
Wounded: The Ordeals Of Lee Eun ha

Eun Ha? " the manager called, " Please take a menu to that table and get their request." deep down she would have wanted someone else to do it but this was the boss orders, who was she to reject. she took the menu and walked straight to the table, her heart was racing very fast, she couldn't phantom exactly why. good evening Sir, she said bowing her head politely as she offered the menu what would you like to have? they looked at the menu and pointed what they wanted, she went out from the table and brought the cocktail they had ordered, she turned back to leave when the voice of one of them stopped her in her tracks. "wait" her heart stopped for some split seconds and continued beating with difficulty. I know you, you're Mr Lee's daughter he said with and an evil grin that revealed his tobacco colored teeth. she froze as the tray she was holding dropped to the ground. "I was right, it's them" The restaurant on the ground floor was filled with people mostly the elites, some of them were tourist, others were there for a business meeting and others, conferences. the sound of the dropped tray caught the attention of most of them, making them glance at Eun Ha for some split seconds. He continued, The deadline is tomorrow evening don't forget that. Eun Ha had wanted to say something to them, perhaps, beg them but the words never left her throat. Eun Ha stood there for about two minutes, "will you get us our meal or will you just stand there?" the other muttered harshly. she knew they were evil men, above the law. falling into their trap was the most dangerous place a person could be. she resigned to begging for more time. one glance, Mu Chen could tell what was happening "X force" he whispered underneath his breath. they had quite a reputation and were feared by many. They feared no one and could illegally obtain what was theirs if necessary. He looked at the helpless young lady on the floor, he knew there was no way they'd let her go, no matter how much she begged. he didn't know this girl, yet he felt a need to protect her. he went out and waited in his car in the parking area. "Wait," he said with a deep voice. Chae won was surprised he would have sworn a few minutes ago that he was in a hurry to leave. The loan sharks finished their meal as she handed them their bills, "How ironic, we're paying for your service and you owe us," he said humorously as they both burst into laughter. Eun Ha felt a knife pierce her heart, she had never felt so much humiliation in her life. she followed them outside the building trying to plead with them for the last time to see if they'd cave in and give her more time but they just walked straight to the car and drove off. Eun Ha stood outside the hotel, in despair, her father was going to die, this men were ruthless, the cloud had darkened earlier, soon few drops of rain started falling, but she was in no hurry to leave as if it were possible for the rain to wash down all her pain, she stood outside staring blankly into thin air while it rained on her, soon her hair was separating into clustered strands, tear a freely flowed down her cheeks, she felt like screaming, she felt helpless, Just then she couldn't feel the raindrops on her skin she turned as her eyes met with a tall handsome young man holding a big black umbrella. Mu Chen looked at her sorrowful eyes, he could see the pain in her soul through them. "I know who they were, and I can roughly guess what it is" Eun Ha was confused, "what did he know? who was he? why is he being kind to me?" she asked one question after another in her head. "How much?" he asked with a king like voice. "10,000 dollars," she said as her lips trembled, "How did you...?" this time she was starting to get suspicious. I have an offer for you, I'll clear the debt but you'll carry my baby"

Shu_Lee · Urban
Not enough ratings
162 Chs


"You mustn't even make any calls till you are out of this city, I'll arrange for a flight For you all under an alias, a tinted white bus would come by 9:00am to pick you up and you must be ready at that time. you'll have to move to another city, far away from here"

Mr Lee kept staring at him trying to absorb everything he was saying, low income, housing problems, blackmail, these were things he could handle, he didn't mind much but having to run away to another city under a different alias, was something he couldn't handle.

"what is the meaning of all these?" he said in despair


"I have so much respect for you sir and I can tell you this isn't the time to ask questions, you need to leave this city at dawn if you are to keep alive."

He said with care and concern in his voice

"I just got married and now I have to leave the city"

"Okay I'll have to leave now, don't be late, it's 9:00 a.m you have to be ready, it's very important"