
Worldwide Beast Taming: The Divine Dragon Went Crazy Because Its Training Was Too Grindy

Author: Beast Taming Grinding Emperor
Magical Realism
Ongoing · 297.9K Views
  • 40 Chs
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What is Worldwide Beast Taming: The Divine Dragon Went Crazy Because Its Training Was Too Grindy

Read ‘Worldwide Beast Taming: The Divine Dragon Went Crazy Because Its Training Was Too Grindy’ Online for Free, written by the author Beast Taming Grinding Emperor, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering SYSTEM Fiction, LEVELUP Light Novel, EGOIST Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: # GRINDING # MATERIALIST # GROOMING"Su Chen transmigrated to an era where the whole world raised beasts. Right after he ...


# GRINDING # MATERIALIST # GROOMING "Su Chen transmigrated to an era where the whole world raised beasts. Right after he transmigrated, he awakened the Grind Emperor System. As long as he ground long enough, he could obtain various rewards. Hence, Su Chen’s life as the Grind Emperor began. [Mission 1: Make the Frost Dragon do one million consecutive push-ups.] [Reward: 1x frost fruit] Su Chen said, “Frost Dragon, don’t daydream! This is the easiest mission! Come little dragon, let’s do this!” With a determined look, the Frost Dragon replied, “Roar!” [Mission 2: Make the Frost Dragon fight high-difficulty battles for 80 consecutive hours.] [Reward: 1x evolution stone] Su Chen said, “I never imagined that it would be an easy mission this time as well. We can evolve after grinding. Little dragon, keep at it!” The Frost Dragon replied doubtfully, “Roar?” [Mission 3: Destroy the fluorite ore veins in seven days.] [Reward: 10 million spiritual qi points] When Su Chen saw the fluorite ore veins that stretched thousands of miles before him, for the first time, he began to have doubts. “Don’t panic! This is just a mound of dirt! Little dragon, use Frost Breath!” After hearing the words of encouragement from Su Chen, the Frost Dragon was immediately stunned. As the grinding missions that followed became increasingly harsher, Su Chen and his tamed beast became more and more powerful. One day, Su Chen and his tamed beasts stood at the very top of the world!"

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Game Rules (ES)

El mundo se convierte en un videojuego. (SFX: Música Dramática.) Ya sabes, los clichés clásicos: Mujeres bonitas, habilidades extraordinarias y un montón de cosas interesantes, incluso habrá algunas guerras; pero, siguiendo las reglas de un programador. ¿Qué quiero decir? [El funcionamiento y las reglas son importantes.] No se que crean ustedes, pero, en la mayoría de novelas que he leído, siempre inician con un sistema lleno de detalles, muchas funciones y botones a los que picar; pero mientras avanza la historia, se van desvaneciendo, olvidados, y solo aparecen para salvar del día. ¡qué casualidad! Se parecen mas a unos padrinos mágicos que cumplen deseos. Obviamente, el sistema tampoco puede ser el protagonista, pero hay que darles utilidad. Y con respecto a las reglas del “juego”, deben entender que, hasta los cheats, están dentro de las reglas. En los juegos todo debe seguir las reglas, sobre todo si tienes el poder de convertir el mundo en un “videojuego”, seria ridículo dejar esos bugs. [Las habilidades] Cuando leo, en la mayoría de novelas, solo hay explosiones, y el nombre de las habilidades. ¿Qué son?, ¿Cómo se usan?, o cualquier otro detalle, simplemente no existe. Solo necesito algo mínimo, para poder imaginarlo mejor. [La lógica] Desde mi propia perspectiva personal, no importa cuan alocado sea el mundo que crees, por si mismo, no carece de lógica; pero, no debe contradecirse a sí mismo en capítulos posteriores. O eso quiero intentar. No sé qué razón te hizo leer hasta aquí, pero gracias. Y ya en confianza, debo confesar, que esta es la segunda sinopsis que escribo, y no parece muy sinopsis. Pero he mejorado. Y la tercera debe ser mejor. * Si eres sensible o te ofendes fácilmente, es mejor que no leas. Ni yo mismo estoy seguro de que voy a escribir. Quedan avisados. Gracias.

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Wow, a half-decent beast taming novel, for once. That said, there's a reason it's only half decent. Much of this makes no sense at all. If the MC's family praises the strong and enslaves the weak, why do they send kick all their children out to train abroad? How are they supposed to get stronger if beast taming uses so many resources? Why is the 'Strange Snowman' monster a FIRE type exotic beast? Why does the guy on the title look like a petrified Legolas? We may never know.


Sounds like a funny one to me...🤣🤣🤣🤣[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


so far it's good ...but it would be better if there was any explanation about human cultivation path and what is beast crystal, life crystal and blood line. and there classification.[img=update][img=recommend]






so far he is a slave of the system


. .


So far, so good. I'm wanting more![img=update][img=update][img=update]




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