
Wu Dong Qian Kun (Martial Universe): I Am Lin Langtian

Reborn into another life, he transmigrates as Lin Langtian from "Wu Dong Qian Kun." Originally a supporting character, he refuses to accept his fate and begins his path of rising to power! Female Leads: Ling Qingzhu, Ying Xiaoxiao, Tang Xinlian… Special Ability: Nine Nether Flame Sparrow Title: Heavenly Ancestor No system, does not conflict with Lin Dong, does not seize the protagonist’s opportunities. ... This is a translation. Raw: https://m.qidian.com/book/1038684464/?source=pc_jump

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17 Chs

Chapter 16: Ling Qingzhu's Astonishment

"This is the emperor of the Great Yan Empire, Mo Jingtian? This aura surpasses even Lin Fan's," thought Lin Langtian with a slightly serious expression.

From Mo Jingtian, he felt a powerful pressure, stronger than what Lin Fan had ever given him. This man's strength must mean he has successfully endured a Nirvana Tribulation and officially stepped into the First Nirvana Realm!

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" The gathered geniuses hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Haha, no need for such formalities. Please, rise," Mo Jingtian laughed heartily, his voice booming like thunder and filled with an indescribable pressure. With a wave of his hand, a gentle force lifted all those who had bowed.

The strength of a Nirvana Realm expert was indeed terrifying.

As Lin Langtian marveled, his gaze shifted to a young man in a green robe standing behind Mo Jingtian. The youth was extremely handsome, even more so than Qin Shi, who stood beside Lin Langtian. His features were so perfect that even women would feel envious upon seeing him.

However, Lin Langtian was not concerned with the youth's looks. As the young man approached, Lin Langtian felt a strong aura flowing within him.

"This guy has also stepped into the Half-Step Creation Realm," Lin Langtian muttered, raising an eyebrow.

At the same time, he recognized the youth. This exceptionally handsome young man was likely the strongest among the royal family's younger generation—Mo Ling.

"As expected of the royal family, their foundation is truly profound," Lin Langtian thought, shaking his head. Even with his rebirth and fortuitous encounters, he could not hold much advantage over Mo Ling.

Of course, with time, Lin Langtian's advantages would become more apparent, and the gap between him and these Great Flame Empire geniuses would widen. He had complete confidence in this.

"Brother Langtian, it's been a while. I hear you've made great progress in your cultivation recently," the green-robed youth smiled at Lin Langtian.

As top geniuses of the Great Flame Empire, the two had naturally crossed paths before. However, Mo Ling found it strange that he now felt a vague sense of threat from Lin Langtian, something he had never experienced from his peers.

Lin Langtian was startled by Mo Ling's greeting, but he quickly cupped his hands and said, "Greetings, Third Prince."

Mo Ling was the third prince of the royal family. He smiled charmingly, his gaze carefully examining Lin Langtian before he finally withdrew it and softly said, "Brother Langtian, you seem to have changed a lot recently. Did you have some fortuitous encounter?"

"Haha, you're joking, Third Prince," Lin Langtian replied with a faint smile, though he felt a bit apprehensive. Mo Ling's abilities were indeed extraordinary, befitting someone from the royal family.

Fortunately, their conversation did not last long, sparing Lin Langtian the worry of being discovered. Their discussion was interrupted because the true protagonist was about to arrive.

"Uncle Mo, you flatter me. I'm just a humble disciple sent to the Great Flame Empire by my sect. I am unworthy of such a grand welcome from the emperor and the top geniuses of the Great Flame Empire," a melodious voice suddenly echoed through the hall as Lin Langtian finished his conversation with Mo Ling.

The voice was extremely pleasant, seemingly imbued with a special magic, causing many to fall into a daze.

"Ling Qingzhu!" Lin Langtian's mind momentarily went blank at the sound of the voice, but he quickly regained his composure. He looked up to see a green light approaching from the distant sky, transforming into a green lotus that entered the hall.

On the lotus was a graceful figure. Although her face was veiled, her crystal-clear eyes made the world seem dim in comparison. She wore a light-colored dress, her eyebrows like emerald feathers, her skin as white as snow, her waist slender. Even with the veil, her exquisite features and serene gaze made the world lose its luster.

Such a woman, with such unparalleled grace, was truly rare in the world.

The entire hall fell silent.

Despite the veil, her faintly visible features suggested a nearly perfect face, making one want to tear away the veil to see the beauty that could eclipse all flowers.

"What a beautiful woman!" Lin Langtian couldn't help but take a deep breath as he gazed at the woman in the lotus. Though he had heard of Ling Qingzhu's beauty, seeing her in person left him awestruck. Even a surge of possessive desire stirred in his heart.

But he quickly suppressed that thought, reminding himself that women would only slow down his path to power. Besides, from her clear, crystal-like eyes, he could see not a trace of gentleness, but rather a deep, cold indifference.

Considering his knowledge of her from his previous life, Ling Qingzhu was clearly someone who was warm on the outside but cold on the inside. Such a woman was even harder to deal with than those who appeared cold.

Next to Ling Qingzhu was another tall and slender figure, a silver-haired woman in a light green dress, also very beautiful. If she were anywhere else, her beauty would attract much attention, but standing next to Ling Qingzhu, she seemed overshadowed.

"Huangpu Jing of the Huangpu family. It seems the Huangpu family does indeed have a significant connection with Ling Qingzhu," Lin Langtian murmured, recalling events from his previous life.

"Haha, Qingzhu, you're too modest. Your presence truly graces our Great Flame Empire," Mo Jingtian said with a clear laugh, though his eyes revealed a hint of seriousness as he looked at the green lotus figure.

As Mo Jingtian spoke, Ling Qingzhu stepped into the hall. "Thank you, Uncle Mo," she said with a slight smile, her gaze meeting Mo Jingtian's.

Despite Mo Jingtian's imposing aura, it seemed like a breeze to Ling Qingzhu, almost unaffected. After greeting Mo Jingtian, Ling Qingzhu's eyes scanned the hall. Though all present were top geniuses of the Great Flame Empire, her expression remained indifferent.

However, as she was about to withdraw her gaze, she suddenly noticed a figure in the corner, causing her calm eyes to flicker with surprise. Her usually emotionless expression even showed a slight change.

In that seemingly ordinary figure, she saw an intense fire. This fire transformed into a fierce black flame, as if it could burn the entire world.