
Wounded and Bounded

What if you woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom and found out that you got kidnapped? What if you found out that you have magical powers? What would you do if your beloved got murdered that very day? And what if you fall in love with the murderer? Particularly, I would call myself insane but the case was a lot different with Cressida. Cressida, a girl with a goddess like face and body, perfect grades and with a promising future, will face an incident which will bring a great turn in her life. Will make a predictable future turn into an unpredictable one. All the kids with magic manipulation powers, will be kidnapped by a mysterious academy; one which promises to guide them to the right path and help them learn how to use their powers. But what will make their lives more astounding, will be the secrets that will keep unfolding, thanks to Cressida and her four more friends. The Prophecy states that four Keystone Diamonds will come, their loyalty bounded to the Queen of Magic Manipulation Powers, and the fate of the century old powers will rest in her hands. But what else lays behind the Prophecy, that the academy tends to keep hidden? Will Cressida be able to unravel the mysteries, handle the surprises, heat of the undesirable love, and beat her enemies? Follow the adventure of Cressida with her friends to have fun at an amazing ride of bunch of genres, all at once!

EemanFaisal · Teen
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Pain was all that I could feel.

Blood was all that I could taste.

Screams were all that I could hear.

Fire and smoke was all that I could see.


I heard my name but couldn't make out who it was. Shattered glass was stinging into my back and the smoke was choking me. My lungs were getting tighter and tighter and it felt like soon they would give up. My eyes were wet to such extent that the vision was far worse than blur. My whole body ached and my back was soon wet because of the blood and the sweat, and caused my sweat shirt to cling onto my back, erupting more pain stinginess.

Suddenly, I felt being carried up from the burning floor and I started to sway as my carrier was running. I could see a figure which felt like a man but the features were blurred. However, the sense of touch was a lot familiar.

"Cressida! Open your eyes! You'll be fine my little cupcake!"

The words ringed badly into my ears, like a drum. However, the voice instantly made me realize that it was my brother, Mike. I couldn't keep my eyes open as they got heavier by each second and soon the darkness completely drank me in.


My head was throbbing grievously while my back was sore. Actually, there was no part of my body which did not ache. I reluctantly opened my eyes and could hardly discern the room I was in. After a minute, which my eyes took to clear the vision, I noticed the surroundings before me. They were totally unfamiliar and one that people would only imagine in their dreams.

I was on a very comfy bed. The room was mammoth and the walls of the room were painted in dark charcoal grey paint which made the room fetching and spooky at the same time. Speaking of spooky, on the right side of the bed was a wall with three panels of windows, touching the floor. What made them noticeable was the haunting view from the outside. There were trees and trees and trees. Nothing else. The rest of the room was filled with normal things like the rug, black and white paintings at the head of the bed, vanilla scented long heightened candles which were lit and placed below the window, small heightened table with books piled up on each other rested beside the room's door and the beautifully designed lights on the ceiling.

After taking in my surroundings, I pulled my feet out of the dark brown covers and found my ankles covered in bandages. My back was aching badly but yet, my unfamiliar surroundings called for investigations and answers. When I stood on my feet, I noticed that I was wearing a different attire; a white T-shirt and light peach jeans.

Although it was the season of cold but the room was very warm which made it fine for me to wear half sleeved T-shirt. Suddenly, the scenes of the festival played in my mind. I was there with my brother, father and mother, my little family. Our blissful moments got strained when there was a blast and all there was left were the stalls crumbled into dust and there was mess every where. Dead bodies piled up and screams echoed. Fire bathed everything and I was left on the floor which was layered with the shattered glass.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I remembered my brother holding me tightly in his arms and running. I briskly made my way towards the door of the bedroom but found it locked. The sudden movement made by me caused my head to swirl and I held onto the door knob to prevent me from falling while my left hand unconsciously went to touch my head, which I found was too wrapped up in bandage.

"Please open the door!" I cried, my voice coming out of my dry throat really husky.

I began trembling and started to look here and there. I then rushed towards the windows and tried to open them but they too were locked. Searching every corner of the room with my bare feet, I finally gave up. I sat on the floor on the soft rug and hugged my knees tightly to my chest. Movement had made me feel really exhausted.

After few moments of crying there and listening to my heart beat and my sobs, the silence was also filled with a sound of unlocking of the door. I hastily looked up in the direction of the door and found it getting opened and from outside emerged an old woman which might be in her early sixties. She was wearing black plain dress which reached the floor with a white apron in the front and on her grey hair was a white cloth which had secured her hair into a tight bun; a typical maid dress.

"Good morning dear. How are you doing now?" Her voice was filled with honey and sympathy as she asked me with her eyes roaming my body.

"Where am I? Who are you? What is this place? Where is my bro?" I fired questions on her but her expression didn't even budge.

"Dear, you will have all of your answers very soon but before that let me introduce myself. I am Mrs.Potter, the senior maid of dorm block A. Your room is also there but right now you are in Mike's bedroom in dorm block B." She replied politely and professionally. How could people talk like robots? Straight and stern.

"Mike. Where is he?" I asked.

All that now concerned me was my brother. As long as he would be with me, I won't need any answers. But however, relief washed over me after hearing that it was his bedroom, signifying that he was alive.

"He is heading towards the dining room. You should too go there now as it is the time for breakfast. Quickly get up. And here, these are your meds. Take one of each right after the breakfast. Now get up! What are you waiting for? I don't want to get scolded nor I want you to get scolded on your first day at the academy as an unofficial student." She said while handing the medicines to me but I kept sitting on the floor staring up at her. This all was too much. Academy? Dining room? Unofficial student? First day? What the heck was happening?

I slowly stood up from the floor and took the medicines from the maid. She started heading towards the door and I followed her like a lost puppy. The corridors were filled with mirrors and paintings. I stole a glance at my self and was left dumbfounded when I heeded my appearance while walking.

The red blush had drained from my cheeks and my lips had turned a little colorless and become dry. My dark brown hair were however still looking fine as they were naturally sleek straight and ran till the end of my back, ending right at my waistline. My grey eyes had lost their shine and made them look soul less.

After staring at myself for a little too long, I looked at the corridor I was walking through. The walls were dark green and the whole place was too much royal. It felt like I was passing through a haunted castle. The chandeliers were hanging on the ceiling, glowing bright yellow light and the floor was carpeted in a ruby, plain carpet. The corridors were extensive and there were many more on every left and right side, accompanied by many doors. God knows what was inside them.

Suddenly, Mrs.Potter stopped and as I was quite busy in squinting the surroundings, I bumped into her back. She turned around and pointed at the floor. Following her gaze I saw a pair of black flat pumps. I then remembered that I was bare feet. I hastily slipped them on.

"Get inside. Take the seat wherever you find a free spot. Try not to talk to the kids. There will be few who might try to taunt you somehow or make fun of you but stay firm. Mike will be here very soon I believe." with that she turned on her heels and left.

I was left alone but I could hear voices of chattering from behind the door in front of me. Taking in a deep breath, I pushed open the door but what I saw was something too alluring.

There was a never ending dining table, with myriad chairs and chandeliers were hanging above, giving the dark room a little light to see. Although most chairs were taken but to my serendipity, few were left. As I entered in, all eyes caught me and for some time, the room went dead silent.

Have they never seen someone with a bandage on their head and ankles before?  I was used to people's attention at school for being a topper hence, was able to quickly tackle the situation and headed towards a chair which was empty, at the left side. The seat beside it was also empty to my luck. I could save it for Mike. I went there and sat. The crowd had continued with their chit chat. However, few were still staring.

The crowd included teens; boys and girls, of my age and few seemed a little older than me but not younger than me. I had millions of questions in my mind and was waiting badly to let them out. At first I thought that it all might be a dream but no. A dream could not be this real and neither one could feel so much pain from the wounds inflicted. Coming to think of the wounds, every kid here was wearing bandages. Some on their arms, on their foreheads, legs and eyes. Every individual was having some.

Why were they all like this, wounded? I thought to myself.

After a while, the main door opened again as I heard the sound but as my back was towards the door, I could not see. Adding to the fact, I did not want to be of those who turned their gazes towards who ever came inside to make them feel awkward. I kept myself the way I was. The room had again turned silent but for a shorter period of time. Seems like who ever came in was lucky, unlike me.

I heard feet approaching me and the chair beside me dragged backwards and there sat my brother, Mike, smiling, looking towards me. Now there was some real, serious explanation he needed to give me.


Hello Lovely People!

I hope you liked the first chapter. Don't forget to leave your comments and share my book. Stay tuned since a lot is awaiting. 

