

logan was saying as the door opened.

Captain stepped out into the hallway

' Whoa, big was an understatement, he's just as big as peter.'

Beast thought to himself as he looked upon the captain's imposing figure. A solid 6'7 weighting over 200 pounds of pure muscle. The boy in front of him was quite a sight to see. As was his beautiful, tanned skin, and snow-white hair. But one thing that stuck out to beast was the boy's eyes.

' His eyes look like those of a predator stalking his pray. His facial expression shows an uncaring beast behind the skin of a man. This boy is dangerous indeed.'

Beast thought to himself. Sharing a similar opinion of the boy as Logan.

" Alright, kid listen up. We're gonna test your physical capabilities. And then we're gonna see how you fair in a fight. Got it?"

Logan asked

Captain simply nodded back in response.

" Alright, let's go."

Logan said to the boy as he led him towards the danger room. Once there Logan gave the boy training gear for the boy to wear, it bore a striking resemblance to the gear the New Mutants used to wear during their training days. A standard navy-blue suit with golden X's on the shoulders.

The boy put the suit on the suit on up to his waist and let the rest hang down on his body.

" I'm not even gonna ask what that's about. All right kid, do you know what a bench press is?"

Logan asked

The boy nodded.

" All right, let's see how much you can put up."

Logan said to the boy.

Logan, Beast, and Xavier watched as the boy effortlessly shattered all of their records. Putting up 1000 pounds on the bench like it was nothing. The only reason they stopped at 1000 was because they didn't have a bench that could hold any more weight than that right now, due to the last attack on the mansion destroying some of their equipment. The group then went on to Speed and stamina.

" All right, kid now, all I want you to do is make it to the end of the room without getting hit by any of the projectiles."

Logan ordered from the observation deck.

The room around the boy changed and a plethora of objects appeared. Gunmen, Lasers, and more.

Captain immediately began rushing through the obstacles with ease. Maneuvering in ways that no human could.

" Look at him go, he's really something. You said he was trained? This goes beyond any normal training I've ever seen. I doubt even our friend in stripes can move like that."

Beast stated as he watched the wolf man effortlessly maneuver through the course.

The boy effortlessly crushed the obstacle course finishing it in under thirty seconds.

" That's scary!"

Beast stated bluntly.

" Hm, kid's got serious skills. He might be even better than the rest of the X-men.

" All right kid. You've done pretty damn good. Better than most before you. But now we move on to the fun part. Hand to hand combat and we've got just the opponent for you. Peter."

Logan explained over the microphone. When he called out peter's name the door to the danger room opened and Colossus stepped into the room fully armored up.

" Da, Ready comrade?"

Peter asked as he stepped into the room.

" Remember this is a sparring match. No killing!"

Logan made sure to explain specifically to the boy.

The captain nodded and walked up and into Peter's face staring him directly in his eyes.

" GO!"

Logan yelled.

Captain immediately moved to attack, using his speed and agility to preform acrobatic movements to distract colossus before delivering a fierce kick to the man's head.

" Ugh!"

Peter grunted as his head hit the floor hard.

" Not bad comrade. But not good enough to put me down."

Peter said as he got to his feet, blood trickling down his face.

" My word, he certainly is stronger, far stronger than I believed."

Charles said as he cradled his head in his hands.

" No, kidding. Me and Pete tear it up on a regular and I've never seen him get dropped like that. Kids got some power in those legs, seriously. Good thing I told him this wasn't a death match. If he can do that holding back, imagine what he can do if he were serious."

Logan stated as he was impressed by how easily he managed to drop Colossus in his fully metal for.

" Yes, quite. And it seems he possess quite the flair for dramatics. All that flipping around to deliver only one kick. A strong and powerful kick, yes, but only one."

Beast explained.

" Most likely to gather power and confuse his opponents. It's quite an effective technique."

Logan explained as he continued watching the two fight.

" All of that is quite impressive. But he still hasn't revealed his transformation yet. I was hoping Peter could pressure him into doing so. But I believe he knows he doesn't need to."

Charles explained.

" Which means, that when he transforms, he must be quite the beast."

Logan stated.

Back down in the danger room Colossus was being beaten pretty badly.

Peter charged the wolfman and tried to hit him with a right, only for the captain to duck under the man's giant arm and slam his foot into his chin, knocking Peter off the ground. Captain spun quickly and hit peter in his chest with his other foot knocking him away from him. Peter went to stand up only to collapse on his knees.

" All right, that's enough. I think we've got a good gauge of your abilities now. You two shake hands and come on up."

Logan said over the intercom to the two.

Alexander walked over to Peter and stuck his hand out for the man to take.

" AH! Thanks comrade!"

Peter said as he was pulled to his feet.

" You fight well. I look forward to a rematch. For now, let us shower I smell like pig fields back in Russia."

Peter said as he smelled his own armpits.

Alexander nodded and followed the man out of the room.

" All right everyone, as I'm sure you all know we have another mutant who will be joining us. He's a anthropomorph like you Rahne."

Charles explained to his X-men.

" Really?! I had nae idea Th' is amaezin. I can' wait for ye all to meet him."

Rahne exclaimed happily. She always felt alone as she was the only other mutant who transformed into a wolf. Having no one else to really relate to her own age, Rahne struggled to accept her powers. Now, it would seem she has someone who knows exactly how she felt, so she couldn't help but be really excited about him joining the institute.

" Indeed Rahne. But first, how did he do in the danger room professor?"

Scott asked

" Well, why don't you all watch and see for yourselves."

Charles said to the group as he pulled up the recording from the danger room for everyone to see.

" Oh man, he had to fight against peter. That's a rough first opponent. Poor guy probably didn't stand a chance."

Bobby joked.

Needless to say, Bobby immediately was made to eat his words as the playback of Alexander dominating Colossus played to the group. Everyone was impressed by his skills. And for some they were impressed by how beautiful of a man he was.

" Mm, Handsome and a skilled fighter. Now that's my type."

Jubilee stated as she eyed the man up and down hungrily undressing him with her eyes.

" Tha' is nae appropriate Jubilee!"

Rahne exclaimed.

Jubilee laughed at the girl's sudden outburst and played it off as her only joking.

" Ugh! Jubilee, knock it off."

Scott stated as he rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

" So, professor. I thought you said he was an anthropomorph like Rahne, but he didn't use his power against peter. Why not?"

Scott asked in confusion.

" I don't really have an answer for that Scott. But Logan believes he didn't use it simply because he didn't need to. Which might be the case."

Charles explained.

" Speaking of our new guest, Logan will you escort him in so he can meet everyone."

Charles asked the man.

" Sure, chuck. Hey kid get in here."

Logan yelled through the door.

The door rustled open and in stepped Alexander.

" Alexander it's good tae see ye again."

Rahne said to the young man as he walked in.

" Hm."

The young man growled and nodded his head towards the girl.

The X-men all steadily introduced themselves to the wolfman one by one telling him their names and abilities.

" Hey, Alexander. Yuir a werewolf like me, right? Can ye show me?"

Rahne asked.

Alexander looked at her silently for a minute before nodding his head. He waved at the group to stand back.

" He wants us tae stand back!"

Rahne declared tot eh group.

' Hm, it would seem Rahne has more influence on our friend here than I initially thought.'

Charles thought to himself as he waited for the young man to display his transformation.

Alexander lowered his head and a white mist started to flow from his body.


Alexander lifted his head revealing to the group his wolf like face and growled. His body began to change as the white mist around him started to take shape. The end result was a wolf bigger than the room they were standing in.

" Whoa! That's awesome!"

Bobby yelled in excitement.

The others looked on in fear and Awe at the man's shocking transformation.

" Arooooooooooo!"

Alexander howled.

The ear-piercing noise drove the X-men to their knees.

" Oh, dear god not this again. Getting over it with Rahne was rough already. This guy however is way worse."

Danielle stated.

After the wolf stopped howling Rahne approached him and transformed herself.

" Arooooooooooo!"

Rahne howled back as sharp as she could.

Then together.

" Arooooooo!"

The group once again were forced to hold their ears.

" Argh! Alright enough!"

Logan yelled in annoyance.

" You two can go do that howling shit somewhere else. You're killing my ears."

Logan complained.

The two immediately stopped their howling and slowly returned to their normal forms.

" Sorry, abou' tha' Logan. Everyone."

Rahne apologized to the group in embarrassment.

" Hm. Quite the display you two. I must say young man you resemble werewolves from legend. Would you mind if I take some samples from your blood?"

Hank asked.

" Uhuh!"

Alex growled and shook his head no.

" I see how unfortunate."

Hank said before stepping back.

" Well, Alexander welcome to the X-men."

Scott said to the man.

" Yuir one of us now. Welcome tae the team."

Rahne exclaimed to the man. He responded by shaking his head.

" All right, now that introductions are out of the way. Everyone is free to go on with their day."

Charles said as he released the group.