
Wrath of the Hero

After a terrible accident that left his best friend in a coma, a young student went into depression, lasting a long time. Before summer vacation, one of his friends from school recommends a video game, Wrath of the Hero, a long-lasting video game with adventure and epic battles. But, in the end, the plot twist occurred, destroying his love for the video game, yet, being close to the end, he finished the video game, feeling empty inside. On the first day of school, when he sees his classmate, he wants with all his might to beat her up, but when crossing the street, he does not see the truck-kun, which was coming while an epic song was playing. But, the end of him would not happen, because he would discover that he had been reincarnated as a character who was only mentioned once. Trying to survive, and living with the main characters, he, who is now called Michael Belfiore, decides to continue living with one goal, to catch them all, each of the heroines he would conquer. Thus beginning his journey in the world of the video game, Wrath of the Hero.

The_Wind_Jaeger_07 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Golden Generation (Part 1)



[Michael's POV]

The Game [Wrath of the Hero], and the World I Lived At were practically the same, the only thing that has changed could be the changes I have made.

In the game, Michael Belfiore was supposed to be dead right now, and yet, here I am, taking the place of a mere unknown no-named character, and been part of the Class 1-A of the Golden Generation, called like that not only because of the [Hero], but because of other people with vast talent and potential.

There was also Anya, someone who right now should be in her second year of conquest of the crime underworld of Olson Port City, yet she is next to me.

Today was Monday, 08/04/1174, early spring.

Thanks to being a game, and because of the laziness of the developers to make an unnecessary Original Time System, they decided to make that in the Lumiere World has the same number of hours, number of days, and months.

That was for the better, it was easy to remember dates from the game.

Like today, when the Opening Ceremony, and the Introduction of the Class is taken.

Seeing many of the beloved characters that I saw for fifteen arcs is such a blessing.

"Ok, let's do roll call." – My aunt, Sheila Belfiore said. This was her third year giving classes, and the first year she will be a Homeroom Teacher, and who would tell – I already knew thanks to my game's storyline knowledge – she will be the homeroom teacher of the Golden Generation's class.

Like in the game, my aunt would start roll calling the students by the first name, never using last names, so that the order between royalty, nobility, bourgeoises, and commoners is mix.

After all, like many other fictitious schools, LaBelle was made to not categorized their students by the origin, once you're a student, in school grounds, everybody was equal. Of course, there were some radical exceptions, some teachers who focused on teaching more and better to commoners, and some teachers who had driven expelled many commoners.

This will be an important event for the second and third arc of the storyline of the game.

Curiously, just like the game, the first one to be mentioned, was a Royalty, one of the two princesses of the class, and one of the Main Heroines.

"Andromeda Rosis Auger."

"Here." – With a serious sweet-like voice, a girl sitting in the center of the first row of desks answered to my dear aunt, she was sitting with such grace and elegance that it was almost unreal the perfection of her posture, she was also the most beautiful girl in the whole room, and one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Long dark red hair, emerald eyes, and with a serious proudful look, she was the 3rd Princess, and only one who could still be considered princess of the Veritas Kingdom.

She has only come to LaBelle for only one reason, getting stronger, stronger than anyone.

And like in the game, the idiot [Hero] was looking at her with a stupid face, and yet despite all the blood, sweat and tears that we – the player and the [Hero] – uses, she was never completely of us.

From the three main heroines in this class, she was the hardest to obtain favorability, and her missions were true complicated and the longest ones, also, she was with Melissa the less favorite of the main heroines.


"Here." – Said Anya with also a serious face, but unlike the proudful look of Andromeda, Anya only shows a boring look.

We have been together for a couple of years already, and the small fear I used to had about her backstabbing is long go fade, I trust completely on her, she is my bestie, the person I trust the most.

After all the adventurers with lived, all the dungeons with clear, and all the nights talking about ourselves and our journey, I really love and respect her.


"Here I am!" – Said with a loud voice a tall boy who looks more like a man than a teenager of only sixteen; he was like two-meters-tall, with dark skin, you could see his muscle arms full of scars, while his white hair was a short as a new military recruit. – "I hope to soon be able to combat against and together with all of you!"

He was a Barbarian, the only barbarian of the class.

The Barbarian Race were from the Tesca Kingdom mostly, it was weird to not say impossible to know a Barbarian not born in the Tesca Kingdom.

It was customary of the Barbarian race, for all pregnant women to travel to the Tesca Kingdom territory to give birth to their newborn, because even although the Tesca Kingdom was the most broken and the closest to be consider a failure nation, its people genuinely love their land and their people.

That's why the crime of killing another one of their people was consider sacrilegious, and you would not only be killed or exiled, but condemned for eternity, and you and your descendants would never be welcome back to the lands of Tesca.

"Blas Foster."

Next to the barbarian, a young man stood up, while making a graceful bow, and then he looks around everybody and says:

"My name is Blas Foster and is an honor for me and my friend Bertram to be part of this wonderful class full of talent people."

An ass licker.

Good to know.

Still, if I don't remember bad, Foster was a County House, rulers of the Ursi Territory.

Earl Foster of Ursi, his name was in the list of those loyal to the Crown.

The blonde-haired dark-blue-eyed youngster finally sits down, while Bertram puts his arm on Blas's shoulder.

Then, my aunt smiles when she sees the next name in the list.

Anya and I were not the only ones who change the structure of this classroom, although she and Gael in the game were students of LaBelle, they were not capable of being part of this class, my presence change that.

"Dana Belfiore." – My cousin, and my little bro were in this classroom also.

Originally, Dana was destined to go to Class 1-B, and Gael to Class 1-H, but now, both were here, being part of the best batch of students of this new generation.

"Here, teacher Sheila." – Said Dana while smiling.

Same black hair and Grey Eyes as our aunt and Gael, the characteristically traits of the Belfiore.

Then here it comes, the next student to be call.

And in the game, the most important one, the players' character.

Chosen by the world to carry the hope and goodness to the coming dark times to victory, although, sadly for the church's teachings, he grew arrogant, something that the [Hero] of this generation should portrait, and he occults it well with his shining bright smile, and his "humble" attitude in front of the public, but whose thoughts are narcissistic and mess up.

Yes, I am talking about the [Hero] and protagonist of the game [Wrath of the Hero].

"Edmund Salvatore." – is his name.

"Present." – Said the [Hero] as he stood up from his chair and look only at the women in the classroom. – "I am Edmund Salvatore, son of Baron Salvatore, and my dream is to save the world from evil and cruelty by becoming the light of hope that will protect the innocent and weak from despair; it is an honor to be able to spend the next four years together with all of you."

Some students, especially many girls start clapping with strength when they heard his speech, he nods while smirking, surely thinking about how great and amazing he is.

'Stupid idiot who all his lovers, friends, and even family will be taken from him.' – I thought, while looking at the pitiful [Hero]. – 'But don't worry, I will take care of them for you, after all, I am a better man than that fucker.'

Edmund waves his short blonde hair, while his green eyes once again look to where Andromeda is sitting.

"[Eyes of Horus]" – I activated with a low whisper the skill I uses to see the information of other individuals, wanting to see how strong the current [Hero] is.

Name: Edmund Salvatore. Age: 16. Gender: Male. Classes: HERO & Swordsman. Level: 22. Position: 1st Attacker.

Guardian Spirit: Golden Dragon (SSS). Titles: World's Hero & Champion of Light.

HP: 21,890,000/21,890,000. MP: 4,184,700/4,184,700.

ATK: 1,057,540. DEF: 230,407.

AGI: 945,542.

As expected from the [Hero] he was incredibly powerful, and right now he was not wearing his [Hero] equipment, so this was his base stats, a truly monster capable of being known as the World's Hero, he will grow to become one of the strongest people of this world.

And like one would expect of a First Attacker, also known as the Main Attacker of a Party, his Attack was off the charts!!

'He possesses the same basic stats as the beginning of the game! That's good to know.' – I thought while smiling.

More so when knowing that I currently surpassed him in everything if we are talking about of basic stats, his Attack was the only Main Attribute close to mine's, but I was a Support, whose main job was to give support to the rest of the party team members, meanwhile his position was to be the main attacker of the party.

"Okay." – Said my aunt, as she keeps calling the next student. – "Faith Dunaid."

One of the two elves' students in the Golden Generation.

Faith Dunaid, of Noble birth, part of the Dunaid House that was part of the High Order of the Sylva Empire, the strongest nobility of the Elves, conform by the Seven Strongest House only behind the Imperial House.

She was daughter of Elder Augeas Dunaid an elf who is a thousand-old, one of the strongest protectors of the Sylva Empire, a wise man who would have a decent role in the arc of the Sylva Empire. 

Faith was also the best friend of one of the six main heroines, the only Princess of the Sylva Empire, Princess Delphine Yggdrasil Sylva, the most beautiful of the main heroines, and the second-most voted in the polls of popularity by the fans.

"Here." – She said, while nodding to my aunt.

The beautiful elf was currently the second most beautiful girl in class, only a little behind the beauty of Andromeda, although if I can be honest, she possesses an even sexiest body, and I really like her silver eyes, but I prefer Andromeda Dark Red hair, against Faith's Blonde Hair.

"Good." – Said my aunt, who mentions the next student. – "Florian Ostirri."

"Here, nice to meet you all." – Said Florian.

In the game he becomes one of the few friends of the [Villain]. Florian was a Duke's son from the Gias Kingdom, a kingdom that I visit when I was 13 years old.

In the game, he becomes a rival of the [Hero] in the last part of the first arc, and he suffered a terrible defeat that makes him fear Edmund.

One of the two guys classmate of the Class 1-A mention in the game that are not the [Hero] and the [Villain]. And, curiously, the other guy was also one of the few friends of the [Villain]… a coincidence?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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