
Wounded - A Stoneybreck Island Series

Wounded is a fanfic written about popular COD Character Simon 'Ghost' Riley and the new base nurse stationed on Stoneybreck Island. Its two one of a trilogy of short stories.

lilymooreauthor · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 - Samantha

Sometimes I forget exactly who I am entangling myself with. It's easy to forget the beast that sits under the surface when I usually only see the caring Simon who kisses me sweetly and washes my hair after he fucks my mouth and comes all over my face. I often forget that he is a trained killer, one of the most deadly men to ever serve in the military. Even when we experiment with things like bondage or breath play, thing's I never saw myself doing before him, I can still see the man behind the…well the mask. But not this morning. I could hear him barking at the recruits and even I was scared. 

Stepping outside the infirmary door, I see Ghost in all his glory. He has on a tight black compression shirt, his black and grey camo trousers and boots. The mask he wears today is his 'comfy' mask - his words and not mine. It's a black balaclava with a skull printed on the material - its not as rigid as the others and probably doesn't hurt his cut eyebrow as much, but he still looks absolutely terrifying. His hands are behind his back and force his shoulders out and I can't help but notice every single muscle in his back. I know he's in pain, that stance has got to be putting pressure on those stitches and bruised ribs. Every opportunity to heal in the past few weeks has been ignored, instead, he's lifted me, carried me, held me up and fucked me in every possible way you could imagine. 

I roll my eyes, locking my door behind me, sliding my headphones into place and double checking my laces. I feel him turn to me, staring me down. Even with the distance between us I can feel his gaze looking over my body. Did I know he was out here before I decided to go for a run? Yes. Did that help me decide what to wear for my morning run? Also yes. Tight black shorts and a cropped long sleeve shirt seemed like the perfect running attire. I pull out my phone, opening our messages.

Sam: You're still meant to be on bed rest Si

I watch him pull out his phone, he reads my message and blows me a kiss. Every time we have fucked this weekend he takes off his mask but for some insane reason I want him to fuck me in the mask. I want him to show me that side of him - I want him to show me all of him. I need a fucking therapist I swear. If I don't head out for this run I am going to end up flushed red and sweating for a whole other reason. I head out running straight past him on the field, making sure to keep my gaze locked in front of me. Even with my music blaring in my ears I feel the recruits turn to me and start whispering. I see a few of the male recruits turn to each other winking before one lets out a wolf whistle in my direction. I run faster, passing them before rounding a corner. If there's anything I know for sure, Ghost will not like someone noticing what's his. If I was a betting woman, I would bet I'll be stitching those boys up later this morning.

I walk into the chow hall starving after my run. I usually make breakfast in my own quarters for Simon and I but Mondays are known for pancakes. I walk past the kitchen thanking the cooks for making such a delicious meal; gotta keep the ladies on my good side! The key to these women seems to be 'kill em' with kindness'. Gloria, the boss, loads up my plate with fresh hot fluffy pancakes, drizzling a healthy amount of syrup on. 

"You're welcome Sam. I owe you for getting that splinter out of my finger!" 

"Oh girl, don't even mention it, it's my job!" I wink at her before sliding my tray down the line. 

I grab some fruit and a bottle of water before looking at my seating options. It's not that I'm antisocial, I just can't be arsed for small talk this early in the morning. Speaking of arse, mines sore from the bruises Ghost gave me - I don't know if I can sit down. 

I head towards the girls table and see them motion me over. 

"Hey girls, how are you?" I sit down with my tray, these pancakes smell so good I am already drooling. I check my watch. It's 8:03am and I'm running behind already. 

Lucy looks me up and down with a grin while I shovel pancakes into my mouth. 

"Girl, when were you going to tell us that you an Ghost are fucking?" 

I choke. Pancake lodges in my throat and the syrup basically glues my throat shut. I cannot for the life of me get my bottle of water open. Sarah leans over, twisting the lid for me and handing it back. I try to nod in appreciation but the tears just spill out of my eyes and I keep coughing. I'm fairly sure maple syrup just came out of my nose. The girls burst into hysterics.

I finally clear my throat and manage to regain some sort of composure. I look around the room and see no one has paid any attention to me almost choking to death. What I do notice is that Simon is sitting in the corner at the table unofficially reserved for his boys club. He sits there with the other masked lunatic Köing and a few of the others. He's staring right at me with his fists white knuckled on the table. He winks at me and I damn near choke again. The girls track my eyes and notice Ghost staring right back at me. 

"So, fucking hell tell us everything? Is he good in bed?" 

Lucy whispers, "Does he keep the mask on when he fucks you?" 

"Jesus fuck!" I cough, "give me a second to breath. I plead the 5th on all questions and I have NO idea what you are talking about..." I feel my cheeks heat up. 

Claire leans forward looking into my eyes and chuckles, "You're a terrible liar Sam" before winking and picking up her tray. 

"Girls, we gotta go before Ghost shoots us point blank sniper style for speaking to his woman. Being late to debrief will be the last of our worries. You should see the state Matthews is in. Poor fucker copped a beating just for looking at Sam this morning." 

The girls laugh, before packing their trays but before the girls can leave the table, Matthews walks towards us sheepishly. I can see dried blood under his nose, a black eye is forming and he's covered in mud, sweat and probably tears. 

"Nurse Samantha," He looks back towards Simon who gestures him forward with a nod of the head, "I just wanted to apologise for my inappropriate behavior this morning. It won't happen again, sorry." 

He turns quickly, heading for the door past the boys table, he doesn't make it to the door before Simon sticks his foot out, tripping the poor kid over. He crashes to the floor, turning to look up at Simon, who leans down and loud enough for everyone to hear, grunts "better watch your step Matthews". 

Köing and the others roll their eyes and Price says something to Simon I can't make out. Simon just raises his shoulders to a shrug and I think says "I have nothing to do with that." I'm staring at Simon in shock when he winks at me, motioning towards the back door. He stands, pulling a cigarette out and placing it between his lips, he walks out of the door. 

I stand mumbling a goodbye to the girls, placing my tray on dirty dishes rack and follow him out the door.