
Chapter: 2 Getting Used To My New Life

(6 Years Later)

I am now 6 years old and my parents are lettering me practice wrestling since they thought I was old enough. Before I get to that let me break down what has been going on, First I moved from Ohio to Iowa because of family members and lived there till now. I showed up to my first practice excited because I finally could start wrestling again and I could fulfill my dream, Practice started off with jogging in a gym then a bunch of stretches and as we finished that the coach rounded us up.

Hello kids I am here to teach you guys wrestling my name is Coach Myers you can address me as just Coach or Coach Myers anything else then you will be running laps I do not care how old you are. Then after some useless introductions a kid comes up and introduces him self as Spencer Lee and my eyes go wide. That is the real Spencer Lee, damn. Anyways practice continued on with some warm ups and practicing our stance.

(1 Hour Later) practice finished up and we went home and all I could think of was how I am going to go about this life and what I am going to do. I resolve myself to stick to wrestling and not do another sport cause I love it so much. ( 7 Years Later) I am now 13 and wrestling season starts tomorrow, I have practiced really hard and won junior national competitions and I am regarded as a genius, and I have made friends with future would champion Spencer Lee and we spar even though I weigh 137 and have fun. (Mc is 5'5 and is lean muscular, See comment for reference.)

I go to practice 30 mins early to get warmed up and meet my coach which is the coach I had when I started. ( See First Chapter). "Hey Coach Myers how are you doing" "Good kid why are you here so early" I just wanted to get some practice in". After about 30 minutes everyone shows up for practice and coach explains "Today we are going to wrestle off after warmups to determine who will be number one for our first tournament in two weeks and know that this is not permanent and we will have more every week but this is so I can also see your guys skill level" everyone nods their head in agreement and we start warming up.

After warmups the first wrestle offs start and spencer goes up he does a blast double off the start and pins him after catching him off guard which he complained about to coach but coach told him he should have been prepared and to run 2 laps for complaining. After a couple matches it is my turn to go up and I face off with a chubby really short kid but I do not let my guard down. After Coach blows the whistle I go for an ankle pick and get him down to the ground and then proceed to put him in a cradle and pin him on his back.

After my match everyone was really impressed and could tell that me and spencer were the best on the team and were not to be messed with. After a practice of touching up on our skills we head to the locker room to change and the kid I went against and came up to me and thanked me for not going easy on him so he knew where he was skill wise. I told him it was no problem and went home after changing. I got home and ate dinner with my parents, They asked how I was doing and if I liked practice. I talked a bit before going to bed because I was really tired.

(Two Weeks Later) I have been practicing my ass off for this home opening match because my opponent is someone I went against regularly in the tournament circuit and is a good wrestler who almost beat me. As school ends we stick around and go to the coach's classroom to meetup and eat and also discuss our plans for the lineup and how we get ready for the match. After time passes we roll out the mats and the matches get started, it starts off with spencer lee at 106 and he wins pretty easily and matches progress and then its my time to go up and wrestle I shake off the nerves and tell my coach not to worry and this will be easy points.