
Chapter 2: My metabolism is unmatched!

After an awkward silence, the Priestess formally introduced herself.

''Oh, right.. My name.. yes.. of course, it is Priestess Valeneira, Val for my friends. You can call me Val, young hero. What is your name precisely?''

I was not really in the mood for formal introductions, but now that I knew that I was dealing with a Priestess, I would tell her my full name: Heironymos Nikolaeos Bukureius. Val was amazed by my name. She started to stammer even more them before.

"What a long and fancy name. Are you nobility or royalty, young hero?''

I stayed silent for a while and decided not to answer: there is a time and place for everything. By now I had realized that this discussion was taking too much of my energy. I was starting to get hungry and also rather cold. Tearing off my shirt was not the best idea now that the sun had set and the temple was high on a mountain.

''Okay! I am done with this! Our conversation has taken long enough! I am hungry, and also cold! Bring me food and some clothing.''

My muscles were tensing up and I was visibly shaking. Val gestured gently and a younger girl with auburn hair and yellow eyes came up to me and grabbed my hand. She appeared to be nervous around me due to the fact that I was standing in my underwear. And she guided me away from the masses.

''Come with me, I will bring you to the Dining Hall in the Resting Quarters. By the way, my name is..''

I was too hungry too pay attention to her so I forgot her name instantly. I have that often around pretty girls.

While we walked throught the hall the girl was talking about how grateful she felt for my presence or something of that nature. I was unable to listen to her, my hunger had grown to unbearable levels. It was fortunate that she was cute.

While I was in my hormonal daze, I walked head first into a burly man with big pink eyes. And by pink I mean that his irises were hot pink and not that he had an eye infection.

I really dislike the colour pink, so I reviled this person instantly. I glared at him with my bright green eyes with hazel central heterochromia.

He appeared not to like my eye-colour either, because I felt the air around us tensing up. The girl noticed and gave the man a stern glare.

''Watch it Dender, this is a mighty hero from another world. He might beat you up if you keep bullying him like that.''

She winked at me and dragged me around the corner into the Dining Hall.


I yelled and buried my face into a bowl of soup. It tasted like peanut soup. I felt really glad that I did not have peanut allergies, because I would have died that moment if I did. I chugged down the bowl and asked for something with more sustenance!

The girl with the yellow eyes smiled at me; having figured out that I am a big eater. She clapped her hands and an older man in a pure white linnen robe came walking to the table where we were sitting.

''What can I do to serve you, Princess?''

I spat out a few bits of peanuts and vegetables when I heard the cook call the girl Princess!


I yelled in absolute glee. I really like princesses. And this girl did not strike me as a royal. She was very humble and kind.

My now fed brain could now comprehend why Dender did not smash her face into a wall for her remarks. I am sure he would have tried that with me.

While I was geeking out over the fact that I was sharing the table with a princess, and getting an unamused look from the cook, the Princess shushed me by closing my mouth gently.

She had a very gentle touch and really soft skin. I melted under her touch and smashed facefirst into the table.

While I was drooling on the table, making and absolute fool of myself. The Princess told the chef to make something hearty. That I discharged a lot of Dark Essence. And that my recovery was of the utmost importance.

The cook was unable to keep his calm, now that his pristine white robe was now covered in nuts and other legumes, and asked if I would like my dinner living or dead. The Princess was now livid and she started screaming at the man.


That shook me out of my half-slumber. The Princess folded her arms and looked away from the cook arrogantly. It was very adorable and I had to suppress the urge to hug and cuddle her on the spot.

After this display of royal behaviour the entire room was in utter shock. The cook now asked me very politely.

''In what manner could I be able to still your hunger, my young and couragious and noble hero?''

I got up in his face and told him that I wanted a whole chicken, or whatever passes for poultry in this world. Also meat, lots of meat. I could not care less what animal it was. And something to wash it down with. No alcohol, because I am still a minor.

At least, fifteen is underage in my world.

The cook told us to wait for an hour. And asked the princess very, very, very politely if she could arrange a bath for me; I still smelled like vomit and dead animal. And I was sitting in my underwear. A fact that I almost forgot. Because I was in a warm place. The soup was filling enough, for now.

The princess formally introduced herself as Princess Dyamaetreia of the Dolovian monarchy, third in line of succession and acting regent of the island nation of Dolovia. But I could call her Dya, if I wanted to. The most thing I wanted at the moment, was a hot shower and a warm hug.

Dya snapped her fingers and the boy who caught my vomit came running over. At least that was who I though it was. When the blonde figure came close, I saw that it was not a boy at all. It was a girl!

She was at least half a feet shorter, and had visible curves. Other than that she was pretty much the same, the same hair, skin and eye colour. She saw that I was getting confused and she giggled.

''You must have confused me with my brother, hihi. My name is Hysta and my twin brother is Hyseau. He is gone on an errant right now. Do you want to join me for a bath"

Her eyes started to glow a brighter orange. It unnerved me a bit, but I left with her to the Bathing Chamber.