
Wu Dong Qian Kun (Martial Universe): I Am Lin Langtian

Reborn into another life, he transmigrates as Lin Langtian from "Wu Dong Qian Kun." Originally a supporting character, he refuses to accept his fate and begins his path of rising to power! Female Leads: Ling Qingzhu, Ying Xiaoxiao, Tang Xinlian… Special Ability: Nine Nether Flame Sparrow Title: Heavenly Ancestor No system, does not conflict with Lin Dong, does not seize the protagonist’s opportunities. ... This is a translation. Raw: https://m.qidian.com/book/1038684464/?source=pc_jump

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17 Chs

Chapter 13: Forgiveness

"Lin Langtian?"

Upon hearing this name, both unfamiliar and yet familiar, the entire Lin family hall instantly plunged into a profound silence.

Lin Xiao and the others never expected that the owner of the Green Wood Elixir would be Lin Langtian, the very person who had once plunged the Qingyang Town branch family into utter despair.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's expression became complicated, his previously joyful demeanor turning into one of intense conflict.

Standing beside Lin Xiao, Lin Dong heard the name he had hated deeply for years, and his fists clenched tightly, eyes flashing with intense resentment.

However, when he saw his father's injuries healed and thought about the origins of the Green Wood Elixir, he quickly asked the elderly man in gray before him.

"Mr. Tao, what is going on? Could it be that the Green Wood Elixir which healed my father's injuries was given by Lin Langtian?"

As his words fell, Lin Dong's youthful and handsome face showed an incredibly complex expression.

He realized that the man he had always deeply hated was actually the benefactor who helped heal his father's injuries, making his emotions all the more conflicted.

After all, Lin Xiao's injuries were caused by Lin Langtian, and now they were healed by Lin Langtian, leaving Lin Dong at a complete loss about what to do.

At this moment, even Lin Zhentian and the others were staring intently at Elder Tao, eagerly awaiting his response.

Lin Langtian, the foremost among the younger generation of the main family, was a name they recognized, representing a significant presence in the Great Yan Empire.

"Yes, the Green Wood Elixir was indeed given to me by Elder Langtian, who specifically instructed me to deliver it to the Qingyang Town branch family to help Nephew Lin Xiao recover."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Elder Tao did not keep them in suspense and directly nodded.

"It's really him..."

Upon hearing this, Lin Xiao's expression stiffened, and he sighed.

Recalling that clan gathering years ago, he had been eager to win an opportunity for his family to return to the inner clan. But in the first match, he encountered that young man.

He still remembered clearly how, at that time, Lin Langtian was just a teenager with a cold and arrogant demeanor, treating him like an ant.

Naturally, as the top talent in Qingyang Town, Lin Xiao was extremely indignant.

However, when he prepared to show the main family genius the strength of the branch family, the next moment left him with an unforgettable memory.

With just one move, he was defeated by Lin Langtian.

Not only that, his body was severely wrecked, as if he had been crippled.


Seeing Lin Xiao's painful expression, Lin Dong knew his father must be recalling those painful memories and hurriedly comforted him.

"Nephew Lin Xiao, I understand your situation. The fault lies with Langtian. If he hadn't struck so heavily back then, you wouldn't have been delayed in your cultivation for so many years.

However, you also know that the family has always been lenient about the clan competition. Although your situation was severe, it was not unique. Besides, Langtian was young and impetuous at the time, not knowing the limits of his actions.

Now, Langtian has been promoted to the position of enforcement elder by the clan leader and has recognized his mistake. Thus, he specifically sent me here to apologize, hoping you can forgive his past mistake.

In addition to the Green Wood Elixir, Langtian also instructed me to bring some other items as compensation for that incident."

After speaking, Elder Tao took out a storage pouch and a token from his pocket and placed them on the table in front of Lin Xiao, saying,

"This storage pouch contains ten thousand Pure Yuan Pills. As for this token, it is Langtian's personal identification token. With it, your Qingyang Town branch family can not only access some resources from the main family but also return to the inner clan without any problem.

These compensations are specially instructed by Langtian for Nephew Lin Xiao, hoping you can forgive his past mistakes."


As Elder Tao's words fell, Lin Mang on the other side immediately showed a shocked expression.

"Ten thousand Pure Yuan Pills and the opportunity to return to the inner clan!?" Lin Mang exclaimed joyfully upon hearing the compensation from Lin Langtian.

In Qingyang Town and even Yan City, most people only used Yang Yuan Stones, and the more precious Yang Yuan Pills were used by top forces in Yan City.

As for Pure Yuan Pills, they were extremely rare. These ten thousand Pure Yuan Pills could easily buy their Qingyang Town branch family.

And the token representing Lin Langtian's identity could directly allow their Qingyang Town branch family to return to the inner clan, which had been their hope for three generations.

"Father, Elder Lin Langtian is a significant figure. Since he has apologized and helped Third Brother recover, if we continue to hold on to that matter, it would make our Qingyang Town branch family seem too petty and ungracious."

Glancing at the storage pouch, Lin Mang's lean face smiled as he spoke.

"No, my father's humiliation cannot be measured merely by some Pure Yuan Pills!"

Hearing Lin Mang's implication, Lin Dong immediately retorted, his steadfast black eyes showing a hint of stubbornness.

"Adults are talking; children should not interrupt!" Lin Mang frowned as he looked at Lin Dong, intending to say more, but was suddenly interrupted by Lin Zhentian's wave.

At this moment, Lin Zhentian's aged face also revealed a complex expression. He looked at Lin Xiao and said, "You are the one who suffered from this matter. Whatever you decide, whether to forgive or not, I will support you, even if it means offending Lin Langtian!"


Hearing this, Lin Xiao was slightly moved. He knew the weight of these words.

Lin Zhentian was willing to risk offending Lin Langtian, the top talent of the Lin clan, for him!

He also knew that despite being crippled for many years, he had always been his father's most cherished son.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao let go of the knot in his heart that had been there for years. He looked calmly at Elder Tao and said, "Dust to dust, earth to earth. I can choose to let go of the past grudges.

But as for this compensation, our Lin family in Qingyang Town does not need it. Please take it back to its rightful owner, Mr. Tao."

"Third Brother..."

Hearing that all these valuable compensations would be returned, Lin Mang anxiously tried to speak, but Lin Zhentian's glare silenced him.

"Father, Big Brother, Second Brother, I know what you are worried about, but don't worry. Even without this token, our Lin family in Qingyang Town can still return to the inner clan..." Lin Xiao smiled seeing their expressions.

"Hmph, how will you return to the inner clan? By relying on your restored strength? Unfortunately, you have already passed the age to participate in the clan competition."

Lin Mang's mood soured, and he sneered at Lin Xiao's refusal of such a precious fortune.

Unfazed by Lin Mang's sarcasm, Lin Xiao gently patted the head of the boy beside him and spoke confidently.

"I may no longer be able to, but my son Dong'er... can!"