
Would You Rather Start An Apocalypse

A simple game of would you rather turns into a deadly apocalypse. Who will survive in the harsh conditions, and who will come out on top. Read my book to find out. This book is loosely based of of a homebrew apocalypse dnd a friend of mine made called Zenno. He is also a writer on webnovel and goes by "Z_Kuro_Z" His book on Zenno titled "Zenno: The Virus System" is posted on his old account called "The_Demon_Child" Please check him and his work out, and show him the credit that he deserves.

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The Timer Strikes Zero

After I started reorganizing I took the extra bed and used it to barricade the door so no one would break in, and since it was leaned against the door it made the room a lot more spacious. I then nailed the bed down so it couldn't be moved and set it up with a wall mounted gun rack so it wouldn't just take up space. I then moved the drawer set to a corner and took out the newly acquired second bathroom.

I didn't need two bathrooms, so I took down the walls and found out the pipes for the sink, toilet, and shower are either in the ceiling, or along the back wall. The walls in between the rooms are completely clear. I then went down to the management office and grabbed the key to the boiler room. I went in and shut off the water to the bathroom I was about to clear out. I then taped the toilet handle down and turned on the sink and shower to drain as much water as I could. While that was going on I set up the rest of the gun racks along the walls, nailed them down and put the guns in them. After that I stacked the 3 generators in the corner of my room to save up on space for now. I then put all my new clothes in the bed compartments, and filled the drawers with the newly acquired cans of food.

I then put all my tools and supplies into another corner and started tearing down the bathroom since the water would be drained by now. I used my sledgehammer to break the ceramic to bits and started cleaning up the mess I had just made. I threw all the big chunks of ceramic out the door, and cleaned up the chunks of drywall. I then swept all the dust off the floor and out my door, and began thinking about how I would do this. I could get the generators set up, but making them hard to see and hear would be difficult. And if the other people in the motel come back, who knows what they will do. My best bet as of right now is to wait a couple days for everyone to either settle down where they want to hide or just die. I can also use that time to do some reconnaissance on whatever the apocalypse is about. I checked the timer, and 4 hours had gone by. I now only have 3 hours left to get everything else done.

I set up the batteries for my tools to charge before the power potentially goes out. After that was done I set up one of the new PCs I took and found out it had an intel CPU. With this knowledge I took out the GPU, unplugged the RGB and fans (except for the CPU fan) and made the PC as bare bones as possible to save on power. I then hooked it up to one of the TVs I had from the rooms and turned it on. I made sure it was working and then started setting up the security cameras around the motel. I made sure they looked as professionally installed as possible, hit the wires running to my room, and hooked it all together.

I then set up my PC with linux to make sure it consumed the least amount of power possible. I even put the TV on the lowest resolution and turned the brightness down. I wanted to make sure that once I needed to set up the generators they would last as long as possible with whatever gas they had.

After making sure everything was as prepared as possible I only had 47 minutes until the apocalypse timer hit zero. There wasn't much else to do, so I moved a drawer set in front of the torn down bathroom to cover up the pipes, and set it up with the reloading supplies. I then loaded every mag and made sure every gun was operating smoothly. After that I cleaned up the sloppy clearing job and made the torn down drywall almost flush with the walls. After cleaning all that up, all that was left to do is wait it out.

It wasn't until now that I realized that even though I grabbed the water filters and everything, I had no water jugs, no canned meat, and little canned vegetables.

"I guess I should start rationing if I want to make it" I thought, disappointed in myself for forgetting something so important that was even written down in a list. "Now I wish I didn't take my sweet damn time getting everything. Why couldn't I have at least rushed a little bit. How could I be so damn stupid, stupid, stupid"

At this point I had 15 minutes remaining, so I composed myself and then I went around my motel and knocked on every door to check for any occupants. I found out that only 5 of the 30 rooms in the motel were still occupied by people other than me. 3 on the bottom floor, and 2 on the top with me. An even split from top to bottom.

I also used this time to see what everyone had in their rooms, and how each person may respond during the apocalypse invasion. With 4 minutes remaining I wrote down every occupied room, and made individual notes on everyone's personality. I never got names because they don't matter as of right now.

I also made sure to direct them to the room that I cleared out and remodeled. This way if someone knocks on that door I can open mine with a gun and surprise them. If they are deemed a threat, or seem to have any malicious intention, pacification is required. Whether that be with deadly force, or a stun gun I picked up will depend on their shown intent. If they immediately pull a gun on me I shoot them, otherwise, I stun them. Shoot first and ask questions later is the safest option as of right now.

The apocalypse timer now said 2 minutes, so I went outside and set up the wired fence to block off access to anyone or anything trying to climb up onto the top balcony. The only thing I left open was a tiny loose set of links that I could barely crawl through. After that I pulled a chair outside with a semi-automatic shotgun with a fully loaded drum mag.

"Apocalypse loaded, prepare for breaching"

I watched as the sky seemed to tear open with rifts everywhere. If it weren't for it being the apocalypse I might have considered it to be beautiful, but nervousness overshadowed that.

I watched as creatures flew through the rifts and the ground began to crack open. Even more creatures crawled out of those cracks, each one as disgusting as the last. As I watched I noticed each crack, and each rift seemed to have completely different types of creatures coming through them. Some groups of creatures even started fighting one another and I realized, this isn't a simple zombie apocalypse, this is where every conceivable apocalypse collides.

This apocalypse was even worse than I had expected, and I was expecting some really bad shit! I'm gonna need a polaroid, a notebook, and tape on hand at all times to take notes on all these freaks, because I won't be able to keep all of them straight.