
X Crimson Strings

"Nothing is impossible...huh... ...So for the first time in my life,I've decided to stop chasing the dream I've wanted,instead,letting the fate plays its role.... ...Never would I have thought,I would regretted it." ------------------- Normal chapter counts: 2000-3000 words per chap.

Azel06 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Prologue [An End to Him]

In a dimly lit room, hundreds of head could be seen facing to what it looked like,a stage.

The room is so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard,even echoed in the room.

The stage that was covered in darkness,that was excepted from the barely lit light could be seen even in the darkness.

The crimson curtains that covers the entire stage flutters in the wind as if it wasn't in that room and free in the wild instead.

Suddenly,a light bloomed from the ceiling,showering the crimson curtains in light and as if reacting to the light,the curtains slowly slid away to left and right side.

Upon the light reaching the middle of the stage,a tall figure could be seen wearing black suit and hat that covered the head,mask that covered its upper face,leaving its lower face naked.

The figure then smiled before speaking in a loud voice, "Today,my final stage could finally be performed!"

Seeing the crowd in front of him having no reaction to his announcement,he grinned before continuing, "But worry not because your time will not be wasted and will be compensated with a marvelous performance by me!"

Right after the figure finished its speech,the crowd began clapping their hand and although it doesn't sound like they were enjoying it at all,they were top figures from every corner of the world,so that was already an honour for the figure to which it replied with a smile.

"Dance of Death Wisp" The figure whispered to himself.

Right as he done with it,his legs started moving in a rhythm even though no song is played,only his footsteps could be heard echoing in the room.

Even with the seemingly boring dance,every person inside was watching attentively as if hypnotized by the graceful dance.

Movement by movement,his limbs could be seen going limp as seconds ticks by.

It's haven't been very long but his movements seems to be matching more of a dancing skeleton that were flexible in anyway.

Seeing this,the audience became annoyed by his creepy movement before someone standing up all of a sudden,making everyone in vicinity looking at him.

The man wore a mask that covered his upper face,in fact,every audience is also wearing the mask that covers their identity.

The man then slowly walked to the centre before walking towards the stage where the figure was dancing gracefully.

Right as he stepped by the stage,he froze in place making everyone gazes that were focused on him shocked.

The figure had also stopped dance and stood there unmoving like a stone.

After a brief moment,he raised his hand to the hand as he mumbled under his breath, "Art of Puppeteer"

Even if his voices is so low that even fly could drown his voice,the voices strangely echoed around the room as if he was everywhere.

Every audience then began standing up from their respective seats and glared at the figure as if knowing the meaning behind his words,someone began running towards him with guns in their hand aiming at his head.

The figure only stood there not interested towards the danger that was closing in on him each time.

The person who runs towards him got around the effective range and pulled the trigger,at least that's what he thought.

The figure suddenly moved his hands as the crimson curtains began disassembling into thousands of strings that wrapped around each of the figure finger before shooting itself into the person who was getting ready to fire.

It all happened so fast that the last thing that all the audience last saw was crimson strings wrapping the person and the next thing they knew is crimson fountain or rather rain,begin falling.

The sudden they realized this,their face went pale before watching the crimson strings floating towards them in an absurd speed.

They tried to run but to no avail,their fears got them in the first place as the only thing they could do was watch the massacre happening around them.

No voice ever escaped each of their throat as every voice that was about to come out,began drowning itself.

The shining crimson strings danced in the room, emptying the whole room with only dark crimson puddle and stains left on the wall and floor,not even a single limbs were left or any body part left,as if every audience suddenly vanished and get replaced by fountain of crimson droplets.

The sudden massacre left nobody behind,only the figure that was still standing on the stage and the man who froze in place.

After that,the man body looked as if a great shockwave of electricity run through his body.

The man's eyes turned pitch black as what happened next shocked the figure a little.

His body slowly turned red and muscle could be seen bulging from his body,on top of his head,something seemed to be poking out from his head that slowed grew into a gray horns.

The next things,the skinny man was no more as the things that looked like demons from the hell replaced him.

The demon then began walking towards the figure.

His steps echoed throughout the room and the temperature began raising little by little,even the chair seemed to be burning slowly and orange particle could be seen flying in the room.

Suddenly,the entire room turned into seas of fire with the exception of the stage, seemingly untouched and avoided by the ever devouring flames.

"Thank you for your assistance"

The voice came from the demon and although it's accent is a bit rough,the figure heard it very clearly as if used to it.

The figure threw his mask away into the seas of flames and put down his hat,the next thing thing that could be seen was a handsome faces of a young man and a crimson red eyes that shines with lifelessly.

His hair was snow white that seemed to be cold and cooling like a snow inside that gave a very cold aura.

The demon gazed at the young man before continuing, "You had assisted us in eradicating every human in this surface,your assistance will be repaid,now tell me,do you regretted your actions?"

The young man then glanced at the demon that stood there before closing his eyes before continuing, "I had no attachment with them,now my payment"

The young man then opened his eyes and he stared at the demon attentively before continuing his sentence, "Free me"

"Are your sure? The demon king will surely gives you a good ranks,maybe even an heir if you stay..." The demon continued in a worried tone as he returned the stare with his own.

The man then placed his hand behind him and closed his eyelids before slowly approaching the raging fire,what happened next is that the fire that was raging that seemed to devour everything in its way suddenly began to be moving in a gentle way and turned deathly dark that only gave cold air,opposite of the original fire properties.

"Heir? Why do I need that when I am already a king itself?" The man said as he sighed with a hint of sadness.

He then continued, "I have lived my life alone with nothing but darkness that accompanies me like a family,they always cling to me and never let me escaped their embraces..."

"Do you know? Thanks to these eyes I was able to escape the darkness but the time I already escaped,I was already a part of the darkness,my white hair that died millennium ago is the result and prove of that happening,I have been chosen as the king of darkness"

"But due to my loneliness,I never moved from their embraces,only living my life but things didn't wanted to be that peaceful."

"Just by staying,these so called light guardian began harassing my territory,even threatens me to surrender my life,funny right?"

The demon watched the man in a calm manner but inside him,he was pitying the young man but he didn't showed it in his face as to kept his aura as a seven lords of hell.

The man walked towards the fire before shooting a black strings that was different from the crimson strings into the fire,at first,the fire colour started changing into dark one and became cold to the touch and it soon travels through the room,replacing the whole seas of fire into dark fire that dropped the room temperature,almost freezing the whole room in ice.

"I fought back against the light and the results is? You can see it in front of your eyes now"

"But then,you guys then began emerging from who knows where and began reigning the place that I had touched,not that I was annoyed though."

The young man released a sigh before clenching his fists in anger eventhough his face didn't show it.

"This crimson eyes are useless to me,but I can't remove it,you hell folks had given me this,you know what's gonna happen and I had indirectly helped you and also controlled by you"

"For the first time in millennium I felt foolish,so now that I helped you,even wiping the whole universe empty,would you free me? So I at least could regrets my pitiful existence."

The demon then walked towards the man before placing his hands on his shoulder, "I am sorry"

The demon then pulled back his hands as crimson strings began pulled from his body and entered the demon hands.

The young man eyes began losing it's colour as the lifeless crimson began draining away,leaving a silver light that replaced the eyes.

"Ah,how I missed this feeling." The young man mumbled as his body began dispersing into darkness particle turning his whole body into dark flame in human shape,his eyes flashed with silver light and behind him a wings grows exponentially,looking like as it wanted to devours everything after being imprisoned for so long.

At the same time too,the demons then tapped the flaming figure's shoulder before walking away, disappearing into air.

Right as he finished,the whole space began crumbling into pieces as the space couldn't possibly contains the powerful presence that rivaled even the demon king and the celestial king,the top figures in the universe.

Soon,the space distorted and what lefts is the flaming figure,his eyes began flashing towards his surroundings.


The figure eyes flashed again before finally closing itself.

"It has been a while I guess" The figure spoke to his silent surrounding.

But nothing replied

"The time I first reached here,you were here,saying you were waiting for me forever"

Nothing replied.

"Could you even give me a sign? I have searched for you everywhere by disguising myself under that reason,but you never seemed to be recognised and no one even knows you"

Nobody replied.

"I have searched for you for too long,father,could at least give me one gifts for this son that was anxious for your return?"

Silence echoed.

"...Please...I begged you..father..."

Silence echoed.


The ever growing darkness glows in darkness.

"What happened"

The silence echoes throughout the darkness.


Light appeared out of nowhere,a small orb of light at the end of his vision.

"Is this...?" The figure then covered the light with his arm as the light grows brighter and slowly envelope his worlds in light.

"The light..?" The man said,his voice contained a hint of anger and sadness.

Suddenly,the slowly growing light grew 100× brighter in a sudden, enveloping his world in brightness.

He felt dizzy and his head hurts as his vision began to blurry,before he started losing consciousness,he saw something in front of him.

[Welcome to the game world,Prince of Darkness]


'...is this...' He said but his last words were drown back to only become his passing thought,he soon fell into a deep slumber.