
a few words the redo moment

"oh my clucking gawh!!!! the hell where am i!!!"

a new high pitch childish voice rang in my head"shut the fuckin hell up how did you screw that up!!! Im so pissed!!! better not let them kill you again bitch!!".

the same events came to play, the man and women bring ing in the dead girl, and than kakashi chidoring them, his gaze as well as shisui an itachi followed me.

"okay" i mutter to myself," the system rebooted, and it's pissed we me, kakashi shisui and itachi are not as dumb as I hoped. and I'm a terrible actor.". i groaned heavily.

as I watched kakashi shisui and itachi close in I go into a panic"what should I do??" I thought to myself.

itachi smiled"hey kid who are you. "

i opened my mouth to answer, but than i realized I forgot my name, so i could only pretend like i lost my memory.

"I don't know.." i said uncomfortably.