
Worthy "BL"

He asked himself, "Am I worthy of being loved, or am I destined for heartbreak?" For 14 years, Ben felt like he wasn't worthy of anyone's love. At age 10, his mother left them. His father used him as a punching bag. When his life changes suddenly, he's unsure how to react. Little by little, he accepts those who promise a happy existence. Several types of love are offered to him. 1) A parent's love 2) Friendship 3) Romantic love A figure of his past threatens everything

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 8


It had been a month, and Ben relaxed into the routine of living with a new family. He felt relieved that he could be a teenager. He had chores, which he didn't mind doing. Ben got ready for the day.

"I'm going to the lake," Ben said, carrying his art supplies.

"Have fun, and make sure to stay hydrated," Deb said from the laundry room.

"I have a water bottle in my bag," Ben said. "I'll be home before dinner time," he said.

Ben walked over to the park, which was two blocks away. He headed to his usual spot under the maple tree near the lake and sat down. He opened his sketchbook to the next blank page and grabbed a pencil from his bag. Ben instantly started sketching when a squirrel ran past the lakeside and up a tree. The sun's rays made the water glisten in the morning light. Ben stopped drawing just long enough to take a sip of water.

Ben collected his belongings and wandered up to the edge of the lake. "It looks so pretty here," he said out loud.

"Yes, it is," a young male said behind him. Ben spun around, and everything fell to the ground. A boy that looked his age stood in front of him.

"I'm sorry," the brunette said. "I didn't mean to scare you," he said. The boy knelt down to gather the art supplies. The sketchbook lay on the ground, open to a page of a boy who looked similar to himself.

He took up the book and turned to face Ben. "Are you RO?" "I mean Ben Johnson?" he inquired. Ben looked at him with perplexed eyes.

"How do you know?" Ben inquired.

"That's my face on that sheet of paper," he said, showing Ben the photo. Ben's blue eyes widened in shock.

"Kadin?" he asked. "Is it really you?" he asked. Kadin chuckled nervously.

"Yes, in the flesh," he said.

"I thought we were meeting at school," Ben said.

"I needed some fresh air," Kadin said.

They found a park bench and sat down. Ben brushed his bangs back with his fingers as the wind blew them down and covered his eyes.

"I should get my bangs cut," Ben said.

"My mom can cut them," Kadin said. "She has a shop not far from here," he said. "So, are you ready for the fourth?" Kadin asked.

"Not really," Ben said.

"Why?" Kadin asked. "Don't you like setting off fireworks?" he asked.

"They've scared me since I was little," Ben explained. "Plus, after mom left, we never celebrated it," he said.

A mischievous grin crossed Kadin's face. "This year, that fear will be conquered," he said.

"What are you talking about?" Ben asked.

"Ask your foster parents if you can come here that day," Kadin said. "I'll talk my parents into celebrating here instead of at my house," he said.

"If I agree to this, I will decide what we'll have," Ben said.

"Okay, accepted," Kadin said with a big grin.

"And you come over and visit my parents the day before," Ben said.

"I'll tell my parents," Kadin said.

Ben covered his eyes and looked up when the blue sky turned dark. "Dang, it looks like rain," he said.

"Let me walk you home," Kadin said. "Then I'll hurry home," he said. They rose from the bench and headed back to Ben's house. Thunder boomed just as they entered the house.

"Phew, we made it," Ben said, sitting down on the couch.

"I hope that I can get home before it rains," Kadin said.

"Maybe you can wait," Ben said. "Summer storms usually don't last long," he said.

"Oh, hi," Deb said, walking into the room. "Who do we have here?" she asked.

"Ma'am, this is Kadin, my friend," Ben said. "He showed up at the lake, and we talked," he said.

Kadin stood up and said, "It's nice to meet you." "I met Ben online in the chat room we're in," he said. "My parents are probably worried," he said. "May I use your phone?" he asked.

"Sure, hon," she said. "It's just around the corner on a table," she said.

"I'll be right back," Kadin said, heading out of the room.

"He sure is a nice young man," she said.

"He is friendly and understanding," Ben said. "Oh, by the way, he wants to meet me on the fourth at the lake," he said. "To do fireworks," he added.

"Will his family be there?" Deb asked.

"He's planning on it," Ben said.

Kadin returned and sat back down on the couch. "My parents said that I can wait it out," he said. "If it doesn't let up, they can come and get me," he said.

"Want to watch some TV?" Ben asked.

"Sure," Kadin said. Ben switched on the TV and strolled through the options. "Stranger Things is on," Kadin said.

"I've never seen it before," Ben said.

"Are you kidding?" Kadin inquired. "It's the best show around," he said.

"Boys, I have some sandwiches and chips if you're hungry," Alec said.

The boys looked at each other and then back at Alec. They paused the show, rose from the couch, and headed into the dining room.

"What do you want to drink?" Ben asked. "We have orange juice, milk, or water," he said.

"Juice is fine," Kadin said. Ben grabbed two glasses and filled them with juice. He handed Kadin one and sat down with him.

"I hope that we have classes together," Ben said.

"If we don't, at least we'll have lunch together," Kadin said.

Thunder boomed, lightning flashed, and the lights flickered. "Eek!" Ben shrieked and covered his head. Kadin noticed how pale Ben had gotten.

"It's alright," he said. "Nothing is going to hurt you," he added. Ben took a deep breath and continued eating. Kadin noticed Ben clenching and unclenching his hands every time the lights flickered. Ben's breath hitched when thunder boomed and the room turned dark.

"Don't move," Alec said. "I'll find a flashlight," he said.

"I'm not going anywhere," Ben said, his voice wavering. He closed his eyes tight when lightning was visible through the curtains.

Ben's eyes snapped open when a hand touched his hand. He couldn't tell who it was with the lights off, but by the size, it had to be Kadin's. His shaky breath normalized and said, "I'm fine now,"

"You had me worried for a second there when your breathing became erratic," Kadin said.

"I'm sorry," Ben apologized. "I guess I'm a big scaredy cat," he said.

"It's alright," Kadin said. "We're all scared of something," he said.

"What exactly are you afraid of?" Ben asked.

"Of not finding my fated mate when I turn 18," he said. Ben sat there speechless and stared into the darkness.


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