
Would You Like To See A Trick? (Genshin Impact Fanfic)

A boy who suddenly find himself been summoned in another world of Teyvat where he been gifted with a System known as the Thief System. Now, with the help of the System and newfound power, this boy with embrace in a new journey of his life to become the World's Greatest Thief. Furina: Hmp! Mark my words Phantom Thief. I, Focalor, will unrevealed your mask and bring you to justice! ???: Then I will gladly welcome it, Lady Furina.

Lord_of_Divine · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Case 1

[3rd Person POV]

-[L'arôme du Mystére]-

"That will be 2,000 Mora, Lady Furina" Arsène said, smiling at Furina who just finished eating her last dessert.

"I swear, your price don't do the justice of how good your food was." Furina said, feeling unfair of how such a good food is so cheap by her standard, no... maybe by everyone in the Teyvat standard.

"Well, I don't care much about money. To me, as long my customer is happy, I am all good" Arsène said, smiling at Furina who blushing but turn away.

"Hmp! Idiot." Furina muttered, still blushing at his smile yet feeling how foolish he was.

For the past few days of visiting this Café, Furina can't help but feel more relax and somehow safe when inside the Café. Not only that, she also can revealed her childish side that she never revealed much to other.

The presence of the mysterious owner, Arsène Lupin that she seen as enigma and subject of amusement only add cherry on top. With his funny and mysterious, Furina feel all of tense gone after see him welcoming her.

"Anyway, I need to go now. Lately, there are a case involved some idiot stealing a cat around the city. Like seriously? A cat?" Furina said.

"Well, that person must love cat or just a weirdo." Arsène chuckle, which make make Furina giggle.

"For now, farewell my Mysterious Attendant." Furina said, bidding her farewell.

Arsène then go back behind the counter where he takes orders as he humming some song. As suddenly...


"The time has come." He said, smirking mysteriously as he looked at a floating system screen that only he can see.



[Welcome to the Thief System, Arsène Lupin.]


That's right, Arsène Lupin has a great secret. A great secret he can't told anyone for his own safety and the world.

He was a transmigrator, someone whose soul been transfered to someone else body.

Long story short, Arsène or his original name Akira was on his way back home. He feel so tired after finished his part time job as street magician.

Coincidently, he see a shooting star and decided to test his luck by making a wish of good fortune and something interesting to happen.

Upon back home and enter his room, he goes to sleep as he has class tomorrow. However, the next moment he woke up, he found himself inside an empty and abandoned house.

It was then that a floating system screen appeared in front of him and explained his situation.

Shortly afterward, he found out that he was transmigrated into another world. This greatly shocked him and from what he learned, he been gifted with something known as Thief System which he can't used due to certain restriction.

[The Thief System will be locked until the Main Plot begin]

This greatly confused him as he believed he may end up transmigrated into some short of story that involved the arrival of the protagonist for the Main Plot to begin.

(Lord_of_Divine: MC has no knowledge about Genshin Impact because it doesn't exist in his world)

So, for the past few days, he begin to adjust to his new life, learning about this world's history and even changed his name to suit this nation's standard that somehow based of French.

Which why he choose the name Arsène Lupin as his new name due few reason. First, as he say before, this nation based of French and Arsène Lupin is potrayed as French people.

Second, his System is related to Thief and Arsène Lupin is well known Gentleman Thief that no one ever catch.

Finally, he choose it mostly because he love reading about his story.

Anyway, back to the System. If the System has been unlocked, it mean the protagonist has arrived. That is a good news but also bad because...

'If I remember correctly, everytime the protagonist arrived, many big events will happen around them that lead to countless disaster.' He thought, knowing how troublesome the protagonist can be at the same time. Because of that...

"Open Menu."



• Status

• Skill

• Inventory

• Quest

• Shop


"Now, open Status"



Name: Arsène Lupin

Title: None

Class: Thief

Arcana: None

Pathway: None

Vision: None

Delusion: None








After looking at his Status, Arsène noticed how weak he is though. Aside from his Luck that quite high that may involve his wish back before, he is overall weak.

"Look like I need grow stronger." Arsène said, priority his survival first. That of course lead him to make fully use of the System.

He then notice this four things; Arcana, Pathway, Vision and Delusion.

He understand Vision and Delusion as it common knowledge in this world, well not really on Delusion as he know it because he did a "bit" of digging though.

For Arcana, he only know it as a Tarot Card that use in fortune telling. For Pathway, he has no idea about it. Fortunately, the System did give him a description about it.


[Description: The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Beginning with "The Fool" and ending with "The World". It tell a story in numerical order that is a metaphor of an individual's journey through life. Each Arcana represents a stage on that journey. An experience that the individual must incorporate to realize his oneness.]


[Pathway, or Path of the Divine, corresponds to a series of 10 named potion formulas that give access to supernatural and mystical powers. Once a being has drunk a potion, they are said to have become a Beyonder of that pathway. Each pathway belongs to a group containing one or more neighboring pathways, which a Beyonder can safely switch within at High-Sequence. At the end of each pathway, only one Beyonder can attain divinity and become the unique True God of that pathway.]

This revelation greatly shocked him not about the Arcana but the Pathway. He know people said that those who possessed a Vision has a chance to ascend to Celestia and become gods themselves.

But this, this is downright illegal. Just by drinking potion that may impossible to obtain in this world that can make you a True God that far higher then normal God, that totally illegal in his case.

'Wait, if Pathway is this shocking, what about Arcana?' Arsène thought, he can't belittle the Arcana as it might hide a hidden power too despite it overall normal information. Like a wise man once said, "Never judge a book by its cover".

'Now, now, I need to calm down and study futher of how to fully use of the System.' He thought, revert his focus back to the System.

So far by his understanding and System help, he can understand everything. For example;

Thief Points is something he can gain by completing a Quest that mostly involve stealing. He can used this point to but anything he want in the System's Shop.

Skill is where he can see all of his Skills he has obtained so far which right now, he only has Personal Skill, Thief related Skills and useful Resistance that really useful despite he not knowing since when he obtained it. Maybe the System gave it to him without he knowing.

Inventory is where he can stored all of his item he gained that really useful as he don't need to carry a heavy back just to go to other place.

Quest is where he can take a look on Quest as he can accept of denied it. Even if he did failed a Quest, the System on gave him a Penalty of can't take any Quest for 3 days which is not bad as he don't care much of collecting Thief Point, for now of course. Overall, this will not make him a System slave like those typical fanfic where the MC become System slave.

Last and not least, the Shop. It quite simple as he can buy anything he want in Shop using the Thief Points which he right now has none. But in near future he may has a lot of it.

"I think that all for now" Arsène sigh, feeling a bit tired but he still need to continue his job. As he about to closed the System screen...


[Tutorial Quest Completed!]

[Name: Never Skip Tutorial]

[Type: Tutorial/Hidden Quest]

[Goal: Completed mastery over the System function]

[Reward: The Fool Arcana and Seer Potion Pathway]



[Hidden Quest Completed]

[Name: One Who Seek The Truth]

[Type: Hidden Quest]

[Goal: Fully understand your System]

[Reward: Gacha Ticket (10)]


"... I love this System but at the same time hate it" He said, feeling grateful but feel a sense of horror to what it just gave him.

The Legendary Gacha Ticket.

'I rather go stealing something from Tsaritsa then goes throught this Gacha Hell again!' He thought, remember the horror of Gacha he has to goes throught before despite his good luck right now.


[See You In The Next Show]