
Chapter 25: Chasing after some pussy

Dya let go off my feet and started to put on her sandals. She folded the wanted posters into a package and stuffed them into the other pocket of my vest.

I picked up my sandals to feel if they had cooled off a bit. They were still very warm. I decided to hang them on my belt, going bare foot instead.

The Princess told me that the Census Office is the largest of the three buildings. The stone building to the left of it is the local Library. And the one on the right is the Temple of the Lady.

The Library appealed to me the most, and I stared at it for a while. Dya gave me a small slip of paper, which had a strange form of runic writing on it.

It looked very ancient and I looked over at the library again.

''That is your access paper to the Census Office. You just have to ask about the Permit of Free Passage #A38.

And don't forget to ask about your release fee.''

In frustration I gritted my teeth a little; the idea of being in a Government Building sounded like absolute horror to me.

And Dya was talking like I had to do it myself.

''Aren't you going with me, Dya?''

I asked her. She smiled at me and stood up on her toes.

She kissed me tenderly on the lips, telling me that she had an appointment at the Temple.

I looked at the Temple.

It did not look like the buildings next to it. It was made out of sandstone, which gave it a stark contrast to the gray stone masonry of the Census Office next to it.

The wooden buildings made the effect even more powerful. As if someone had build three different towns on top of each other and left without leaving the blueprints.

Dya left me to my own devises as she waved at me before entering the temple.

In the sandstone above the entrance was an etched eye, which had the weird effect of seemingly trailing me.

I did not like the building one bit, and being snooped upon was even worse.

Knowing that the Census Office was easy to find in this maze, I decided to cut this place some slack.

The medication was still a bit in my system, because the corridors and alleys were very lively in their nature.

There was not a straight line to find in this wooden village and I sighed. While I was walking, I found out that there were a lot of mothers with children here.

It was the first time that I saw that in this world. Although there are children and adults in the castle, none of them seemed to be a parent.

The people here wore the same clothing as the people at the party yesterday, although much less elaborate in their presentation. Most wore brown or beige clothing, had tanned skin with dark brown eyes.

Although there was some variety in them. Some were almost hazel, having the colour of gold with metallic glint in them. All of them had straight, glistening black hair.

They did not look impoverished or starved in any way. Which gave me a feeling of relief.

Suddenly I looked into the eyes of a girl, she was taller than I was and appeared to have Yellow eyes.

They reminded me of the contacts that the Princess wore. The girl winked at me and when she passed I felt a gust of wind passing by.

Now properly paranoid, I felt the pocket where I had my silver coin. To my relief, she did not steal my money.

To my utter shock I felt that she had taken the Princess her underwear!

I turned around quickly, not allowing the robber to get away the easily. Luckily she was a lot taller than the people around her.

She had a mix of colours in her hair, most of it was reddish with white and black streaks mingled in.

I concluded that she was most definitely not from around here. She looked over her shoulder and saw that I was giving chase.

With a teasing look in her Yellow eyes she showed me her teeth, revealing that she had fangs like a cat.

Knowing now that I was chasing after some pussy, I picked up the pace.

The uniform that I was wearing was rather heavy, although not as cumbersome as the weighted vest I had destroyed this morning.

Seeing no need to lose clothes while hunting for them, I kept running on my bare feet.

The girl appeared to be bare foot as well, because I saw a nimble foot turning the corner as she dove into an alleyway.

I charged into the corridor, finding out that this spot was a lot darker than the rest of the village. I tried to adjust my eyes, looking for the robber in the alley.

There was a large pile of barrels stacked in the left corner of the alley. Behind the barrels I heard something moving about.

Slowly I walked toward the barrels on my toes. Trying not to make a sound.

When I peaked over the barrels I saw the girl lying on the ground; sniffing Dya's panties. The girl had a grin on her face that screamed absolute delight.

''Kyahahahah, such fine fabric. Such a lovely smell. It must belong to a noblewoman.

No idea how that Dog got one, but now it is mine, kyahaha!''

I squinted my eyes and threw the barrel aside.

The girl looked at me in surprise and grinned:

''Well, well, this Dog knows how to follow his nose, kyahaha.''

Her remarks made me rather angry: I am a Human, not a Dog.

As fast as I could I grabbed at the panties. Sadly for me the girl had catlike reflexes and agility.

She smiled at me, playing with me like I was a mouse. My frustration got the better of me and I threw a punch at her. She blocked it with ease, catching my fist mid air.

She pulled my sleeve up, revealing the still visible imprints of the Princess her fingers.

''Looks like you got in a fight with a cat, Dog.''

I took this opportunity to grab her by the wrist with a my free hand.

''And you look like you are a cat, Cat!''

The Cat grinned and let go of my hand. She twirled the panties in the air with a playful look upon her face.

''If only you knew how wrong you are, Dogboy.

Had I looked more like a Cat, I would not have been here.''

Her response confused me, and she noticed instantly.

She jumped over me and bolted through the alley back into the main street.

I ran after her, discovering that she ran to the West and the sun was setting already.

I got blinded by the light, cursing through my teeth. Luckily the road was not as narrow here, and a lot more straight.

The pursuit continued as I made my way through the masses. The people saw that I was wearing a military uniform and dove away from me as I gave chase.

A few younger children ran after me, wanting to know what the fuss was all about. I ignored them and saw that the Catgirl was now climbing onto the roof of a lighthouse.

The lighthouse was made out of sandstone, just like the Temple.

I was breathing through my teeth at this point, running at my maximum speed toward the lighthouse.