
Written By Starlights

In a realm where time's tapestry weaves lives together across the ages, a tale of love, loss, and rebirth unfolds. The story begins not with the past, but with the present—a present that holds within it the echoes of lives long gone, and the promise of a destiny entwined. Meet our protagonist, a woman of fire and steel, marked by a past life as a warrior who met an untimely end. In this lifetime, her spirit blazes with defiance, her heart encased in walls, and her words laced with sass. A loner by nature, she moves through life with a shield of independence, using her charms to leave broken hearts in her wake. But fate has more in store for her than she could ever imagine. In a dimly lit bar, an encounter awaits, a collision of personalities that sets the stage for a journey that spans lifetimes. A man of secrets and shadows, he carries the weight of centuries in his eyes, and a heart burdened by the sins of his past. Unbeknownst to her, they share a history that spans ages—a love once forged in the crucible of power and palace intrigue, now buried beneath the sands of time. A love that transcends lifetimes, testing the boundaries of fate itself. As they navigate the complexities of this latest existence, their pasts will be unveiled, layer by layer, like a tapestry woven from memories. From a palace where power is a double-edged sword to a love that defies even death, the tale takes us on a journey through time and emotion, where two souls entwined must once again confront the echoes of their shared history. Get ready to embark on a journey where love is eternal, destiny is unyielding, and the ties that bind us reach far beyond the confines of a single lifetime. This is a story of second chances, redemption, and the enduring power of love in the face of all odds.

DaoistkJ46j0 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter Two: Serendipitous Encounter**

Chapter Two: Serendipitous Encounter**

Orion approached the bar, a glass of wine in his hand. He met Eluna's gaze with a playful twinkle. "Quite the charmer, aren't you?" he remarked, his tone light.

Eluna spared him a brief glance, her sapphire eyes cold yet curious. "And who might you be to pass judgment?"

He offered a knowing smile, his voice soft. "An observer, perhaps, of the dance you weave."

Eluna glanced at him briefly, her expression thoughtful. "I might pretend not to understand your words and smile innocently. You could accept it and pretend to believe it. But we'd both know we're lying. So why don't you just tell me why you came over here from the edge of the room?" Her eyes remained on her wine glass.

Orion leaned on the bar, studying Eluna's face more closely, his gaze narrowing as he felt affection. "Who says I need a reason?" He tilted his head, a flirtatious smile on his lips.

"Then you might leave me alone to enjoy my drink, and I could call it a night without any disruption?" Eluna asked again, her focus still elsewhere.

Something ignited in Orion's chest. He was well aware of such interactions, yet this one felt different. He took a deep breath, placing himself in the chair next to Eluna, and signaled the bartender to refill their drinks.

"You know, you possess a sharp tongue for someone skilled in charming," he noted.

"And who says I care?" Eluna's gaze remained steady, unaffected.

"I can sense your care beneath your façade. You seem to enjoy leaving broken hearts behind, like a drunkard leaves empty bottles on the path to taverns. You seem to hurt these men intentionally." A joyful glimmer replaced Orion's smile.

Eluna's reply was swift, her voice unyielding. She stared him with a dark expression. "Then, sir, I'd advise you to keep your distance to avoid the sting."

Orion's smile transformed into one of genuine amusement. "Long ago, those eyes of yours would have terrified me. It's fortunate I've developed some sort of immunity."

Eluna met his eyes, intrigued. "Lucky is the woman who managed to unsettle you with just a glance. It seems one must start annoying others from a young age to develop immunity against intimidating women."

"Let's just say I provoked the most intimidating woman in the world, and she tolerated my provocations many times." A wistful memory briefly crossed Orion's gaze, followed by a tender smile as he remembered days long gone. The expression intrigued Eluna, drawing her in to learn more, despite her aversion to admitting it.

"Why, then, don't you spend your night with that formidable and patient woman instead of annoying me without my consent? Is there a story behind this?" Eluna's tone remained neutral, her shoulders lifting in a casual shrug—a façade concealing her true interest, yet Orion saw through it and smiled knowingly.

"A story does exist, quite a long one. Would you care to listen? It involves curses, magic, and even some sort of miracle."

"Are you a bard by trade?" Eluna asked with a hint of cynicism.

"I am many things, Eluna. A soldier, a bard, a wizard, a politician—each label holds some truth yet misses the mark entirely. I could tell you the story that might alleviate your yearning and emptiness, or I could leave and make sure you never see my face again."

Eluna's hand trembled slightly. His use of her name sent a jolt through her. She had always kept her identity hidden in taverns, using fake names when needed. How had this stranger learned her name? An unease tingled at the edge of her senses. She discreetly set down her wine glass.

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"Maybe I've drunk more than I thought, forgetting I ever told you my name," she said casually.</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"You didn't have to tell me your name for me to know, allow me to introduce myself. I am Orion. Somehow, I think you already knew my name."</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">Orion's words rocked Eluna to her core. She recognized the name—she was familiar with it—but couldn't remember how. It might be an odd coincidence, their mutual guessing of names. Yet she felt he wasn't lying. The name and the man seemed somehow connected to her.</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"I'm sitting here, talking with you. Did you see any sign that I sought company tonight?"</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"Maybe an unexpected companionship was too interesting to walk away from, charming?" Orion teased, knowingly testing her limits.</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"If that were true, I wouldn't be engaged in conversation here. I'd simply take you upstairs to my room."</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"Does that mean you're staying here?"</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"For now. I might leave anytime." She lied. Though she had rooms in various inns throughout the city, she preferred the academy's wards. She often wandered the city, finding solace in crowds and seeking refuge within walls at night.</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"Rest assured, I won't leave just because I know where you stay. I'm at Hoppers Inn. Feel free to give me nightmares about being exposed to me if it disrupts your sleep. You are welcome to slit my throat in my sleep as well." He was teasing her.</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"I have a feeling your sleep is light. If I end up in your room, it won't be your throat that would be slitted." She dared, her thoughts treading into uncharted territory.</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">"</span><span style="font-size:14px" ;="">I have a feeling that you could strangle me with just your bare hands, Eluna. I don't think you'd be a victim easily. I don't know what you do for a living, but I am sure you are not an easy bite. Even though I could enjoy sinking my teeth into your body." His </span><!--/data/user/0/com.samsung.android.app.notes/files/clipdata/clipdata_bodytext_230825_175720_194.sdocx--><span style="font-size: 14px;">sheepish smile was returned. Eluna felt a warmth between her legs. She, of course, had desires and knew how to satisfy them herself, but this man ignited a flame she didn't know even existed. He was also right about one thing. She could paralyze a man with just one finger and strangle someone with her bare hands. She was a healer; she had effective knowledge about human anatomy and the ability to tap into otherworldly energy.</span>

<span style="font-size:14px" ;="">As Orion's words echoed, Eluna made her decision. She chose to spend the night with this stranger, enticed by his story. Little did she know that this choice would set off a chain of events further intertwining their destinies.</span>
