
Written realm :- The tale of author's Journey into his creation

Have you ever thought about going to your novel,  have you ever thought about the stories you make,  the person you killed in the novel..... This the story author who gets transported into his Novel world and his main aim is to return to earth to...........

lightyasiro · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Last Wish

Hero Lila and the demon continued their intense battle, each determined to come out on top. Lila conjured powerful spells and hurled elemental attacks at the beast, but the demon was resilient and retaliated with its flaming claws and massive horns.

The author stood frozen in shock, unable to even lift a finger. His body was paralyzed with fear, and his heart beat rapidly in his chest. He had never imagined that his own creation would be so terrifying. The demon stood before him, its eyes glowing red in the darkness. The author's mind was racing with thoughts of how to escape.

Lila, who had been watching the scene unfold, stepped in front of the author and said, "Move!" With a swift movement, she pushed him out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the demon's attack. The author stumbled back, still shaking with fear.

The demon lunged at Lila, and she deftly dodged its flurry of blows. With a fierce roar, Lila swung her sword at the demon's leg, severing it from its body. The demon's face contorted in pain, but it quickly regenerated the lost limb.

As he looked back at the demon, he realized that it was even more terrifying up close. He could feel the heat emanating from its body, and its breath was like hot coals on his skin. The author's emotions spiraled out of control, and he felt tears stream down his face. He had never been so afraid in his life.

The battle raged on, causing destruction and chaos in its wake. The demon's multiple arms clashed with Lila's trusty sword, creating sparks and lightning bolts that illuminated the battlefield. Lila's spells whirled and exploded, and the demon's roars shook the very earth.

At one point, the demon managed to grab Lila in a tight embrace, clamping its jaws around her shoulder. Lila screamed in agony, feeling the beast's powerful teeth puncture her flesh. But she refused to give in. Summoning every ounce of strength she had left, she conjured a blindingly bright light that made the demon recoil.

The demon, now furious, grabbed Lila's head with two of its arms and violently twisted it, snapping her neck. Lila's lifeless body fell to the ground, and the demon let out a triumphant roar.

The demon approached Lila's lifeless body and took a malicious delight in devouring her flesh, tearing it apart with its razor-sharp teeth. It relished in the taste of her blood and the sound of her bones cracking between its jaws.

But, unbeknownst to the demon, Lila's body was infused with a deadly poison, one that was designed to destroy any creature that dared to partake in her flesh. As the demon continued to feast, the poison spread through its body, causing it to writhe in agony.

The demon let out a blood-curdling scream as its flesh began to peel away from its body, revealing a twisted and corrupted form beneath. It desperately tried to claw at its skin, trying to rip off the festering flesh that was now consuming it.

But it was too late. The poison had taken hold, and the demon was destroyed from the inside out, dissolving into a pile of noxious sludge on the ground.

Lila, in death, had managed to deliver a final blow to the demon, bringing an end to its reign of terror. She may have lost the battle, but in the end, she had emerged as a hero, having sacrificed herself to defeat the very embodiment of evil itself.

As Light stood there, witnessing the death of his favorite creation , he was in a state of shock. It was the first time he had ever seen someone die. His creation, was now gone. The weight of the situation hit Light hard, and he felt a heavy burden on his shoulders.

Despite the shock and burden, Light knew it is not his own home planet. The final message from Lila, delivered through his own nature manipulation, echoed in his mind. "it is upto you now, Author".

Before light could understand anything...