
Worthy "BL"

He asked himself, "Am I worthy of being loved, or am I destined for heartbreak?" For 14 years, Ben felt like he wasn't worthy of anyone's love. At age 10, his mother left them. His father used him as a punching bag. When his life changes suddenly, he's unsure how to react. Little by little, he accepts those who promise a happy existence. Several types of love are offered to him. 1) A parent's love 2) Friendship 3) Romantic love A figure of his past threatens everything

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 6


The next day started with Ben doing his daily routine of taking a shower, eating breakfast, and doing chores. He made sure his medication was taken. Once everything was done, he turned on his laptop and brought up the chat room.

"Well, hello, stranger," Kadin said. "I didn't see you last night," he said.

"We had a pizza party, and I thought it was too late to chat," Ben said.

"So, you feel better?" Kadin asked.

"I'm okay," Ben said. "All of that crying, and the talk I had with Officer Jenkins, helped," he said. "I didn't mean to worry you," Ben said.

"It's alright," Kadin said. "Just remember, if you need to talk, I'm here," he said.

Ben turned his head when he heard a knock. "I'll be right back," he said. "Someone is at the door," he said. He got up and entered the hallway. He looked out the window to see who was there. The social worker from the day before was standing on the porch.

"Hello," Ben opened the door and said.

"Hello," she said.

"Officer Jenkins isn't here if you're looking for him," Ben said.

"Actually, I came to see you," she said.

Ben opened the door wider, stepped aside, and let the redhead enter. "What do you need to speak to me about?" he asked while they headed to the living room. "We found a couple who will take you in," she explained as they sat on the couch. Ben felt like he was sucker punched. He had just come to live with the officer. Now, he's being shipped to a family he doesn't know.

"When do I leave?" he asked, sighing softly.

"This Saturday," she said.

"Oh, I see," Ben said, rising from the couch. "I guess I better start packing," he said.

Just as Ben turned the corner and disappeared from sight, the front door opened. Kyle walked in and noticed Nancy sitting on the couch by herself.

"Hello, Mrs. Torres," he said. "What brings you here?" he asked.

"I came to see the boy," she said. "I think I have upset him," she added.

"Why do you think that?" Kyle asked, sitting down in a chair.

"I told him that a family was willing to take him in," she said.

"That's good," Kyle said, glancing at her with confused eyes.

"They want to see him on Saturday," she replied.

"Oh, I see," Kyle said. "Where is he now?" he asked.

"Packing, I presume," she said.

"You go and get things ready," Kyle said. "I'll talk to him," he said. They said their goodbyes and parted ways.

Ben had his bag open on the bed and was putting clothes in it when he heard the door creak.

"Ben, can I talk to you?" Kyle asked, stepping into the room.

"I can't," Ben said, not looking at him. "I must pack my things," he said. Ben heard the footsteps come closer, then stop behind him.

"Are you angry?" Kyle asked. "I was told that you acted strange after hearing the news," he said. Ben turned around and faced Kyle. "I just got here, and now I'm leaving," he said. "I never got to know you well enough to be comfortable," he said.

"We can visit each other," Kyle said. Ben sighed loudly.

"That's not the point," Ben said. "I wanted to stay longer and bond," he said. "You're the first person who acted like a parent to me,"

Kyle understood what was happening. Ben never had a father who showed him any love. Now that he had someone who cared, he felt that he was losing it.

"You wanted a real family, a father who cared, didn't you?" he asked. Tears swelled in his green eyes.

"Yes," Ben said. "I didn't want to go from home to home," he said. "I wanted to stay,"

"Even though you won't live with me, I'll check up on you," Kyle said.

"Can we still bond?" Ben asked.

"Sure, if you want to do something, we'll set up a bonding date," he said.

"Thanks," Ben said, wiping his eyes.

Once their chat was over and Ben had calmed down, they headed to the kitchen.

"What would you like for lunch?" Kyle asked.

"Hamburgers and fries," Ben said.

"Let's see if we have everything we need," Kyle said.

"We have ground beef, two tomatoes, one onion, half a package of sliced cheese, mayo, mustard, and ketchup," Ben said.

"It looks like all we need are buns and fries," Kyle said. "You can come along and pick out what you want," he said.

They hopped in the car and headed down the street to the nearest store. "Any ideas what kind of fries you want?" Kyle asked while he parked the car and turned off the engine.

"I would like to try curly fries," Ben said.

"Okay, buns and curly fries," Kyle said. "Anything else?" he asked.

"Can I get a soda?" Ben asked.

"Okay, but one," Kyle said. "Drinking too much soda will give you kidney stones," he said.

"Oh, okay," Ben said. "I'll remember that," he said. They grabbed a bag of buns and a small bag of curly fries before heading to the drinks aisle. Ben grabbed a 20-ounce bottle of diet Pepsi. After paying for everything, they headed home.

Kyle started the grill outside while Ben made the patties. "I'll start the burgers, and you do the fries," Kyle said.

"Okay," Ben said. Ben read the instructions thoroughly before preheating the oven. He had just put the pan in the oven when Kyle entered.

"The burgers are almost ready," Kyle said. "Go ahead and set the table," he said.

"Okay," Ben said. Ten minutes later, the table was set and they were savoring their meal.

"For your age, you are a good cook," Kyle said.

"I had to learn because my father rarely cooked for himself," Ben said.

"Well, you will be able to be a kid from now on," Kyle said.

"I'd like to be able to do what other kids do," Ben said. "And go to the same school as my friend," he said.


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