
Wu Yang is a Trap

As a man born with a yin constitution, Wu Yang is dealt a bad hand in life, but he'd long since learnt that true strength has little to do with just power itself. He may be scared to show his true heart, his mask may be several layers thick, but all the same, he seeks for truth and to revive what he lost from the chaos of the world. Meanwhile, he's sought by many, some for revenge, some for hate, some for obsession or love, but yang is life, yin is death, how can yin coexist with life, unless the life comes to an end first? Let them be taken down, not by fire or by blade, but corroded away, by death itself. Eastern Fantasy setting, wuxia world, some comedy, action and tragedy There might be romance, and there will definitely be action, but this is a story about a man as strong as any of you, because where we are weak, is what makes us the strongest. Written because I'm bored of predicting the stories I read, so I wrote something my brain predicts. [warning: includes some mature content] Cover: Picso generated screenshot from Batman: Archam Asylum

salacious_liar · LGBT+
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Chapter 3: With Milk

Chapter 3: With Milkweed, not all Warts are Cured


Luo Chongrong rubbed his cheek over the icy hand, enjoying the coolness it gave.

"I noticed you left your guqin here all day, without its case," He looked up at Wu Yang, "How strange for someone who cares for it so well?"

Wu Yang squinted down at the man, his song having been halted, the offending party knew very well that there was something up, that was why he'd taken away Wu Yang's spacial ring in the first place, to know when something was up. But there was no way for him to truly decipher why unless Wu Yang told him himself, since when he used his shadow art, no one could no where he was, except the Leader of the Ming Cult, Luo Chongrong, himself. And that's not because he's able to track his shadow art. Either way, Wu Yang had no intention of doing so for a man who had hurt him so much.

Wu Yang stared down at the man still enthralled with his hand, and instead of answering, in a quiet voice, barely heard, but which carried the authority of an indomitable law of the universe, spoke:

"Let go."

Feeling the pressure of the command, Luo Chongrong immediately released on instinct, and Wu Yang harshly pulled his hand away, nursing the now bright red wounds that completely clothed his once pale white hand, his face still impassive. This was the price of touching a man such as Luo Chongrong.

Luo Chongrong had been born with the constitution of the vermillion bird, which could have been considered a blessing, was it not so pure as it was. Because of the purity of the bloodline, Luo Chongrong had been forced to continuously endure burning all through his body, as his own qi sought to devour him from inside out. It only got worse as he progressed, but if he didn't progress, then his body wouldn't remain strong enough to handle the powerful qi. However, this constant pain had long since driven his mind to insanity, causing him to become known across the jianghu as a greater demon, a pestilence, that would raze villages, that would kill the weak and helpless without mercy, and whose past time was torturing the souls of innocent people, causing them to also fall insane, as he injected them with his fiery qi. It was in the midst of these nightmares when he found Wu Yang.

Wu yang had a pure Yin Body, which held just the right amount of coolness to tame the raging power within Luo Chongrong. However, Wu Yang's body also paid the price for touching it, and unlike normal people, who Luo Chongrong's touch would only feel slightly warm, to Wu Yang it would feel like he was directly coming into contact with burning coal. Basically, it hurt like h*ll and left marks to prove it.

Luo Chongrong quickly got ahold of himself, standing up to lean over Wu Yang threateningly with his large frame completely blocking his view.

"What did you say?" Wildness lit up in his flaming eyes again, "Who are you to command me?" Suddenly without warning, a harsh grey jougs revealed itself around Wu Yang's neck, the large chain descending to Luo Chongrong's hand. Luo Chongrong pulled down on the jougs, and the shackles immediately pulled the steady Wu Yang down, forcing him to his knees, sending irreversible pain down his spine, to the innermost parts of his soul. Tears unintentionally came to his eyes, and he was left panting and cowering before the beast in front of him. Drool came unbidden to the Wu Yang's face, creating a scene of lustful beauty, as Luo Chongrong pulled the bottom of his chin up to look at him.

"So beautiful." He commented at Wu Yang's obvious misery, as tears continued to fall. His eyes lowered to look at his hand still beneath the man's chin, watching as it slowly seared away the delicate skin beneath his jaw. His eyes turned sad and caring at the sight, "My poor Yangyang gets hurt so easily."

Wu Yang didn't even bother glaring at him for the obvious cause of his pain, but instead focused on circulating his yin energy, to finish healing his hand and protect his chin from the offending energy. He sighed, as if resolving himself and lifted his hand up to gently hold the side of Luo Chongrong's face despite the pain it caused with even the slightest contact. He pulled himself up again, the remembrance of the agony that the shackles had just inflicted on him running down his spine with every movement he made, as he locked lips with the wild beast with fiery hair above him.

Luo Chongrong immediately became extremely excited about his lover's forward gesture, grabbing the back of Wu Yang's head in response, pulling him close, his hand, despite the protection that Wu Yang's hair gave, still began to slowly burn the back of his neck. His entire body also began to join in the searing pain as well, as Luo Chongrong pulled Wu Yang's body close to his, his left hand placed on his lower back to lock him in place, completely swallowing him up in an embrace, involving both legs and hands, as he enjoyed the coolness of the man before him wash over himself, taming the burning fire within. And the more he kissed that wonderful, sweet yin breath mouth, the more he wanted of it, chewing on the icy tongue within his burning mouth, sucking on it, like it were the nectar of heaven. And the more he sucked, the more he could feel his lower body burn, ready to erupt. He wanted to immediately strip the both of them, pressing Wu Yang's body close against his own, that cool bare skin a perfect coolant his own burning self. However, he knew doing that might cause Wu Yang to finally die from the pain and shock. Up till now, it was already incredible that Wu Yang hadn't gone insane from all the times he'd been consistently injected with Luo Chongrong's fiery qi. Luo Chongrong hadn't met someone as mentally strong as Wu Yang in all his years of living, from the first time he'd met him till now, Wu Yang had never cowered or shown fear to Luo Chongrong, merely acceptance or disregard.

Wu Yang had been found half dead on a nearby hillside, and Luo Chongrong's father, who'd still been alive at the time, chanced upon him on a return mission from a nearby battle, as he cleared up the remains of the fleeing forces. Immediately noticing Wu Yang's pure yin constitution, he quickly grabbed him, curious if he'd be of help to his son's growing insanity. If it had been a female, the cult leader might have taken her for himself, but already having a near pure yin lady of his own from a long ago battle, he didn't really have the desire to explore the unexplored areas of his sexuality.

He brought Wu Yang home, and while he was sleeping, made an unequal slave contract with his unconscious body, giving the reigns to his son. So it was, that Wu Yang fell asleep to a world of pain, and woke up to a world of misery.

By this time, it was time to get on with calming the raging inferno inside of Luo Chongrong, and they began to exchange energy with one another, Wu Yang's injected qi, following along Luo Chongrong's, meridians, calming the burning flames within allowing Luo Chongrong to progress without problem, and Luo Chongrong, injecting his qi to smelt all of Wu Yang's own so that they could grow stronger, increasing his success in cultivation and also strengthening his yin body 's constitution.

Luo Chongrong was eating up the feeling of the soothing essence within him, seriously debating if he should just do it with Wu Yang again, even if it meant another month of death stares, it felt so good and comfortable, that he was losing himself to the pleasure of it, barely able to think straight.

Wu Yang also couldn't think straight, but it was for a very different reason, his entire body felt like it was submerged in lava, and he had to keep his qi circulation running in 5th gear, to keep his body from completely turning to ashes, meanwhile, he also had to brave the insides of Luo Chongrong's body, as his qi was beat on every side by the waves of heat, harsh and deadly, unlike the warm, life giving essence of pure yang power. He could calm the raging inferno, but in the process, he was horribly damaged. What this man needed instead of a yin vessel, was some kind of ice constitution! What was he doing with Wu Yang?! Whatever, even he knew that when ice and fire met, they both suffered consequences, and although it would help both, they'd both also be hurt and in pain in the process. It was like decreasing the oxygen content in a room to tame down the fire, vs spraying water all over it, the fire didn't get stopped, just restrained with yin essence, which meant it didn't have to be restarted after being tamed, but could continue to burn. But boy, did it hurt in the process.

However, there was one thought in Wu Yang's mind currently that allowed him to tunnel through this burning body, which felt like the pits of Mordor itself. If he could survive this time, if he could break that last thread, this would be the last time, the last time he'd have to go through such a terrifying experience. Yes, up till now, every time Wu Yang had been taken advantage of, each time they shared their qi and joined together in their spiritual minds, he had been fighting back. Slowly by slowly, he'd been using his injected qi to search for the binding link that connected the slave contract to Luo Chongrong. And bit by bit, he'd unwound the link, corroding it away with his death (yin) energy. and today was the last day.

He finally found the weakened link, worn away by years of hard work, and being careful not to alert Luo Chongrong, he began to work at it once again. After all, although it took years of a slave's energy to corrode the bond between them. It would take merely minutes of Luo Chongrong's work to rejuvenate it completely. Luckily, Luo Chongrong wasn't a careful person and didn't routinely check the bond, much less inspect it close enough to notice such a thin tear. The chain also couldn't be corroded outside of Luo Chongrong's body, so only at this time, was it possible for Wu Yang to fight back; while Wu Yang was at his weakest, and Luo Chongrong his strongest.

Finally, the last thread was cut, and Wu Yang was free.

However, at this moment, Luo Chongrong was suddenly alerted that something was wrong with their bond, a frown flickered across his face, telling Wu Yang of the oncoming danger. Wu Yang wasn't going to lose the opportunity he'd finally made to free himself, but as he was still in the jaws of the lion, there was no true escape path, unless he could tame or kill the lion first. Luckily, Wu Yang was rather an expert at both of those and immediately took action.

His hands gripped both sides of Luo Chongrong's face, forcing him to look down at him, as he shrugged his robe off his shoulder to reveal a clean slate of still unmarred flesh. He lifted his face up to whisper so close to Luo Chongrong's face that his breath came cold and sweet against his hot lips. "I don't mind so much, today, you can go all the way."

Luo Chongrong gazed down at Wu Yang's own lips, charred by his own, how could they still look so lovely? Before his eyes fell down to latch onto that shoulder just asking to still be marked by his body. It was so rare that Wu Yang actually asked to sleep together, he could remember no more than 7 times, but each had been unforgettable, to the point where Luo Chongrong, with the entirety of his bad memory, couldn't let them go, no matter how hard he tried. There was sleeping with a yin body who didn't want you, and sleeping with a yin body that did, and the feeling couldn't be compared. He couldn't lose this chance even if it felt a bit suspicious, and no further had he thought this, that his mouth was already biting the skin of Wu Yang's shoulder, his hands reaching into the man's cloths to feel up the bare skin of his smooth, cool body. Luo Chongrong could feel himself getting hotter, even slightly searing the grass around him, as he let lose his own robe, pulling that body into his embrace, completely swallowing him up, as they'd somehow already found themselves on the forest floor, Luo Chongrong's body completely covering Wu Yang's own, as he pressed himself against him in excitement. Wu Yang bore the indescribable pain that came from above him, as leakage from the man's manhood sizzled as it dropped onto his belly button. No, there was no way he was going to let that man put it in again. Even for freedom, that pain was too much to bear a 43rd time. Yes, he'd counted, because each time it was a memory that could not be forgotten, a memory that was worn into his bones, that reacted in all his sinews. It almost caused him to stop drinking tea, which would have been the worst thing that could have happened to him in his life!

Nothing had ever brought him so close to quitting brewed tea.

By now they had both retracted their qi, and Wu Yang reached out with his own to feel the shadow, the shadow of the fiery man above him, that no matter how bright his flames, was still a man, and still cast a shadow under the moon. Wu Yang felt his body slowly meld into the darkness, as he allowed himself to be swallowed up by it, slinking through it and into another shadow a little ways away, and then from that shadow to another, as his body was no longer material, but ethereal. Without the bond there, Luo Chongrong wouldn't be able to track him, no matter how hard he tried. He didn't take his guqin, it would be to difficult to shadow walk with it, and he had no spacial ring, he didn't even take any clothes, leaving whatever was still left on him behind, to make his art that much more effective. He just sought to leave. No, he wasn't fleeing, why should he flee from a man that was more beast than man? No, he just sought to depart, depart from the sorrows and hurt he'd had to endure, depart and thus leave them behind, to restart his life, in a place no one would see him. Yes, this was a broken man, who didn't want revenge but just wanted to hide, from the humanity that had hurt him so deeply, forever.


Luo Chongrong what just getting to the height of his excitement, when suddenly the body beneath him just melted away. There was a beautiful body marked up from his love, and then just like that, it disappeared, melting into the darkness of his shadow. Luo Chongrong just stayed there for a moment, in plank position, racking his brain to figure out what just happened. Did he melt him? Did the man just disappear, burned away by his qi? No wait! That looked familiar, wasn't that his shadow art? Surprise turned to rage, as Luo Chongrong felt for the spiritual chain only find nothing. Wu Yang had completely disappeared...And he still had a hard on!

Luo Chongrong gnashed his teeth. "Wu Yang!"


So Wu Yang left in the shadows, carrying nothing but his twin blades.

However, even if you try to hide from the world, the world will somehow find you, as two men sought their vengeance on the man who'd played them for the fool.

a heart's true feelings can't be shared with others, because the sorrows of two hearts are too great for just one to bear

salacious_liarcreators' thoughts