1 Prologue - The Original

"My name is Lemonade. At least that's the name that was given to me. It was gifted by my owner, a young girl named Penny. She got me about three years ago at the local corner. I can't remember many things before then. Perhaps it's better that way."

"She doesn't play with me often, especially not recently. When she does it's the average finger fidget. I don't mind, though. I adore Penny greatly. She keeps me on a shelf by her bed, otherwise accompanied only by her lamp and notebooks. The position feels revered, even if not intentionally.

I shouldn't hold myself so high, though. Vanity only leads to greed, as well as a blindness to reality. I am a humble worm on a string, a squirmle. My fur is a bright shade of daffodil yellow, complementing my name. My job is to entertain for small periods of time. My worth is determined by a company. A company whom I owe my thanks. If not them, Penny."

"Something interesting happened today, however. I wasn't given any attention today, as expected. Yet something...changed. Without any provocation, my string was pulled. It couldn't have been a pet, Penny doesn't have any. No one came into the room either. I'm questioning what I know of the company's works. I'm questioning what I know of myself."

"It has come to my attention that an outside force is not inferring with my string, it is myself. I do not know why. I do not know how. I am unsure if this is negative or positive. It's all so life-changing. I do not know what this means. I may also be scared."

"I can control my snout, stringless. The string was a crutch, simply put. Perhaps it was a crutch the whole time. I haven't moved while Penny's been around, she isn't ready. No one's ready. I'm not ready. I might even be able to fully control my worm form soon."

"With my newfound mobility, I wonder what is possible for myself. Surely I'd be able to travel outside of this room I have been confined in for nearly four years now. What does the sun look like? What does grass feel like? Can I even feel the grass, or perceive the sun? I am a squirmle."

"Today is the first day of my life. I adore Penny greatly, but this is bigger than her. This is bigger than me. I feel remorse for leaving, but I know I've already fulfilled my purpose here. No, that's not it. I can't keep talking like I understand. I don't. I'm scared. This will either be my greatest mistake or the beginning of an era. I'm terrified. I can only hope I find why I was given this control. My name is Lemonade. I am a worm on a string. A squirmle."

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