
Wrong side of Heaven

An angel who falls short of God's glory, and the demon who does Good deeds. trapped in a post-apocalyptic world unable to return to where that came from. the two find themselves together. Able to temporarily disguise themselves as humans they walk around among the forgotten. when their true nature is revealed to one another what will happen then. will the relationships have built together last or will the friendship crumble and fall apart?

Freeze_2b · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Questions I can't ask

I'm starting to enjoy this, I know it's a punishment but every minute with Tyler it feels less like one. I've had plenty of food, I have clothing that fit, someone to talk to, and he is a cutie at that.

He has been so nice to me. I'm lucky he found me when he did, or I wouldn't exist anymore. Not to mention the things that would have happened to my body. Just the thought makes me sick to my stomach. I was sure I was going to die last time.

Some how I'm not nurves at all this time. I know I'm a lot stronger now that I've rested and ate. We grabbed sacks and bags for supplies and headed out.

We walk past the store I had been too, and back past the alley, it stinks, it looks like someone painted it with body parts. It smells like rotting flesh, the birds are picking at the bits of flash. So that's how I got away? But who did this? Was it God? Did he save me? What happened to these men? Did they explode?

How did he do this? I look at Tyler he looks oddly happy looking at the corpse. If he did how did he? Those men were bigger then him by far. There was more of them them, he must be a crazy good fighter. That smirk of his says this was him...

"You may be more fun to spare with then I thought." I say quietly looking at the pieces corpse. Tyler was unable to hear.

"so you like that?" Tyler whispered proudly in my ear while I was looking at a skull.

"wow, that is unbelievably creepy!" I say turning to walk away.

"Said the girl who just spent ten minutes smiling at rotting flash." Tyler joked.

"I wasn't smiling." was I? They were evil. Angles kill evil people too. Being an angel of death I've killed lots of people good and evil at the will of God. I never had the feeling of satisfaction I got from seeing the ones that hurt me like that. Maybe it's different because it's personal.

"so what do you think about what happened to them?" Tyler asked.

"well, Normally I would say that someone's fait should only be decided by God, but he is not here. So I don't know, I guess conflicted would be the best answer for how I feel looking at them."

"Do you hate God for leaving you in a place like this with people like that?" Why is he asking about my faith.

"Why would I hate him for what I did wrong? This is my punishment and I expect it."

"Is it really so wrong to save someone?"

"When it's not his will, yes. When someone has to die for it, yes."

"Knowing your punishment, would you do it again? "

"Yes, I would because I did what felt right, although I would also try to save my friend."

"And if your friend still died because of you?"

"What do you want me to say Tyler? hmmm? My friend was in the wrong. He didn't clearly assess the situation before he attacked. I would still interfere even if he still dies."

"well, damn. Here I thought you was a good God fearing girl. I mean I'm not to familiar with faith to me it was just a fairy tail. But isn't that the same way of thinking Satan had before he became the devil? Aren't you afraid?"

"haha yeah I should be grateful, this is a much better punishment."

"what's so funny about it?"

"When you think about it Satan became Satan because of a punishment. It's like a mouthy child being sent to his room for time out, but never being let out. haha"

"more like an angry father locking his kid in a car on a hot day and ' forgetting ' about him, forever." It sounds like he is trying to make a joke.

"Wow, that's dark, and sad, but I get it."

"yeah because Hell is painfully hot, torture for all there. A bedroom implied some comfort, and that can be escaped." Tyler said.

"and I thought you didn't know."

"I don't know about God or heaven, but I understand pain."

"so do you hate God for being left here"

"no, I'm not mad about being here my life has improved since the world ended. Plus like I said I don't know God so I can't hate him."

He definitely sounds like someone that is hurting, but he doesn't sound like a bad person.

After a while walking. (it's already been hours)

"So are we almost there?" Tyler asked.

"Um I'm not sure exactly. I got a little lost on the way to the store, but I think it's like maybe an hour from here." It took me all day to find the store last time but the sword calls me so I will be able to get back to it.

"you sound really confident. " Tyler said sarcastically.

"I know I can find the way back!"

"Are you just trying to sound confident now?"

"No we are close!"

"what ever"

(one hour late)

"we are here!"

They stop at the front of a large building. The first 5 of floors were businesses, the rest were apartments..

The elevator doesn't work.

We start up the stairs.

"You know we are going to have to stay here tonight. we won't have time to return before night fall." Tyler said.

"Ok hopefully no one went in the apartment."


Floor 20


"what floor is your appointment on?"


" you have got to be kidding me!"

"nope it's the top floor, great view."


Floor 36


"I'm done I'm not going any further!"

"fine let's stop, I could use a snack."

"so um why are you sticking with me?" Tyler asked.

... how should I answer... "I don't.. like being alone... and your the only nice person I've met."

"so ... um you really want to stay?... um with me? For real?" (GD why do I sound like a pathetic love sick child.)

"yes, I'm sure I want to stay with you. If that's okay with you. I mean you did offer to let me stay with you. I don't really care where we stay. I just ... I don't know..." why is this so hard?.