
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 7:Revelation

A disfigured figure wielding a bow laughed maniacally, sniffing the air as he sensed something nearby. He was unaware that the trio had already devised a plan to kill him.



Jacob, gripping a baseball bat, whispered, "I'll go first."



Diane placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Be careful, Jacob."



Jacob nodded, meeting her gaze. "I will. Thanks."



Taking a deep breath, Jacob moved forward carefully. The dim light made shadows on the walls, and the silence was only broken by the distant, creepy sounds of the disfigured figures. Each step felt risky as he got closer to their target.



As the disfigured figure, wielding a bow, was laughing maniacally, seemingly unaware of the trio's presence. Jacob took advantage of the distraction and quickly rushed towards the figure. He swung the bat with all his strength, hitting the figure's head. The bat made a sickening crack as it connected, causing the disfigured figure to stumble, a look of shock and pain on its face.



Seizing the moment, Diane rushed forward with her knife, plunging it into the figure's eye. The disfigured creature screamed in agony, clutching his wounded face.



Aufg!" the disfigured figure gritted in pain, its voice a horrific mix of rage and agony.



"Now, Jonathan! Kill this son of a bitch!" Diane shouted, her voice filled with urgency.



Jonathan, wielding an axe, gathered his strength and swung it with full force. The blade cleaved through the disfigured figure's neck, severing his head, which tumbled to the ground with a sickening thud.



Panting heavily, Jonathan stared at the lifeless body. His chest heaved, and his grip on the axe tightened as the reality of what he had just done settled in. "Fuck, did I just kill a human?"



Diane shook her head firmly, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "No, it's a monster, not a human."



Jonathan nodded, still processing the violence. His hands were trembling, and his breaths came in short, ragged gasps. The reality of what he'd just done began to settle in, the adrenaline slowly giving way to a mix of horror and grim determination.



He glanced down at the severed head of the disfigured figure, blood pooling around it. The lifeless eyes stared up blankly, a gruesome reminder of the brutality that had just unfolded. The figure's monstrous features, now frozen in a permanent expression of pain and shock, were a stark contrast to anything remotely human.



"Yeah, fuck this," Jonathan muttered, his voice thick with a mixture of disgust and anger. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, smearing a streak of blood across his skin. "He's not human."




He looked at Diane and Jacob, who were both equally shaken but resolute. "I won't pity them for what they've done," he continued, his voice gaining strength. "These things... whatever they are... they don't deserve any mercy. Not after what they've done to us, to Uncle Joe, to everyone..."



The weight of their situation pressed down on them all, but Jonathan's resolve was clear. The violence he had just committed was not something he ever thought himself capable of, yet in that moment, it felt justified. Necessary.



Jonathan took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He gripped the handle of his axe tighter, feeling its rough texture against his skin, grounding him. "We need to keep moving," he said, his voice more composed now. "We have to find Adam and make sure the rest of us survive this nightmare."



Diane, still holding the bloody knife, looked at Jonathan and nodded. "You're right. We will find him."



Jacob, his grip on the baseball bat so tight that his knuckles turned white, urged the group to move. "Let's go. We need to move quickly before those niggas come here."



With that The trio, now more determined than ever, moved forward with a newfound sense of purpose. Their hearts pounded with a mix of fear and courage, knowing that their survival depended on their unity and their willingness to fight back. They couldn't afford to be victims any longer; they had to be warriors, ready to face the horrors that awaited them.


[Meanwhile Adam Wilson]


As I thought about how to deal with Alpha, I couldn't ignore his commanding presence. He had this way about him, like a powerful force that draws people in, making them follow his lead without question. It felt almost primal, like he was a predator hunting his prey. And His aura alone exuded a predatory charisma, marking him as the Leader of this twisted shit.



Turning to the Revival system, a glimmer of hope sparked within me. "System, can you track down my dead body?" I inquired, a plan forming in my mind.



The system, ever compliant, responded, "Yes, host. Why?"



I explained my hunch, my gut feeling that Alpha would drag my body somewhere, likely for his sadistic pleasures. "I don't know for sure, but that bastard is sadistic as fuck," I muttered bitterly.



"Understood, host. Want me to locate it for you?" the system offered.



"Yes, please. Show it to me," I requested eagerly.



With a soft chime, the system initiated the search, projecting a transparent window resembling a map. My eyes widened as it revealed the location of my body.



"This is perfect!" I exclaimed, a glint of determination shining in my eyes as I formulated my next move.





As Alpha gazed upon Adam's lifeless body, a sinister smile spread across his face, reminiscent of a child who had just received a new toy. His two disfigured minions dutifully carried Adam's body into a room, their laughter echoing like twisted music in the air.



As they went into the kitchen, the disfigured figure gently laid Adam's body on the table, doing exactly what Alpha told them. Then Alpha's voice broke the silence, ordering his minions with an unsettling excitement.



"Be careful with his body," he instructed his minions, a twisted excitement bubbling within him. "I want it to look fresh and appealing."



The disfigured minions nodded eagerly, their laughter filling the room as they anticipated another gruesome feast.



As Alpha gazed upon Adam's lifeless form, memories of Adam's unwavering gaze flooded his mind. Despite the circumstances, Adam's eyes had held a fierce determination, a defiance that intrigued Alpha. It was as if Adam were the protagonist of a story Alpha had longed to create.



"Mmm, those eyes," Alpha muttered to himself, a twisted sense of admiration in his voice.



Turning to his minions, Alpha dismissed them with a wave of his hand, leaving them visibly disappointed at being denied the opportunity to indulge in their gruesome desires.




As Alpha, watching them go, saw the longing in their eyes as they glanced back at Adam's lifeless form. He understood their desire to feast on him, even as he sent them away.



"Don't worry," Alpha assured them, sensing their disappointment. "There are still survivors out there. Go chase them!"



The disfigured minions nodded obediently, their excitement reignited as they rushed out of the kitchen, their maniacal laughter echoing in the corridor as they eagerly pursued their next victims.



Alone with Adam's body, Alpha felt a strange thrill. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Adam's figure, studying him intensely. Adam seemed different from others Alpha had encountered. Most people trembled in fear at the sight of Alpha, but Adam there was no fear, just a strong sense of anger and defiance. This intrigued Alpha. It was unusual to encounter someone who didn't back down from him. Instead of fear, Adam seemed to meet Alpha's gaze with stubborn resolve. It was a new experience for Alpha, one that both fascinated and unsettled him.



But just as Alpha was reveling in his fascination with Adam's lifeless form, the body vanished from the table, disappearing before his eyes. Confusion and panic seized Alpha as he tried to make sense of the sudden disappearance. His mind raced with disbelief and confusion, unable to grasp what had just happened.


"What happened?" Alpha exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief and confusion.



Before he could process the situation, a voice rang out from behind him, dripping with sinister satisfaction. Alpha turned slowly, his heart pounding in his chest, to face the source of the voice.



And there, standing before him with a smirk on his lips, was Adam.



The shock that washed over Alpha was palpable, his mind reeling with disbelief at the impossible sight before him.



"You!! How did you survive?" Alpha demanded, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and confusion, realizing that his plans had been thwarted by the very person he had believed to be dead.



Adam's furious retort echoed through the room, "Well, Because I am me, fucktard!!!" With a quick motion, he lunged towards Alpha, his grip tight on the machete. 



Driven by his rage and determination, Adam attacked Alpha with all his might. With a furious swing, his machete cut through the air, finding its target as it struck Alpha forcefully.



Alpha, not bothering to defend himself, just stood there, letting Adam's machete to strike him again and again. His laughter echoed in the room, mixing with the sound of metal cutting through his flesh.



"Die, you fucktard, die!" Adam shouted, his voice filled with venomous anger as he continued his assault.



With each strike, Alpha's body bore the brunt of the attack, his right arm severed and his chest sliced open by the relentless onslaught.



Yet, despite the grievous wounds and pain, Alpha still remained chill, his laughter growing louder with each passing moment. Sending shivers down Adam's spine.

Stopping abruptly, Adam demanded, "What's so funny, you bastard?"



Alpha's laughter gradually subsided as he composed himself. "To think there is someone just like me," he mused, his eyes gleaming with excitement and madness.



Confusion clouded Adam's features as he struggled to comprehend Alpha's words. "What do you mean, you bastard?" he demanded, his voice tinged with both anger and disbelief.



With a smirk playing on his lips, Alpha gestured towards his unscathed body. "Come on, look at me. No injuries, right?"



Realization dawned upon Adam as he processed Alpha's words. It meant that Alpha possessed the ability to regenerate, an unsettling revelation that sent a chill down Adam's spine.

Before Adam could fully grasp the situation, Alpha moved with quick speed. With a swift kick, he sent Adam stumbling backward, disorienting him. As Adam struggled to regain his balance, he watched in horror as Alpha seized the machete he had dropped in the ground. 


Then Before Adam could react again, Alpha acted quickly and decisively. With a precise motion, he swung the machete in a smooth way, cutting through Adam's legs.

Adam's body convulsed with agony as he collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by pain and shock.


"Aurg~!!!!!" he cried out, the pain overwhelming as he glared up at Alpha with defiance. "You twisted fuck."


[Meanwhile Adam Pov]


Alpha's words shook me to my core. "You're just like me," he said, staring into my eyes. And said to me "Are you a transmigrator too?"



"What?" I exclaimed, my mind reeling at the implications of Alpha's words.

Transmigrator? Could it be possible that he, too, had been transported to this world from my world, just like me? The very idea sent a chill down my spine. Was that why he possessed such formidable powers, the ability to heal himself in ways that defied comprehension?



The notion was unfathomable, yet the evidence was undeniable. Alpha's uncanny resilience, his ability to withstand even the most grievous of injuries—it all pointed to a truth that I struggled to accept.



Then The realization filled me with a sense of dread. If Alpha truly was a transmigrator, then what other secrets did he hold? And what did his presence in this world mean for me and Him?



As I grappled with the weight of this revelation, a surge of frustration and fear washed over me. This wasn't the reality I had imagined or hoped for. Standing there, facing Alpha, I realized that we were both transmigrated beings, brought to this world from our Earth. It was a truth that felt both surreal and terrifying, binding us together in a fate that seemed unbearably cruel and utterly inexplicable.


To be continued