
Wrath of the Hero

After a terrible accident that left his best friend in a coma, a young student went into depression, lasting a long time. Before summer vacation, one of his friends from school recommends a video game, Wrath of the Hero, a long-lasting video game with adventure and epic battles. But, in the end, the plot twist occurred, destroying his love for the video game, yet, being close to the end, he finished the video game, feeling empty inside. On the first day of school, when he sees his classmate, he wants with all his might to beat her up, but when crossing the street, he does not see the truck-kun, which was coming while an epic song was playing. But, the end of him would not happen, because he would discover that he had been reincarnated as a character who was only mentioned once. Trying to survive, and living with the main characters, he, who is now called Michael Belfiore, decides to continue living with one goal, to catch them all, each of the heroines he would conquer. Thus beginning his journey in the world of the video game, Wrath of the Hero.

The_Wind_Jaeger_07 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Mysterious Warrior


Happy New Year!!


A few weeks after the start of the year, I was trying to hunt the Chupacabra, a small monster who likes to steal objects, and who main food are goats and children.

"See Personal Information."

This was a world whose origin came from a game, and just like that, one could see their personal information thanks to the Blessing giving by the Goddess Lumiere, the most important Goddess, the Chief Goddess who Rule the Lumiere World.

It was the basic game system, but with that, I could see my information.

Name: Michael. House: Belfiore. Age: 14. Gender: Male. Race: High Human. Bloodline: Divine Bloodline. Status: Bourgeois. Role: MOB. Classes: Dragon Knight & Archmage. Titles: Fate Destroyer, Lord of the Night, Dragon Knight, and Kingslayer. Level: 88. Position: Support.

HP: 32,450,000/32,450,000. MP: 15,075,000/15,075,000.

ATK: 653,500. DEF: 672,044.

AGI: 1,306,000.

I used to believe that I was incredibly powerful since I was a kid, but now, now I was at another level completely, the current me could defeat a thousand of my eight-year-old being with ease, and still have the energy to battle another thousand more.

And this status is without considering any weapon or armament.

Why I choose to be a Support, well, because is a secret of the game's system, but Support could also mean All-Rounder, a Jack-of-All-Trades, and that's the kind of style of combat I want.

Of course, I also possess certain mastery in some areas, my trump cards, but is common knowledge that in the [Wrath of the Hero] game, anything could happen, and it was better to have knowledge and capabilities in many areas.

 I still was not powerful enough to believe that I could survive with ease the first part of the Canon of the game, still, I was maybe at the level of a fully trained Magic Knight veteran.

Of course, I was not the only one who grew stronger, Anya also was an amazing being, same age as me, and with the strength to rival Magic Knights veteran, who could tell.

My health points were in the dozens of millions already, just like my magic points, and my attack and defense purely by my stats, meaning, my physical strength, were getting close to the million mark, and talking about the million mark, my agility surpass that, although if we talked about agility, Anya was above me completely.

'Thank god we're allies.' – I always pray.

Between my greater treasures that could give me a boost in stats, right now the number one was maybe:

The Ring of the Saint of War, a Holy Relic that my aunt gift me in my tenth birthday.

It was a relic giving to my grandfather by the Lumiere Church, then my grandfather gift her to my aunt, and my aunt gave it to me. To them, it was a simple and beautiful ring with a diamond, but to me, and my game's system knowledge, I knew what it was for real.

The Ring of the Saint of War, a holy relic that to be activated you need to clear one condition, and that was to recite the Blessing Speech of the Goddess of War in a night of full moon, while drinking a liter of blood, of any animal or monster.

Truly disgusting, but awakening the Relic was worthy.

The first time I look at the effects it gifts, I truly smile and cry of joy, because it was worthy.

Item: Ring of the Saint of War. Rank: Relic – Mythical. Description: The ring of the first Saintess of the War, giving to her by Her Godship, Alexandra, the Goddess of War, sister of the Chief Goddess Lumiere. A Truly Mythical Object containing a Great Divine Power. Its Diamond engraves a Powerful Blessing, which makes the wielder to have the Sacred Blessing of Alexandria. Effects: Blessing of the Goddess of War (Gives the Wielder a little bit of Rulership in the War Domain; and a Protection in Hellish and Holy Regions), +500,000 HP, +50,000 MP, +12,500 ATK, +10,000 DEF, and +2,500 AGI; Also Makes the Wielder to Have +75% of Acceptance with the Church of War (Making the wielder to have greater deals and rewards with the church). Durability: 992,876,122/999,999,999.

Yes, a truly gem for a beginner and mid-tier player, but now, for the kind of powerful stats I possess, it seems like nothing, still, those extra points are still good for me.

My aunt gift it to me when she was a Magic Knight of the Royal Order of Magic Knights and came for a short week-of-absence to see the family, it was a coincidence that it was my birthday in that week.

"Hello, my sweet nephew." – She said to me, as she easily lifts me from the floor, and hugs me while giving me many kisses in my forehead and cheeks.

Now four years later, she was soon going to resign, after she was giving the opportunity to become a professor at the Royal Academy of Magic Knights of LaBelle, with a better salary, better benefits, better social prestige, and less danger.

"Here you are!" – I said to the chupacabra that was surprise to see me appear suddenly, with just one attack, its head explodes!

"Uff… with these, Jysa would be safe from danger." – I said, while going back home.

Doing some training while working as a monster hunter, to maintain the region around Arliand Town secure has giving me with plenty of battle experience, and some experience points, still, at my level, to level up I need to kill high-leveled monsters, and not just one or two, but many.

It will take me some years, maybe when the second part of the cannon starts, to fill up the levels, and obtain the MAX Level.

While thinking about the future, someone call me.


A feminine voice, a sweet voice.

A beautiful girl with long pink hair and green eyes, greets me with an exceptional beautiful smile, I was lucky to met her so soon, and it was all thanks to the place that I currently live.

The beautiful girl whose beauty surpassed any women beauty from back home at Earth, was Nevaeh Behrt, who in a few weeks would turn sixteen-year-old, and would depart to LaBelle, to study.

She was the only daughter of Earl Behrt of Alanna, and by that, the most precious treasure of the Earl.

Prove of that is that four Magic Knights were always accompanying her to protect of her of any danger.

"Young Lady Behrt, do you need something?"

And despite being at the presence of this four, who would tell everything that happens to her to her father, she comes closer to me, and grabs my cheek with her hands while pouting, and the starts to pinch me. – "How many times had I told you, my name's Nevaeh, not Young Lady Behrt, memorize that."

"That would be disrespectful." – I complained to her. – "I am just a little farmers' son, a mere plebeian who is below someone like yourself, milady." – Although that was a lie, I was not commoner, after all, thanks to grandpa, we were consider a Bourgeois family, despite my father and uncle deciding to be farmers.

She makes a puppy sad face.

"Michael, you know that I don't care about social standings, we are friends, and I want you to call me by my name."


I really don't care, but right now we…

"I can't do that in front of your guards."

"Ha." – She makes a soft and low laugh. – "Are you scare?"

"Yes, after all, I am just a weak, innocent, and average commoner; uncapable of confronting the wrath of your guards who are by the way, Magic Knights!"

"Aha, if you say so, don't believe that I don't know that you have many times act weak."

Now, that was surprising.

"Why do you mean?"

She doesn't say anything, just smiles and tries to kiss my in the lips, I move away my face, while blushing.

"Are you crazy? Do you want your father to kill me?"

"Talking about my father, he wants to meet you."

Parental meeting…

"I remember that I have to help my father with the farm."

"Come on, with both know that you hate laborious work like that." – She said, while still hugging me. – "Also, soon I will have to go."



"Then, good luck."

"Thank you." – She said with a sad face. – "Although I don't want to go."

"Why not? Every noble must go, as a service to the nation, also, you will grow stronger."

"I know, but I will not see my family for a long time, and… I will no longer be able to see and talk to you… I know very well my obligations as a Noble Lady, and I really want to have the strength to protect the people, but… I still want to enjoy a little bit more of my youth."

"Ha, Milady, I don't want to be rude, but you sound like an old… Ah!"

She punches my right shoulder with pinching my left cheek, making me do a false scream of pain. Strangely, the pinch really hurts, it can not be, after all, I have a crazy high defense of more than 600,000, and she has not the strength to be able to hurt me, and yet, magically it hurts, how strange.

"I am not an old lady, Michael Belfiore, don't be rude!"

"I'm sorry milady."

"Hmph, we ladies mature faster than men."

"But you're not a lady, you are just a rude, tantrum, and spoiled kid."

"Oh." – She makes a dark smile. – "You're now that you're talking to a beautiful noble lady like me."

"Didn't you said that you don't care about social standings." – I spoke, replying to her threat, while also patting her head.

'Damn, I'm being rude… still… this feel too good to be true.'

We stayed quiet like this, enjoying the moment, and I felt it first, but I can't move yet, I will be weird and suspicious.

Then, the sound of bells starts ringing, alarming everybody.

The bells work to notify the people when morning, midday, afternoon, and evening is. But that was only three chimes, this time, it was six, and that mean that a horde of monster was coming here.

"My Lady Nevaeh!" – One of the Magic Knights came to her. – "We have to run back to the city!"

"Wait." – She said and looks at me. – "Michael, come with me."

I shake my head.

"Sorry my love, but I have to go to where my family is." – And once I said that I start running to Arliand Town, more specifically, to where my house is.

"He said my love?" – I heard her voice.

I grin while running, and once I come closer to the farmlands, and looked at the people running and escaping, I also saw the first monster coming, and some farmer trying to retain them as the Lord's forces come here.

I enter the house, not seeing not one, surely mother has taken Jysa and Judith to Nassia City with the help of Gael.

The stonewalls of the city would protect them of the horde.

Seeing not one around, I put out from my storage my armor and some equipment.

Item: Dragon Scales Armor. Rank: Relic - Epic. Description: Armor made by the scales of an old dying dragon. Created by a Master Blacksmith. Effect: +100,000 DEF. Durability: 4,999,102/5,000,000.

Item: Daggers of the Damsel of the Promise. Rank: Relic - Legendary. Description: Daggers made by a Master Blacksmith as a promise to the Damsel that he loves. Effects: Skill [Damsel's Promise], Skill [Stamina's Steal], ATK: 90,000, and +10,000 AGI.


1. [Damsel's Promise]: It allows you to throw the daggers, and once they are thrown, you could make them return to you, because just like the Promise to the Damsel, that no matter what, they will always return home.

2. [Life's Steal]: When you wound an enemy by using this skill, not only you make damage to the enemy, but also steal some of its vitality and take it to you to recover your damage, recovering your fatigue, and making the enemy more tired and wounded.

With the first skill I would not have to worry about losing or not having my weapons, because they will come back to me; meanwhile, the second skill, will make me saved my HP potions, and steal life and stamina of my enemies.

This two were currently my best equipment to battle.

My best battle mode.

And together with the Ring of the Saint of War, my three Relics.

Relics are items of religious significance, and in a world where Divinity truly exists, are the strongest items available. Many relics were in the hands of powerful individuals or in the church's warehouses, so, I could only go looking for the three easiest relics to take for my current me.

Baron Arliand was not here, he was in another place of the County, fighting against bandits, so that means, that his 20 Magic Knights were with him, that let only the Magic Knights of the Centuria of Behrt, under Earl Behrt to come and help.

Coming out of home with the armor that covered my appearance and boost my defense, my weapon that increase my agility and attack, and my ring that increase all my stats, I was ready to fight and protect.

"[Eyes of Horus]." – using my skill to check the monsters coming, I could see how pitiful weak they were.

Monster: Common Kobold. Level: 5. Rank: Low.

HP: 2,000/2,000. MP: 250/250.

ATK: 50 (200). DEF: 50 (120).

AGI: 300.

Monster: Old Treant. Level: 12. Rank: Low.

HP: 5,000/5,000. MP: 1,000/1,000.

ATK: 230. DEF: 500.

AGI: 30.

Monster: Great Bear. Level: 40. Rank: Middle.

HP: 320,000/320,000. MP: 15,000/15,000.

ATK: 5,000. DEF: 6,500.

AGI: 1,000.

Weak, but still, thousands of them, and the farmers and few soldiers here were unable to rival them, luckily for them, I was here.

I also put on the Cape of the Golden Minotaur.

Item: Cape of the Golden Minotaur. Rank: Mythical. Description: A cape made by the fur of the Golden Minotaur of the Labyrinth Dungeon; a warm cape who would protect your back from the enemies' attacks as you use it and is also considered a luxury item that the nobility and the rich would respect and want to possess. Effects: 10,000 DEF, a Boost in Charm; and 50% Resistance to Cold. Durability: 978,306/1,000,000.

Now, I was ready to fight.

"Time to fight." – Words that not one would hear. – "The party of experience has come!"

And so, I jump to battle, saving as many people as possible I could, and that means in my dictionary: saving everyone!!

[General POV]

It was the beginning of the Year 1172.

Close to the Town of Alanna was Nassia City, where Earl Behrt of the Alanna County lives and rules.

Odette Arliand was the youngest Magic Knight of the Centuria under Earl Behrt.

As a noble, Earl Behrt was available to possess Magic Knights.

The Avalon Kingdom, where the Royal Academy of Magic Knights was founded and is in, make a rule to control the Magic Knights Rulership.

Nobles from the Kingdom could have this quantity of Magic Knights:

A Lesser Lord could have 4 Magic Knights under their Command.

A Baron could have 2 Contuberniums that equals to 20 Magic Knights.

An Earl could have a Centuria that equals to 10 Contuberniums.

A Marquess could have 3 Centurias, a total of 300 Magic Knights.

And a Duke could command a Cohort, equal to a 10 Centurias.

That means that a Duke, only below royalty, could command a total of 1,000 Magic Knights, of course, the power and amount of Magic Knights under a Duke is more, because under a Duke are many Marquess, Earls, Barons, and Lesser Lords under their Command, still, that number doesn't come close to the number that royalty commands.

The Commander of the Armed Forces of the Avalon Kingdom, who is always a member of the Royal Family, is in command of the Ten Legatus, each Legatus commands a Legion, and each Legion possess 10,000 Magic Knights.

That means, that the Royal Family of the Avalon Kingdom has in their power 100,000 Magic Knights, although in reality they possess like ninety-thousand to ninety-five-thousand Magic Knights, is rare to have all Legions full of Magic Knights, because many died, retired, or they don't possess many new members each year that prefer to work under nobles of their birthplace.

Still, considering that the Elite Soldier of the Northern Lumiere Continent are the Magic Knights, for the Royal Family of Avalon to possess more than 90,000 of those under the rule, shows how powerful the Avalon Royal Family is.

And that is without having into account the elite order of magic knights under the Royal Family, the Royal Order of Magic Knights, were only elite of elites could entered in the force.

More so when you know how many the other Kingdoms can possess.

In the current times, the Avalon Kingdom has as Allies the next nations: Beviridis Kingdom, Claris Kingdom (also known as the Holy Nation of Lumiere), the Plata Kingdom (Dwarves nation), the Sylva Empire (Elvish nation), and the Veritas Kingdom.

These five nations that were the current allies of the Avalon Kingdom could have up to 1 Legion of Magic Knights, and the rest six nation of the Northern Lumiere could only have up to 3 Cohorts of Magic Knights.

Five Legions and Eighteen Cohorts, a total of 68,000 foreign Magic Knights.

This was made so that the Nation of Origin of the Magic Knights doesn't suffer in the future from an attack or invasion from the Magic Knights from other nations, after all, is in Avalon where the Magic Knights are made, or better said, the LaBelle Academy that has deep and long relationship with the kingdom.

And Odette Arliand was a graduate from LaBelle, who is now working as a Magic Knight under the command of Earl Behrt of the Alanna County.

But she was not a common Magic Knight, not only was she the youngest member of the Behrt Centuria, but she was the daughter of Baron Arliand, and she was a former member of the LEGENDARY Turquoise Team, a party of five graduate students of LaBelle, who were the strongest of their generation.

Odette "The Lightning Knight" Arliand, a strong Tank-position Magic Knight that's a Living Legend possessing Three Classes: Magic Knight, Archmage, and Great Warrior.

A Side Heroine, and the Older Sister of One of the Six Main Heroines.

She was 177cm tall, with a nice bust, long black hair, golden eyes, and a super beautiful face, always wearing outside, her Magic Knight Armor giving to her in her Graduation Ceremony.

Right now, she was close to Town Arliand, the Town that her family rules, she was doing the typical safety tour around the exterior of the Nassia City, to protect the people from bandits, monsters, or any criminal or danger that could damage the people's safety.

She was at the command of 3 High-Ranking Soldiers, 10 Mid-Ranking Soldiers, and 50 Low-Ranking Soldiers.

High-Ranking Soldiers possess levels between 101 to 150, and Classes like Great Warrior, Great Swordsman, Dual Swordsman, and Nocturne Archer.

Mid-Ranking Soldiers possess levels between 81 to 100, and Classes like Mage, Knight, Assassin, Lancer, and Ranger.

Low-Ranking Soldiers possess levels between 60 to 80, and Classes like Warrior, Swordsman, Archer, and Thief.

This kind of force was typical between Earls to use against the monsters who attack their territories; like right now, when a monster horde appear from the forest to attack Arliand Town.

Odette was not the only one coming, other nine Magic Knights were commanding the exact numbers of soldiers, for a total of 10 Magic Knights, 30 High-Ranking Soldiers, 100 Mid-Ranking Soldiers, and 500 Low-Ranking Soldiers.

All expected to find destruction, and many people death.

"Impossible." – Said a Mid-Ranking Soldier, when he saw like the others, something very much different at what they expect to see, in the battle camp, a single person was exterminating as fast as possible the vast number of monsters, alone.

Even powerful monsters like Cyclops, Ice Lizardman, and Liches were fallen easily at his hands.

'Who's that person?' – Odette asks herself, barely capable of seeing how that person slayed the monsters.

"Dame?!" – One of the High-Ranking Soldiers talk to her.

"Hm?" – She finally reacts, and then gives an order to her men-at-arms. – "Let's go, Kill All the monsters!"

In another place of this new battle place.

"Lord Bradley, we have secured the church, there many people who could not go to the city are being protect by us." – A High-Ranking Soldier said to His commander, Magic Knight Aaron Bradley, 29 Years, and third son of Earl Bradley; his first brother was the heir to the County, and his second brother who was an even more talented warrior, was a Captain of the Royal Order of Magic Knights.

Aaron nods at his subordinate report.

"Good, we need to strengthen the defenses to not let any monster even touch the old wood doors of the church, I want every soldier guarding the church!"


Seeing his men go to the church, Aaron walks to where another Magic Knight was also giving order to his men-at-arms.

Once he was also alone, Aaron comes to talk.

"I did not expect to see the church full of people, everybody safe." – Said Aaron. – "It is a miracle!"

"Miracle?" – The One who Spoke was Andrew Selwyth, 32YO, and the 2nd strongest Magic Knight and current Optio of the Behrt Centuria of the Alanna County.

"Yes, maybe this horde of monsters isn't really dangerous."

"Look at the battlefront."

Aaron did that, and using a spell to strengthen his sight, he saw something, the battle camp, seeing his comrades, Odette, Justing, and the other Magic Knight sent to eliminate the horde, or to retain in as the Earl gather the rest of his forces.


Ogres were powerful monsters between Level 150 to 160, but there were many, and that would be a problem to his comrades, but then, many of those powerful monsters died at the hands of someone.

"How? Who did that?!"

"Not a comrade of us." – Said calmly the Optio, a veteran warrior who has experienced more than a thousand fights. – "Keep looking."

And so, Aaron did that.

Looking how in less than five minutes, the silver armor warrior killed every ogre, with great dexterity and combat skill, using only…

"Daggers?! How is this possible? Who is that person?"

"Don't know, but it is a problem to have someone as strong as that person without of knowledge of who it is."

Aaron nods at the world of his superior.

"Let's go, we should help our comrades."


And the two Magic Knights joined the already won fight, taking some small fries, while the mysterious warrior slew the strongest monster.

"Where did that person go?" – Asks Odette, while looking for the mysterious warrior who helped them a lot in eradicating the horde of monsters.

"Left this place once the last high-ranking monster was shot down." – Said a grave cold voice.

Odette turns around, and saw her superior, Optio Selwyth.

"Sir, that person?"

"Yes, we need to report about this person to our lord."

All the other Magic Knights nodded to the decision of the Optio.

Soon, an army commanded by Earl Merrick Berth came, only to watch the massacre of monsters.

Unlike in the dungeons where the monsters disappear in particles of light and then some of them left items as rewards, in the outside world that does not happen, and the corpse of monsters must be deal with.

Next to the Earl, was the Centurion of the Behrt Centuria, Magic Knight Verna Cox, the strongest Magic Knight under Earl Behrt, and soon to turn 34 years old.

"Is good to see you all alive, it seems you did a really good job." – She said with happiness.

"It was not completely thanks to us." – Said Andrew.

"What do you mean Andrew?" – Asks Earl Behrt.

"A mysterious warrior, he was the one who took and slayed the strongest monsters, and the one who killed most of the horde, when we arrive, hundreds of monsters were already killed." – Said the Optio.

"Hm, it is necessary to investigate this, we need to know that person's identity immediately." – Said Earl Behrt.

"Yes Milord." – Answered all the Magic Knights.

Then, a sinister aura appears, and a sweet and cute voice sound.

"I also want to know who that mysterious warrior true identity is."

Verna was the first to unsheathe her weapon and try to attack the individual who appear, everything happens in mere seconds, but then, Verna's weapon was crushed, while a small cut in his cheeks was made.

"Nice attack, sadly, your weapon was destroyed." – the one who said that was a kid, or better said, someone who look like a kid, who smile tenderly, but only because everyone presents to feel terror and horror by his presence.

The people who saw the black eyes of the kid-looking demon, saw the abysm, and the abysm almost make them fall in madness.

The weaker soldiers fall unconscious, while the weakest Magic Knights fall to their knees, only people of the caliber of the Earl, Odette, the Optio, and the Centurion stood up, without problems.

"Ce magnifique." – Said the kid, while looking at the forest, at the place the mysterious figure run to. – "That person has ruined my plan, but well, what happens, happens, am I wrong?"

"You Demon!"

She activates her Guardian Spirit, [Black Sacred Fox], augmenting her power a lot, especially the specialty of her Guardian Spirit, her speed.

The demon keeps smiling, while evading all the attacks of the Centurion.

"Oh, human, I have not come to fight, but to congratulate you all for surviving one more day, well done." – Said the demon. – "Although, it was thanks to that fucker!"

Now the demon starts making a furious face, the cute-looking kid's face of the demon was more terrifying while looking furious.

Still, the demon starts taking seriously to evade the Centurion, who speed, and strength is getting more powerful to even start too seriously being dangerous for him. Even more when Odette, Andrew and the other Magic Knights start to attack him.

"Shit, hahaha, I am sorry, weak humans, but sadly I must go, but don't worry, soon, this land will become part of the Demon Empire, and I will fuck all the MILFS I want! Hahaha!"

And the demon disappears.

"Fuck!" – Verna and the rest were furious for letting the demon escape, while Earl Behrt looks worry at the south.

'What is happening there for demons to arrive in the north?'

Far away from the Northern Kingdoms, in a secret cave at the south of the Lumiere Continent.

"Ah… <3… yes…"< p>

A woman was moaning while being fuck furiously.

The kid-looking demon got closer, to see a beautiful woman of blonde hair and pink eyes being furiously and fast fuck by another more beautiful woman, with a toned dark body, enormous breasts, and a huge, long, and thick dick made by magic.

"Princess." – the demon greets his lady.

It was no other than the Heavenly General Demon in charge of conquering Lumiere, the Princess of Lust, Karma; and the beautiful woman being fuck by her was Astarte Vlas Isanna, current Queen of the Isos Kingdom who was now only the Sexual Slave of Karma.

Karma didn't care to greet her subordinate, while then, from the shadows, another inhumanly beautiful woman like Karma appears, she has long dark green hair, and bright green eyes. She was currently naked, showing her juicy body, and in her hands, a cup full of semen that she was drinking.

"Arkas? You have returned faster than we thought about." – She said, mentioning the name of the demon.

Incubus Arkas, a Mid-Rank Demon under the Command of the Princess of Lust, Karma Asmodeus Luxuria.

"Well, Lady Benezia, we are truly unluck, because a truly powerful fucker has appeared in the north."

"Oh… tell me more."

Bye bye 2023, welcome 2024!!!

Happy New Year!!!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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