
X-men: Wolf

A new Feral arrives in the X-men's lives.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

First day!

" All right students! Welcome tae self-defense class. I am one of yuir teachers Rahne Sinclair. Ye can call Miss Sinclair. This is my Co-teacher Alexander. Ye will address him as the Captain. We will be teaching ye how to defend yuir self's without the use of yuir powers. Now I want ye all to watch us carefully. We will start with a training dummy for all of you who are new. For those of you who have been here before you will choose a partner to train with. Santo since yuir so strong Captain will be yuir training partner throughout the year."

Rahne explained to the students.

" Oh man I get to get schooled by the teacher everyday? This sucks."

Santo complained.

" First, I'm going tae demonstrate the proper way tae throw a punch."

Rahne said as she approached the training dummy. She squared her shoulders and firmly planted her feet, before slugging the dummy in its face.

" See? Simple. Yuir technique is important in a fight. Ye can't be sloppy. If ye leave any gaps in yuir technique, then an opponent who is just as skilled ye are or better can easily take ye apart. Similarly tae what happened this morning with Alex and Julian. He got overconfident in his abilities and Alex humbled him. No offense Mr. Keller."

Rahne explained to the students.

" Oo! Oo! I have a question for the Captain!"

Megan exclaimed.

Captain walked over to the girl and nodded.

" Well, can you do that one inch punch thing Bruce lee does?"

Megan asked.

" Megan this isn't..."

Rahne was explaining before Captain nodded.

" Really? Can you show us?"

Megan asked.

Captain nodded again and took the top of his uniform off.

" Whoa! He's jacked."

Santo stated as he looked upon the man's body.

" Yeah, no kidding."

Julian stated.

Captain walked over to the dummy and placed two fingers just inches away from the dummy. He then turned to the students and pointed to his forearm.

" Hm."

Captain growled lightly.

" What he say?"

Julian asked.

" He said the technique tae this attack is all in the forearm and yuir hand. Condense yuir muscles in yuir arm and drive the force forward."

Rahne explained.

" Whoa. She got all of that from just one growl?"

Cessily asked.

Captain growled lightly getting the students attentions and started his attack. He pulled his two fingers back into an open fist and connected with the dummy sending it flying across the room.

" That was so awesome!"

Megan yelled.

" Can you teach me how to do that?"

Megan asked.

Captain nodded before lifting his finger and pointing at Rahne.

" Hm."

Captain growled lightly.

" He said I can teach ye but first ye must learn how he basics first."

Rahne explained.

" Aw man."

Megan groaned.

" All right students, those of ye who are new follow me and we'll get started. The rest of ye are with Alexander."

Rahne explained.

The groups split off and Captain led the members of the New X-men to their training grounds.

" All right, partner up. Santo you're with me."

The Captain had written out on the board.

After a second the students had picked their partners. Josh and Noriko. Julian and David. Santo and Captain and Cessily and Sooraya.

" The goal of this exercise is to take your opponent to the ground. Do so however you want just without your powers."

Captain pulled out another note card before stepping in front of Santo.

" How is this fair? How am I supposed to get you to the ground?"

Santo complained.

Captain pulled out another note card that read you can do it.

" Where did you get all of these cards?"

Julian asked.


" Ye will need tae interact with the students, so I wrote these for ye to use when ye need tae communicate."

Rahne explained as she handed the man a pile of note cards.

Flashback end.

Captain growled lightly and pointed to Rahne.

" Of course, she did."

Julian replied.

" Begin!"

Captain pulled out the begin card.

" Here goes nothing."

Santo declared as he rushed the captain.

He brought his hands up to smash the captain into the ground, but captain dodged the man and left a card in his face.

" Too slow."

" Too slow? You're just too fast."

Santo yelled as he rushed to punch the man.

Captain dodged the fist by evading it. Captain grabbed the man's giant arm and pushed him to the ground.

" Ugh! Not fair."

Santo groaned from the ground.

" Hm."

Captain growled as he helped the boy to his feet.

" I don't understand growl."

Santo replied.

" He said ye did just fine. Ye still got a lot of learning tae do."

Rahne explained to the boy.

" Sorry about tha' Alexander. Didn't mean tae cut in on yuir exercise."

Rahne apologized as she brought her students over to watch.

" I figured they'd be able tae learn better watching the more advanced students. But I didn't think ye'd beat Santo so easily."

Rahne joked.

" Hm."

Captain growled.

" Try going a little easier on him."

Rahne explained,

" What was the purpose of this exercise?"

Cessily asked.

" Hm."

Captain replied.

" It was tae see how far along you all were. And what better opponents than those who know how ye fight. Now we'll put together a proper training routine for all of ye. Of course we'll have tae work with ye more than the others santo."

Rahne explained.


" Och, it would seem like class is over. Go enjoy the rest of the day. Come back tomorrow for the real training."

Rahne declared with a mischievous grin on her face.

The students all felt a collective chill run up their spines.

The two watched as the students all scurried out of the class.

" Och, tha' was so fun."

Rahne exclaimed.

" Hm."

Captain growled.

" They are good kids."

Rahne replied.

" Rahne, Captain could you two come down to my office. We have a mission."

Charles said telepathically to the girl.

" On our way professor."

Rahne replied.

" Come on we have a mission. that needs taking care of."

Rahne said to the man.

He picked up the top of his uniform and joined the woman on her way to Xaviers office.