

Ever woke up one day and felt an odd sensation in your veins ?

But you ignored the feeling anyways , you're awake already and the day has began so what could possibly go wrong?

Just so you thought until everything came crashing right before your eyes,beyond your imagination .

My name is Halimah,my friends call me Lee and this is the the story of how I became a pauper from being a priceless princess.


It was on a Thursday morning on the twentieth day of the month of February, year 2020.

I woke up with all aches on my body, the moodswing ,the never ending chore at home ,yeah as a princess of the house I can do away with anything I do but not chores ,especially when my strict big sis is at home, i must do the chores like it or not.

After the chores I had to rush to the toilet and have my shower before I'll lazinely retire to my mini bed. Luckily for me it's my day off!

While in the toilet,it felt like I was hearing several noises, so I switched off the shower maybe I've being called and no way I'll hear with the noise from the rushing shower.

I observed for a moment, I could hear a sound again then decided to continue, it might be my illusions playing with me,

Then I heard a louder sound at the attempt for me to turn on the shower again,

Fear had gotten every part of me and consumed me whole,I took my towel to bounce out of the bathroom then I heard another sound ,then I realized that was a gun's sound .


I was about rushing outside cause it too silent out there, then I noticed a shadow pointing a pistol forward while it tiptoes, I retreated quietly and briskly move backward,I took an iron piece,from the wardrobe that had broken two months ago and was to be fixed soon,well good thing it wasn't yet.

The person continued to move forward quietly while I was already behind my bedroom door, holding the iron in my hands tightly.while I wait for him and watch through the door,as he finds his way to my.room

Still couldn't see the person's face,the closer the shadow gets the faster my heart beats and the more fear consumes me,and the boom he enters the room, his back facing me,curiously roaming every corner of my room standing at a position,my breath got heavier and I know I have to control my emotions now more than ever.

The mysterious tall guy decided to head back outside after finding nothing,just then the iron in my hands made a faint sound, heating the doorknob,my heart almost fell out my chest.

He slowly began to move toward where I was standing, my breaths resisting my controls,he lift up the curtain that was covering me, then our eyes met for a second, he brought up the gun aiming at me,out of control I just heat the iron on his hands with my trembling hands and body.

He mourned in pain while his gun laid flat under my feet,I took up the gun and aimed at him straight away,I couldn't believe where I got that audacity from,I mean I am holding a goddam gun like those guys in Si-fi movies.

He begged me to not pull the trigger but it was too late.

I just fired at him with panick and my room curtains and the floor was drenched with his blood.

I rushed outside hoping my sister had left before this God knows who came to make turn the house to a haunted ground.

On reaching the Palour I saw my sister in a pull of blood,

I froze,uncontrollable tears rolling down my baby chicks,I dropped to the ground face down, wailing.

Then I heard a sound,cry?

Looking up I saw my sister's face with tears and blood all over her,turns out our pet and her favourite puppy was short and she was cuddling him while crying. I ran to hug but she pushed me away instead.

Like seriously?I nearly got killed a seconds ago and all she cares about was a life of a puppy Rather than finding help to rescue me and she won't even hug me?

Few minutes later the police came to the house, got the body of the guy out and searched round the house for further evidence,I was arrested the same moment charging me for a murder,

And guess what?,my sister was the one who told them to arrest me.

That's how my ordinary day became the most horrific day of my life..