
Wyvern Guardians

Morgan even though everything stacked against him because he is a Half-Elf is determined to become Guardian.

Watts_ · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Half-Elf Kids

Morgan snapped out of his trance at the sound of his grandma's voice calling him from downstairs as he got up from his bed Alok his younger brother tackled to the ground causing the floor to shake "What was that for." Morgan shouted, "It's Summoning Day I'm prepping you." Alok replied with a large grin on his face.

"Sure Alok you almost snapped me in half" Morgan said as Alok pulled him back on his feet. Alok had dark brown hair and bright yellow eyes with pointed ears he also stronger and taller than me even though I'm older.

Alok and I head downstairs to see are younger sister already sitting at the table and grandma putting breakfast on the table she had a dark complexion and a young-looking face with emerald green eyes and short black hair and unlike us, she was Elf, not a Half-Elf and are sister Kaylessa basically her mini clone with long hair.

So Alok and I sat down at the table picking at the food I take a couple of bites it was good but I was way too nervous to eat today It's Wyvern Kin Summon each year elven children at the age of 15 years old will go through a challenge after the challenge they go to the wyvern hatching den in the village this elven village lives alongside wyverns so they go there to see if a hatching wyvern will bond to them and recognize them as their Guardian(Parent) If this happens Wyvern's Parents will make you the hatchling Guardian binding the two by blood making you the new parent. Five elven children are usually chosen as Guardians.

Morgan like most elven kids want to be a Guardian suddenly a voice snapped Morgan out of his day-dreams it was Grandma's voice "Morgan I have some bad news that we couldn't afford a new sword for Summoning Day so I got your father's swords out of the attic."Grandma said as she was clearing the table "What's so bad about that?" Morgan replied. Grandma went to her room and brought back a large wooden box that she put down on the table. Morgan opened the box to see a dagger with a slick wooden handle with the name Morgan engraved on it. But the short sword was missing elven children are trained to dual wield a dagger and a short sword.

"Where the short sword?" Morgan asked "When your dad left you here the only thing he left was the dagger," Grandma said with deep sorrow. Morgan didn't know what to do Morgan was already thin and small for his age but he didn't want to worry his grandma so he said it would be okay and took the dagger and ran out the door trying to keep his hope's up.

(Alok is a snappy-dresser)

(Morgan was born with snow-white hair and red eyes up to 5 years old but one day he tried to use magic to grow taller and end changing his hair to black and his eyes to bright green.)

(Kaylessa has a temper and a sassy attitude she also fights with grandma a lot)