
A New Beginning

Worthy awoke to the shrill sound of her alarm clock. She groaned, slapping the snooze button, and buried her face deeper into her pillows. The events of the previous night came rushing back, making her stomach churn. No longer the heiress, no longer living in luxury—she was just Worthy now.

"Time to face the music," she muttered to herself, reluctantly rolling out of bed.

Her spacious penthouse, which was once a symbol of her status, now felt like a reminder of what she had lost. She shuffled into the bathroom, splashed cold water on her face, and examined her reflection. Determined green eyes stared back at her.

"Alright, Worthy," she said to her reflection. "You've got this. You're smart, resourceful, and... you have an excellent wardrobe."

An hour later, she was dressed in her favorite power suit—a sleek, navy blue number that made her feel invincible. She called Max, who, predictably, answered on the first ring.

"Morning, sunshine!" he chirped. "Ready to conquer the world?"

"Max, can you meet me at The Brew in ten?" she asked, ignoring his chipper tone.

"Absolutely. I'll bring the caffeine," he replied.

The Brew was a quaint coffee shop tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. It was far from the opulent cafes she was used to, but it had charm—and free Wi-Fi. Worthy found a corner table and waited for Max, nervously tapping her fingers on the wooden surface.

Moments later, Max breezed in, carrying two large lattes. His messy hair and easygoing smile instantly made her feel better.

"Here you go," he said, sliding one of the cups toward her. "Extra shot, just how you like it."

"Thanks, Max," she said, taking a grateful sip. "I needed this."

"So, what's the plan, Worthy?" Max asked, leaning back in his chair. "World domination? Revenge? Or both?"

Worthy sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I need to figure out what to do next. I can't just sit around and mope."

"Well, you could always get a job," Max suggested with a wink.

"A job? Me? Doing what?" Worthy scoffed.

"Anything you want," he replied. "You're Worthy Winthrop. You can do anything."

Worthy pondered this for a moment. She did have skills, even if they were mostly related to managing social events and charity functions. Maybe Max was right—maybe it was time to put those skills to use in a different way.

"Okay, let's start small," she said, pulling out her laptop. "I'll update my résumé and start looking for opportunities."

Max raised an eyebrow. "Do you even have a résumé?"

"Well, no," Worthy admitted. "But how hard can it be?"

The next few hours were spent crafting the most impressive résumé she could muster, with Max providing moral support and occasional comic relief.

"'Expert in social networking,'" Max read aloud. "Does that mean you're great at planning parties or just good at Instagram?"

"Both," Worthy replied, rolling her eyes. "And don't forget 'proficient in crisis management.'"

"Like that time you saved Mrs. Harrington's chihuahua from the chocolate fountain?" Max asked with a grin.

"Exactly," she said, typing furiously. "That was a crisis if I've ever seen one."

By the time they finished, Worthy felt a strange sense of accomplishment. She had a plan—a small one, but a plan nonetheless. She would find a job, prove her worth, and rebuild her life from the ground up.

"Now, let's send this out to every company that will take me," she said, hitting the 'send' button with dramatic flair.

Max laughed. "That's the spirit. And remember, if all else fails, you can always come work at my startup."

"You mean your three-person operation in your garage?" she teased.

"Hey, we prefer the term 'boutique tech firm,'" he replied with a wink.

As they left The Brew, Worthy felt a renewed sense of purpose. She might have lost her title and her wealth, but she hadn't lost herself. And with friends like Max by her side, she knew she could handle whatever came her way.

"Watch out, world," she said under her breath. "Worthy Winthrop is coming back, better than ever."

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