
Chapter 35: You and me, one on one!

With a stern look I looked Dya in the eyes. It appears that she has some form of mindreading abilities, because she nodded in agreement.

I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead tenderly.

''When we get through this, I wil repay you one hundredfold, Heiro.''

Dya made her way to Valaea and dragged her to the exit.

To my surprise, the short hitman allowed this to transpire. He turned his gaze toward me.

I breathed deeply and told him that I would be his opponent now. Slaido had dragged himself from the queensized bed in the main bedroom.

In his useable hand he had the sheets from the bed, which he draped over Valaea's naked shoulders.

I stood in front of the man, who was barely able to contain his laughter. He cracked his knuckles and then his neck.

It appeared that he was not immune to damage, although he was very good at hiding it.

His now bare chest had a fist shaped imprint on it. Slaido's attack did not do magical damage, but the impact of his fist did.

The hitman laughed and coughed, spitting up some blood.

''Yes.. Very interesting.

It had been a while since I had this much fun, boy.

Fine, I accept your challenge.

It appears that the four of you need some time to say goodbye. Five minutes, no more, no less.''

I nodded in agreement and turned toward my compagnions.

Valaea had looked around the stable and said with alarm in her voice that the horses were gone. They had to run back to the castle in order to get help.

This was not part of my plan, but there was no turning back. Knowing that there was even less time to said goodbye, I demanded them to leave right now!

Slaido was getting tears in his eyes. He was visibly distraught by the idea of leaving me behind with this savage sadist.

I looked at him with grave intent. Doing my best to dig into his thick skull that there was no time to argue about this.

''I can't abandon you, Heiro.

I have never turned my back on anyone in my life.

This hurts me to the core, I can't stand the fact that you have to face this assassin alone!''

I sighed, knowing full well that Slaido was completely right. But the thug had me by the balls, figuratively and almost literally.

Our staredown was interrupted by the ruffian's loud laughter. He raised two fingers into the air and spoke softly.

''First of all, kids;

I am not an assassin, I am an agent. It is completely different."

He was now pointing toward the ceiling of the room.

"Second, he won't be facing me alone. Because the person I have been searching for.. is here.''

Out of the chimney fell a slender figure.

It landed on a pile of ash, leaving a small puff of soot. It was a girl with Grey eyes and a stern look upon her face;

it was Asachico.

I stared at the small girl. She was wearing a form fitting, light Blue bodysuit. It had the texture of fishnet or light chainmail.

She left the chimney and stood up straight. Her platinum blond hair was in a tight bun and she was barefoot.

Dya was completely petrified, whispering a very soft gasp before fainting on the spot.

Slaido grabbed her with his good arm, and threw the now unconscious Princess over his shoulder.

He looked at Asachico and nodded in agreement. Valaea was now crying tears of grief, her eyes as red as her ginger hair.

She grabbed Slaido by his paralyzed arm and ran away.

We were now with just the three of us.

The bounty hunter, feeling content with this arrangement, decided to make things more interesting. With care he discarded all his hidden weapons.

His bracers, which contained throwing darts went out of the window, as well as a hidden short sword on his thigh.

''You know, I never liked using weapons during a fight.

It makes things so impersonal, takes the thrill out of it.

Fighting with weapons is like having your dinner made for you. But using your own body as your only weapon, is like making it yourself!''

It started to rain outside. And I nodded in agreement.

Asachico took a fighting stance. I looked her in the eyes for a split second. Although I had no idea why the hitman was looking for her specifically, I felt secured by her presence.

This morning she told Hysta not to underestimate her. And I had no intention of doing so.

The rain outside was becoming a storm and a flash of thunder lit up the room for a split second.

The assassin took advantage of the flash in order to make a first strike at Asachico. Who responded in kind.

A hurricane of fists and feet were exchanged between the two of them.

It appeared that the bodysuit Asachico was wearing, was a form of Reactive Armor. And it changed colour on the spots where the hands and legs of the assailant had landed.

First to green, then to yellow. I figured out that it had a limited capacity, so I joined the melee as fast as I could.

With a dash I battered against the hitman, doing my best to grapple him to the ground. To my amazement I was unable to get a hold of him, he was as slippery as a greased up hog.

And my nose confirmed that; he had smeared himself in with a layer of animal fat.

He took advantage of my surprise by slapping me hard with the back of his hand. Sending me flying across the room, into Dya's bedroom.

The glass of the window shattered by the impact against the wall and glittering shards landed around me.

I felt the urge to use the broken glass as a weapon, but there was no guarantee that it would work. And breaking the arrangement would allow the murderer to go all out against us.

I gritted my teeth and barged back into the room with a flying kick.

The man was in a struggle with Asachico, who now had a bloodied lip and her battle gear was now a yellowish shade of orange. I had no clue what more colours it had before it gave out.

I let out a roar and kicked him against his spine. Asachico used the chance to strike him in the neck with her elbow.

Gasping for air, he grabbed Asachico by the face and smashed her into the wooden floor. Once more I charged at the man, this time without the wanted effect.

He intercepted me, grabbing me by the torso and pushed me against the wall. I bashed his spine with my elbows. He let out a scream and threw me into the air.

Asachico grabbed him by his feet, making him fall down on the floor with a loud thud. I landed on my feet, doing my best to stay up straight.

Blood was coming from his nose and he entered a vicious frenzy. The two of us were pounding him with everything we had.

But the scumbag would not stay down.

With a primal roar he lifted the both of us up and smashed us against each other. I was stunned by the blunt force trauma.

Asachico's suit was now a deep Red. It was almost at breaking point, and the bounty hunter knew it.

He grabbed me by the arm and threw me into the chimney. I landed with my back against the wall of the chimney, into the pile of ash.

It was hard to breathe and see, my mouth was full of smoke and soot.

I could only look on helplessly as Asachico was grabbed by her legs and smashed on the table like a ragdoll.