
94.5/Auxiliary Chapter

Updated Chapter that will cover all of Ren's abilities as well as a short description of all the members of the Espada since I know there are a lot and it might be a bit confusing.


Dryae: Zanpakuto spirit that Ren was originally going to get before he had fused with Lawrence.

It is in a permanent state of bankai in the form of a wooden brown bokken. After absorbing Ikomikidomoe, it gained a black tsuba with a green flower pattern.

Evolution: Dryae is now capable of constantly evolving by eating other races. By eating blanks, she gains the ability to detonate trees. By eating zanpakuto spirits, she may gain the ability of one of those zanpakuto or create new ones all her own. The only limit of this ability is that she can only gain one evolution from each species.

Forest: Ren can create, grow, and manipulate tree branches in a variety of shapes and ways. Growth is rapid. Trees are resistant to fire, lightning, cutting, and blunt force making them much more powerful than normal trees. Due to absorbing blanks, the trees can now detonate themselves.

Nature Speak: Ren has the capability to communicate with nature, gaining information about their surroundings, attaining a deeper connection to them. This applies to plants, animals, the elements themselves, and even more.

Nature's Wrath: Ren can create a variety of storms and control them to a degree but can only create up to 2 at the same time. Blizzards, Firestorm, Hurricane, Rain, Sub-Zero Rain, Sandstorm, Thunderstorm, Tornado, earthquakes, tidal waves

Apocalpyse: Ren summons meteors that rain down destruction. Sizes range from small buildings to large islands.

Breathing Styles: Ren has innate knowledge of 14 breathing styles that each come with several techniques that can be used with those particular styles. This increases his already impressive physical abilities to another level.

- Styles he has: Sun, Moon, Water, Fire, Wind, Stone, Lightning, Love, Mist, Beast, Serpent, Insect, Sound, and Flower.

Orbit the stars, Dryae! (Hoshi o megure, Dryae!): a massive Hollow arm appears out of Ren's back that can attack foes on its own initiative.

Jot down their funeral, Dryae! (Okuri shiruse, Dryae!): Dryae transforms into a gargantuan Hollow-Dragon that is around the size of the Espada Yammy Llargo's Resurrección. In this form, she can unleash a cero-like breath attack and can spawn large treants by sending down seeds from her wings. These treants are comparable to Adjuchas-class hollows.

Hatch out and be ruined, Dryae! (Kaeri horobe, Dryae!): Dryae transforms into a large, humanoid Hollow, though still smaller than its previous release. While this form resembles a Vasto Lorde, similar to her zanpakuto spirit form except with a hole in her chest.

Dryae, Can't fear your own world!: ...Secret!


With Khorne defeated, Ren now has the powers of Khorne within himself. But since he is no chaos god, most of the powers have mutated in some way or weakened in some way with few staying as they were.

Gift of Arms - A weapon of the Blood God: This gives Ren 2 weapons to use due to no longer having Khorne within him, he can no longer use weapons that are purely Khorne's.

- Slaupnir: Spear used by Khorne's most loyal and devoted champion as well as his consort. After receiving the blessings of Khorne, it now has the ability to pierce through any defense.

- Firestorm Blade: A mighty greatsword, the Firestorm Blade is a massive straight sword engulfed in an impossibly bright nimbus of white fire. At the whim of its wielder, the blade can discharge great gouts of flame at targets within a considerable distance, burning its victims with overwhelming Warpfire.

--Flame Breath - A torrent of psychically-generated flames pour forth from the psyker's eyes and mouth, engulfing the target.

--Fiery Form - Bullets and shells pass straight through the pyromancer as he transforms into an incandescent being of living Warpfire, striking out at his foes and setting their souls ablaze.

--Fire Shield - With a sweep of his arms the psyker throws up a towering wall of flame to protect his allies.

--Spontaneous Combustion - Focussing his anger, the pyromancer can melt or incinerate his foes in a heartbeat. Yet when his rage boils over, the unfortunate victim's body explodes in a blast of ash and roaring flame. Who can say how many will fall victim to his wrath before it is sated?

--Sunburst - The psyker sings a wild song whose notes were old when the universe was young. As he does so, an incandescent aura appears about him, growing ever brighter and hotter with every refrain. Only when the song is ended does the aura explode, discharging its pent-up fury in a blinding, supernova flash.

--Molten Beam - The pyromancer claps his hands together and turns them outward towards the foe. As he does so, a white-hot beam of blazing energy bursts from his palms. It melts armour to slag and vaporises flesh, leaving only ghastly shadows in its wake

Gift of Beasts - Beasts or servants to aid his chosen: Without being tied to the blood god anymore, the summons are closer to fitting Ren's ideal type. Ren can summon up to 3 Tomb Stalkers.

The Tomb Stalker is a massive Necron robotic construct that serves as a guardian on Necron Tomb Worlds. The Tomb Stalker is an enormous mass of living-metal carapace teeming with flashing legs and possessed of a murderous will. Easily the size of a dozen men, this centipede-like robotic construct makes use of arcane Phase Generators, allowing it to stalk the Tomb World of its slumbering Necron lords, burrowing through solid ground.

It uses its powerful senses to trail its prey from kilometres away and can sense the frenzied rhythm of a panicked man's heartbeat through hundreds of metres of solid stone. The Stalker's immense size combined with its natural capacity for regeneration as a result of its Necrodermis carapace creates a nearly indestructible creature.

Gift of Flesh - Mutations that grant strength and ferocity: Permanent state. Ren has gained the physique of an Astartes with much stronger regeneration.

Gift of Will - Unbreakable willpower and bloodlust: This increases his skills in martial techniques such as hakuda, hoho, and zanjutsu. He becomes able to ignore any injury, illusion, and lack of stamina.

Gift of Title: Ren is able to use multiple other gifts at once

Elixir of Life. Formerly, The Curse of Chaos: By mixing in the beast god's blood, Ren is able to turn Arrancar into Asura.

King's Armor, Formerly, Crimson Crown - This crown allows Ren to replace the Hōgyoku in the Arrancar creation process. By wearing the crown himself, Ren gains a powerful armor that has excellent defensive capabilities



Tier: Current Strongest. Ren's lover/wife. Former Arrancar but now an Asura. She can casually give orders to any of the members of the Moon Corps but usually is training in the dungeon or spending time with the other female Espada members if she is not with Ren.

Arturo: Ancient, natural Arrancar. He has a unique ability to manipulate a certain type of energy. Even with all their years of training, only Tier is assured victory over him in battle while all others would be close calls.

Stark: 3rd strongest of the Espada. Another natural Arrancar. Besides spending time with his fraccion, Stark can rarely be seen outside of official duties.

Shin: 4th Strongest of the Espada. His wild combat style and powerful zanpakuto make him a dangerous foe. Lover of Emilou.

Kyou: 5th Strongest. She is the manager of the Moon Corps. Anything that needs to be done, goes through her. If she is unable to do it, she will let Ren know and have him do it himself. Her words carry the same weight as Ren's when it comes to members of the Moon Corps.

Baiken: 6th Strongest. Still in her growing phase but showing much promise. Ren's 'sister' that he adopted after the Mist Rebellion. Even with only a single-arm and eye, Baiken is a threat to anyone who dares to battle her, especially those who underestimate her.

Emilou, Cyan, and Franceska: 7th Strongest. Individually, all their strengths are about equal. When they work together, they can challenge those in the top 3 of the Espada, especially when they use their resurrecion and Ayon.

Ulquiorra: 8th strongest. A powerful Vasto Lorde who had become an Arrancar with Ren's help. Unpredictable due to his mostly passive nature but seems very loyal. Was the only Arrancar to have a second resurrecion in the original timeline.

Nelliel: 9th Strongest. Another Vasto Lorder who had become an Arrancar under Ren. The woman has a mostly cold and distant personality but is very professional and loyal to Ren.

Kakyo: 10th Strongest. She has the same zanpakuto that Tosen would have had. With her abilities, she is a powerful combatant that can take on most mid-tier captains. Lover of Naoko.

Naoko: 11th Strongest. One of the oldest members and had been around since Ren had first taken over. Even though he is not the most powerful, his experience makes him someone that few can take lightly. Lover of Kakyo.

Grimmjow: 12th Strongest. Currently, the weakest of the Espada since he had only recently gained his Arrancar form and has yet to fill his reserves to their maximum as they were when he was a Hollow. Even still, he is not to be underestimated due to his wild and violent fighting style.

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