
3 Years Later

A young blue eyed blonde boy walked out of a large town house in New York smiling happily as he was fronted two much older teenagers. That young boy was Ray. In the last 3 years Ray had created his own gang of young thieves in New York. These bunch of thieves comprised of young children that was forced out of their homes or were homeless orphans on the streets of New York. Ray offered them protection, shelter and food. All these young homeless street kids had to do was steal for him. And boy did these kids steal, Ray would get them to target the Rich neighbourhoods of New York and got them to work in teams to steal things. And Ray would pay the police officers patrolling the area to look the other way or use the pitiful street kids to get sympathy from the police. As for protection, Ray alone was enough, no normal human no matter how well trained they were could survive a confrontation with Ray.

Ray these last three years other than setting up a gang to steal things had been to the New York public library and ever single book shop in New York to read Buddhist scriptures to increase his powers ability and variety. Ray found out that his powers worked in a strange way, whenever he read a Buddhist scripture he never read before in whatever language, Ray developed an additional magical power. Whether the power was to create a magical force field in the back alley 3 years ago or currently the power to create magical home seeking golden energy bullets that would kill anything. Ray found that the more Buddhist scriptures he read the more variety of powers he got. Ray wondered why that was ?

However Ray has exhausted all the Buddhist scriptures available in New York and he had planned to travel to Nepal to get more Buddhist scriptures as he felt that he was still inadequate to face off against Thanos. Ray had arranged a separate house out of New York in preparation for his underlings when the battle of New York happened. Ray did not want his gang to die under the barrage of the alien invaders and Loki the god of mischief.

Ray had walked out of his townhouse now with his two most trusted lieutenants in his gang, he called his lieutenants D1 and D2, Ray did not bother to remember their actual names.

"Hey D1, you know what to when I am not here right ? I will be away for a while.", Ray said in a young girlish voice.

"Yes sir. Sir, can I ask why do you call us D1 and D2 instead of our real names.", D1 asked in a respectful tone.

Ray covered his mouth to stifle his laughter as he didn't want them to know that D stands for Dumb. And D1 stands for Dumb 1 and D2 stands for Dumb 2. Ray thought very little of his minions.

"Um... D stands for Daring as only Daring people would work for me and I thought it sounds exciting to talk in code.", Ray said in a mirthful tone.

"Oh wow, boss ! You treat us so well, I never knew you thought the two of us as daring. We will keep on using the name of D1 and D2 proudly boss !", D2 said proudly.

"Yes boss ! Thank you for thinking so highly of us. We will use the name of D1 and D2 proudly !", D1 said with a smile.

"Now, don't get sentimental on me, I expect my share of the money to be banked in every two weeks even though I am not here D1 and D2 !", Ray said as he covered his mouth while trying to stop from laughing.

"Yes boss !", D1 and D2 shouted out in unison.

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