
Writing ideas for new novels

Author: Game_Bunny
Martial Arts
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What is Writing ideas for new novels

Read ‘Writing ideas for new novels’ Online for Free, written by the author Game_Bunny, This book is a Martial Arts Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Phantom trooper might have been the biggest idea I've had as well as the one I'm dedicating my self to writing, but it's...


Phantom trooper might have been the biggest idea I've had as well as the one I'm dedicating my self to writing, but it's far from the only one I have cooking up in my mind. Over the course of a few years I've developed several story ideas along side Phantom trooper. These however weren't as appealing to me so I dropped them. But as I progressed through my current story I started thinking about the other stories and wondering what could've been if I had started something else. Here I will list the ideas I have as well as potential stories I might write along side Phantom Trooper.

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