
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Movies
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Chapter 24: Cops Means Business


Outside the cluster of tents and camping gear, Julian Jones, Billy Brolin, Lita Marquez, Cruz Wilson, and Gus McKaley gathered, sitting comfortably in camping chairs. The morning air was filled with the strumming of Julian's guitar, creating a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere. Julian's fingers danced over the strings, each chord blending into the next, setting a mellow tone for the group's morning.



Billy handed out food to Lita and Gus, who eagerly started eating. Cruz settled into her camping chair, looking content. Billy lit a cigarette, took a drag, and then handed it to Julian.



"Wake and bake, brother," Billy said, offering the cigarette.



"Thanks," Julian replied, taking it and inhaling deeply. He leaned back, letting the smoke curl up into the morning air, his eyes half-closed in relaxation.



As Lita and Gus ate, Lita couldn't help but notice Gus making a mess of his food. She chuckled, finding it endearing, and wiped his mouth with her hands. "You're such a slob. Can you try and be a little bit cleaner for me?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.



Gus looked up, confused. "What?"



"You look like a pig," Lita said, imitating an oink. Both of them burst into laughter, the sound mingling with the distant festival music.



Billy grinned at the playful banter. "Alright, check it out," he said, rummaging through his bag with an air of excitement.



Everyone turned their attention to Billy, curious about what he was doing.



"I've got all our party favors arranged by date and time," Billy announced, eliciting more chuckles from the group.



He continued, "So this is cutting into my overhead, but in honor of this weekend and Julian's great idea for us to come out here..." He glanced at Julian, who gave a mock bow. "...I've made an exception."



Julian chuckled, clearly enjoying the moment, and gave Billy a thumbs-up.



Billy pulled out a small container and said, "First up, some chronic, which you're already participating in," nodding towards Julian, who was still smoking the cigarette.



"And then some X," Billy added, taking out another item from his bag. It was a small bag of weed. "For when we go trick or treating..."



Everyone laughed, the mood light and jovial, the tension from earlier stories dissipating.



"And some shrooms for when the bands start playing," Billy concluded, placing the items on the table in front of them with a flourish.



Lita then said, "You have been out of school for two semesters. What do your parents think?" She looked at Billy with a mixture of curiosity and concern.



Billy, sitting back in his camping chair, shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, no. They don't know shit. And I want to keep it that way."



Everyone chuckled, the group clearly sharing a deep bond and a sense of trust.



"Besides, you know, I am a budding entrepreneur," Billy added, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back with a satisfied smile.



Cruz looked at her boyfriend, concern evident in her eyes. "Why did we have to come all the way out here?"



Billy grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Because it's Mountain Man, baby."



Cruz still looked worried, but Billy tried to reassure her. "Hey, come on, look, we could have gone to Burning Man."



Julian and Gus chuckled, exchanging knowing looks.



Julian handed the cigarette to Gus, but Lita took it and took a drag herself, exhaling the smoke with a relaxed sigh.



Billy continued, "But I am not going to drive all the way across the country."



"We've got a homegrown version of it here," Billy added, with a confident nod.



Julian nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Mountain Man has got a much more interesting story to it, anyway."



Julian turned to Cruz. "You know the story, Cruz?"



Cruz shook her head, slightly exasperated. "I am not from around here, remember?"



"Okay, well, we're going to a small town called Fairlake," Julian began, his voice taking on a storyteller's cadence.



Everyone nodded, listening intently, their faces illuminated by the morning light filtering through the trees.



Julian continued, "It was founded in 1814 or some shit like that. Well, apparently, the local miners didn't get along too well with the hill people. I guess it was a territory dispute."



He looked around at everyone, ensuring he had their attention. "There were conflicts over the next couple of years. Now, on Halloween night, 1817..."



He paused dramatically, his eyes wide for effect. "...the entire town was ravaged by hillbillies... in the largest massacre in the state's history."



Julian grabbed a knife from the ground and began playing with it as he spoke. "The only problem was no bodies were found. It was just... just blood. Lots of it. The entire town, every inhabitant disappeared."



Julian continued to play with the knife, twirling it skillfully. "Was never seen again."



Lita shivered visibly. "That's awful."



Julian nodded, his expression serious. "Legend has it, the hillbillies hauled all the bodies up to the woods, created a huge bonfire and then..."



He paused again, looking around for effect. "They cooked the fair residents of Fairlake."



Everyone gulped, a collective unease settling over the group.



Julian finished, "Well... and then they ate them."



Lita, with a mischievous grin, suddenly shouted, "Bah!" startling Cruz, who jumped in surprise, her hands flying to her mouth.



Everyone burst into laughter, the tension from Julian's story evaporating into the morning air.



Cruz then said, "Okay, you know what? I don't want to go," her voice trembling slightly.



Billy looked at her, concern in his eyes. "Oh, come on, baby, we're almost there."



"No. I don't want to celebrate a massacre," Cruz insisted, shaking her head firmly.



Lita chuckled, taking a drag from her cigarette, the smoke curling around her face.



Gus added, "It's innocent fun," his tone attempting to be reassuring.



Cruz frowned, her lips pressing into a thin line. "It's wrong."



Billy approached Cruz, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting hug. "We will just go tonight, and we will leave tomorrow, okay?" He guided her to sit down with him in a single camping chair. "Come on, Cruz. Just one night, huh? Please?"



Cruz sighed, looking into his eyes, her resolve softening. "Okay, fine."



Billy smiled, his relief palpable. "It is fine."



Everyone else smiled, the argument having been resolved peacefully.



Julian started playing his guitar again, filling the air with soft, soothing music. Lita and Gus shared a tender kiss, their earlier playfulness turning into genuine affection. Cruz and Billy sat close together, whispering and enjoying each other's company.



As they continued to enjoy their morning, the camaraderie and excitement for the festival were palpable. The group seemed ready to embrace the festivities, unaware of the horror and hell that awaited them.





Sheriff Angela Carter was driving the police car, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the steering wheel as she glanced over at Deputy Kevin Briggs seated beside her.



"Looking forward to the trip?" Sheriff Angela asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.



"Yeah," Deputy Kevin replied, his voice filled with anticipation. He glanced at Angela before looking down at the rifle catalog on his lap. "Thinking about getting me a new .30-06 for the occasion." He smiled, thinking about the upcoming hunting trip. "It was lucky of Jason to win the bear license lottery this year."



"I know. He's very excited." Angela said, a warm smile spreading across her face as she thought about her husband, Jason.



"Well, he's a good guy to invite me along." Kevin added, his tone appreciative.



"I know. That's why I married him." Angela said with a playful grin.



Kevin chuckled, then turned the conversation to the festival. "You sure you don't want to come?"



Angela shook her head slightly. "I've got a job to do."



"You need to learn to relax a bit," Kevin teased. "You're always so by-the-book. You ride us like we're in the military."



"Discipline, Junior," Angela replied, using Kevin's nickname. "It's a good tool to use in life."



Kevin sighed, acknowledging her point. "Okay, okay. Ready for tonight?"



"Mob of kids, such a pain in the keister." Angela replied, rolling her eyes.



"It should be a big night for drunk and disorderly." Kevin said, chuckling.



They both laughed, the camaraderie between them evident. Suddenly, Angela's mobile phone rang. She answered it with one hand while keeping the other on the wheel.



"Sheriff Carter," she said into the phone.



"Who is the sexiest sheriff in all of Greenbrier County?" came Jason's familiar voice from the other end.



Angela laughed. "I am the only sheriff in Greenbrier County."



"Still doesn't mean you're not sexy," Jason quipped.



Angela and Kevin both laughed. Jason continued, "Hey, I just blew off the second shift. I am headed home."



"That's good," Angela said, her tone softening. "Junior's buying a new rifle for your hunt this weekend." She glanced at Kevin, who nodded.



"Tell him it won't make him a better shot," Jason joked.



Angela relayed the message, and they all laughed again. "Yeah, I already did," she said.



"I'm going to fix some lasagna tonight for dinner. I'll stop by and bring you some?" Jason offered.



"That would be great. But call first. It's going to be a busy night," Angela replied. "I may head down to the fairgrounds."



"Then I'll bring it to you there. I'll call you later. Bye, honey," Jason said.



"Okay, bye, honey," Angela responded, ending the call and slipping her phone back into her pocket.



Kevin looked over at her. "Lasagna, huh? He spoils you."



Angela smiled, her eyes briefly meeting Kevin's. "Yeah, he does. Let's hope tonight isn't too crazy."



Kevin nodded in agreement. "Let's hope."



The two officers continued their patrol, the sun rising higher in the sky as the town of Fairlake prepared for the festivities ahead.



Adam Wilson and Porter Harmss stepped out of a taxi at the edge of Fairlake, surrounded by thick trees. The urgency of their mission was clear as they looked around.



Porter, feeling overwhelmed by the unfamiliar surroundings, exclaimed, "Wow, so Alpha is really here?"



Adam nodded seriously. "Yes, but I have no idea where his hideout is." He scanned the forest ahead, his expression determined. "Let's move quickly. Time is not on our side."



Porter, though nervous, followed Adam as they ventured deeper into the woods around Fairlake. The trees cast shadows over their path as they walked cautiously, alert for any signs of danger.



Adam checked on Porter occasionally, ensuring they stayed together. The seriousness of their mission was evident—they knew they had to find Alpha soon and stop him.



The forest was alive with natural sounds—the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds—creating a stark contrast to the tension in their minds. Each step brought them closer to their goal, and Adam's determination only grew stronger.



Porter focused on keeping up with Adam, trusting his partner's leadership. They were two men against a dangerous enemy, navigating through unfamiliar terrain with only their determination guiding them.



Together, Adam and Porter pressed on, their resolve unwavering as they continued their search for Alpha. They were determined to confront him and bring an end to the threat looming over Fairlake.







Alpha, with his striking red hair and piercing red eyes, stood high in the trees, surveying the area below. Surrounding him were his disfigured minions, each more grotesque than the last. Among them were Three Finger, with his missing digits on his finger; One Eye, his single eye gleaming malevolently; Saw Tooth, with his jagged teeth; and Maynard Odet, who nervously approached Alpha.



Maynard, his voice tinged with concern, spoke up, "What if someone notices our plan? What if the cops start investigating?"



Alpha's intense gaze turned towards Maynard, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "Are you questioning my plan?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.



Maynard gulped audibly, shaking his head quickly. "No, no, of course not," he replied, his nervous laughter betraying his anxiety. "I'm just... thinking ahead, you know?"



Alpha's smirk widened, a glint of superiority in his eyes. "There's no need to worry," he assured Maynard, his tone dripping with confidence. "My plan is flawless. Even if the cops get involved, they won't be able to stop us."



He leaned in closer to Maynard, his voice lowering to a whisper. "Cops mean business... It just means more prey for us." Alpha declared, his smirk growing more pronounced.



The other disfigured minions nodded in agreement, their loyalty to Alpha unwavering. They knew better than to question Alpha's authority or the efficiency of his plans, especially when his plans had brought them this far. With Alpha's assurance ringing in their ears, they prepared themselves for the upcoming events, confident in their ability to execute their sinister agenda without interference.



To be continued